L. Field Whitbeck Deadwood newspaper correspondent 1876 - 1883
1 Whitbeck to return. 1897
2 Deadwoods fire department. 1891
3 Young returns from balmy south land. 1891
4 Whitbeck reported at St. Louis. 1891
5 Whitbeck reported at Chicago Herald. 1890
6 Fire alarm ready for active service. 1890
7 Election proclamation. 1890
8 LaRose funeral. 1890
9 Official directory. 1890
10 Passenger lists November 23. 1890
11 City council meeting December 1. 1890
12 Annual fire department meeting. 1890
13 City council meeting July 24. 1890
14 City council meeting July 7. 1890
15 City council meeting May 26. 1890
16 Pioneer association meeting. 1889
17 Water restrictions. 1889
18 Neat job on city hall. 1889
19 Post office petition. 1889
20 Election proclamation. 1888
21 Passenger lists August 21. 1888
22 Whitbeck to be absent one month. 1888
23 City council meeting July 9. 1888
24 July 4th tournament rules. 1888
25 Passenger lists May 30. 1888
26 Plans for the Fourth of July. 1888
27 Fire board meeting. 1888
28 Fourth of July celebrations. 1888
29 Whitbeck returns from eastern visit. 1887
30 Council adopts serving minors resolution. 1887
31 Passenger lists Jan. 11. 1887
32 South Deadwood officers elected. 1887
33 Statehood -- proceedings of convention. 1887
34 South Deadwood annual meeting. 1887
35 Officers nominated for ensuing year. 1887
36 Admission as a whole. 1887
37 Annual meeting of fire department. 1887
38 Passenger lists Sept. 30. 1887
39 Whitbeck at Gotham. 1887
40 Bonds at par and above. 1887
41 Resolution for bulkheading Whitewood creek. 1887
42 Passenger lists Aug. 28. 1887
43 Dog ordinance amended. 1887
44 Council runs into the wee hours. 1887
45 Proposal for city bonds. 1887
46 Hose benefit opens new opera house. 1887
47 The firemen May 17. 1887
48 Deadwood council -- old and new. 1887
49 Benefit performance. 1887
50 The firemen -- department meeting. 1887
51 Election proclamation. 1887
52 The mayoralty -- for Sol Star. 1887
53 From our Whitbeck. 1887
54 Whitbeck to reach here Wednesday. 1887
55 District court March 24. 1887
56 The laddies March 23. 1887
57 The laddies Feb. 22. 1887
58 Homestake Hose benefit tomorrow. 1887
59 Good move -- firemens association. 1887
60 This weeks fire detail. 1887
61 Deadwood Hose nominates candidates. 1886
62 From our Whitbeck. 1886
63 Passenger lists Dec. 19. 1886
64 Whitbeck departs for New York. 1886
65 South Deadwood Hose annual meeting. 1886
66 Old pioneers. 1886
67 Pioneers of 76. 1886
68 Passenger lists July 7. 1886
69 A loyal spouse throws absentee party. 1886
70 Report on city affairs. 1886
71 Mac and Whitbeck at Ruby. 1886
72 Ayres for Third ward councilman. 1886
73 The laddies and their alarm fund. 1886
74 Trade statistics. 1886
75 Gold watch raffle. 1886
76 Fire meeting. 1886
77 Butler thanks fire department. 1886
78 Fire department gives thanks. 1886
79 The emperor chained. 1886
80 Early Hour club leases new rink. 1885
81 District court. 1885
82 Warner receives beautiful present. 1885
83 Arrivals and departures. 1885
84 Annual meeting of South Deadwood Hose. 1885
85 A card from Whitbeck. 1885
86 Last day of the fair. 1885
87 Deadwood Hose team welcomed home. 1885
88 Manager Whitbeck back from Sioux Falls. 1885
89 Hunter in from Pierre. 1885
90 In Sioux Falls. 1885
91 Deadwood running team arrives at Pierre. 1885
92 The laddies. 1885
93 From our boys. 1885
94 Departing laddies. 1885
95 Running team announced. 1885
96 A rouser. 1885
97 Entire running team out for running. 1885
98 Polo at Lead. 1885
99 Lead victorious. 1885
100 Who the people want. 1885
101 Casperson electric lamp makes as much light as four ordinary lamps, costs half a cent an hour to supply coal oil, equals fifty sperm candles. 1884
102 L.F. Whitbeck, who came to the Hills in 1876 as a newspaper correspondent, and who has since that date been connected with the press of this city as editor, takes his departure this morning for New 1884
103 Arrivals at the Merchants Hotel. 1884
104 Plumed Knights meet. 1884
105 G.A.R. elects officers. 1884
106 Greenwood report. 1884
107 Illustrated Black Hills. 1884
108 G.A.R. Fourth of July ball. 1884
109 Fourth of July ball announces committees. 1884
110 Simmons sent him a sample of tin ore from Rapid 1883
111 Whitbeck, of the Pioneer, was out sleighing yestrday, the only newspaper man in the Hills lucky enough to be invited. 1883
112 W.H. Wright of the Times, L.F. Whitbeck of the Pioneer, and Harry Damon, all old timers, and hearty sympathizers, will please act as a committee to collect money for bringing Reverend Mr. Smiths f 1883
113 Attending to Carls seed business during absence 1883
114 Most graceful writer in territory, best newspaperm 1883
115 Citizens want Steele to run for mayor, sign petiti 1883
116 Statement of losses by Ddwd citizens from flood 1883
117 Household furnishings all gone, valued at $2000. 1883
118 Has gone into the weather predicting business 1883
119 Board of Trade discusses rebuilding Boulder Park T 1883
120 How The Fourth will be celebrated in Deadwood 1883
121 Mrs Whitbeck will leave tomorrow for New York 1883
122 Mrs W & son left for N.Y., "Whit" mourneth greatly 1883
123 Fourth dawned clear, celebration was splendid success. 1883
124 Meeting discussed bonding the floating indebtednes 1883
125 Meeting called to consider bonding not largely att 1883
126 Severed connections with Pioneer Newspaper 1883
127 Gone back to old love, The Pioneer Newspaper 1883
128 Secretary of citizens meeting 1882
129 Attended Homestake banquet 1882
130 Attendance at library meeting was large & enthusia 1882
131 Birth, boy, December 19, his first "proof" 1882
132 Elected Secretary of Sons of Methuselah committee 1882
133 Notice of thanks to helpers of "Esmeralda" show 1882
134 Deadwood Library Association met at court house 1882
135 In Deadwood 1882
136 Leaves Deadwood 1882
137 Democrat reporter visited Gilmore, there at execut 1882
138 Among suckers invariably paying for Als drinks 1882
139 No longer with Pioneer, withdrew from public life 1882
140 Made happy by arrival of Mrs, spent summer in NY 1882
141 In Deadwood 1882
142 Smoothest, most graceful & poignant writer in Hill 1882
143 Citizens meet to establish library & reading room 1882
144 Visiting old home in York state, gone two months 1882
145 Opinions of the Pioneer news are not his 1881
146 On gift list, Baird-Carroll wedding 1881
147 Decorated chapel for Thanksgiving service 1881
148 On gift list, Baird-Carroll wedding 1881
149 Letter to Cormack requesting to deliver lecture 1881
150 S. Deadwood judge of election 1881
151 Hose foreman full of budge at Fountain City fire 1881
152 "Times" threatens to print whole account of behavi 1881
153 Cuffed Whitbecks ears at Fountain City fire 1881
154 Wife of editor returning from east with husband 1881
155 Editors wife makes first visit to our city 1881
156 Returns from eastern visit with wife 1881
157 Pioneer editor to return from east with wife 1881
158 Is fatter & sleeker since his return from the east 1881
159 Prominent young Dwd man takes in Lead 1881
160 Pioneer editor to go east 1881
161 Candidate for city clerk 1881
162 Maj. Snider to replace Whitbeck as editor 1881
163 Was living a life of shame with woman of bad reput 1881
164 Present at the Pioneer citizens meeting 1881
165 Pioneer editor should be city clerk 1881
166 Note to "Times" of his treatment by Moody 1881
167 Judge of election, South Deadwood 1881
168 Judge assails Whitbeck from "Times" columns 1881
169 Only passenger on the Custer coach 1881
170 Editor met with discouragement regarding Warner 1881
171 In Dwd, tells Whitbeck of Warner & bullion tax 1881
172 Pioneer editor to be assisted by Utley 1881
173 Of the Pioneer, at the firemens fair 1881
174 Whitbeck has resumed editorial management 1881
175 Presented Miss Lord pair of gold sleeve buttons 1881
176 Editor of Pioneer has resigned the position 1881
177 Turned the hose on L.F. Whitbeck during fire 1881
178 Received pair of gold sleeve buttons from Whitbeck 1881
179 Whitbeck did not want Mrs Simmons to testify 1880
180 Wants to keep Mrs Simmons from being a witness 1880
181 Testified to the character of Whitbeck 1880
182 Telegraphed news of Brainards death to his father 1880
183 Annual report of South Deadwood Hose Company 1880
184 Trying to enveigle 2,000 women to come to hills 1880
185 Allen & up-gulch clan to meet Ddwd spelling champs 1880
186 Central City grateful to hose companies for servic 1880
187 Spelling tournament between up gulch camps & Ddwd 1880
188 Those seeing phonograph recommend others view it 1880
189 Primaries so far give Bennett a large majority 1880
190 Fire tax to be given to the fire companies 1880
191 A fiendish racket, pure unadulterated cussedness 1880
192 Special meeting of the South Deadwood Hose co. 1880
193 On trial for contempt, case dismissed 1880
194 Experienced vertigo attack during hose co. run 1880
195 Brought up on charge of contempt of court 1880
196 Testified against Whitbeck on contempt charge 1880
197 Testified in the Whitbeck contempt case 1880
198 On committee of arrangements for July 4th celebrat 1880
199 Helped Miss Glass put out fire on the roof 1880
200 Looked stunning in uniform of South Ddwd Hose Co. 1880
201 Martin recovering his sight, should be alright 1880
202 Fined $50 & cost of prosecution for Martin shootin 1880
203 Case was resumed at the convening of court 1880
204 Attorneys ask for continuance, witnesses absent 1880
205 To take the job at Pioneer given up by Utley 1880
206 Testified in the Whitbeck trial 1880
207 Whitbeck testified he was trying to protect her 1880
208 Testified to the character of Whitbeck 1880
209 Testified in the Whitbeck trial 1880
210 Testified in the Whitbeck trial, colored 1880
211 Testified in the Whitbeck trial 1880
212 Testified to the character of Whitbeck 1880
213 Addressed the jury in the Whitbeck trial 1880
214 Addressed the jury in the Whitbeck trial 1880
215 Dr testified in the Whitbeck trial 1880
216 In Chicago, unable to testify in Whitbeck trial 1880
217 Testified in the Whitbeck trial 1880
218 Addressed the jury in the Whitbeck trial 1880
219 Testified in the Whitbeck trial 1880
220 Testified to the character of Whitbeck 1880
221 Testified to the character of Whitbeck 1880
222 Judge in Custer, unable to testify in Whitbeck tri 1880
223 Meeting of pedestrians, arrangements completed 1879
224 New indictment against him, bail reduced to $1,000 1879
225 The South Deadwood Hose Company No 1 1879
226 Will resign his position on the Evening News 1879
227 South Deadwood hose company No 1 organized 1879
228 Charged with assault with intent to kill 1879
229 Rumored he has severed his connection with Pioneer 1879
230 Arraigned before Colman, bond set at $3,000. 1879
231 L.F. Whitbeck elected secretary of Fire department 1879
232 Appointed secretary for Fourth of July celebration 1879
233 Annual election for officers of the city fire dept 1879
234 Bills allowed by board of county commissioners 1879
235 Has severed his connection with the Enterprise 1879
236 Can testify as to Knights journalistic abilties 1879
237 Has taken over the head of the Enterprise Newspape 1879
238 Has leased the Enterprise office to continue paper 1879
239 Would look just as well with a smaller nose 1879
240 Youre a villian for referring to such a thing! 1879
241 L.F. Whitbeck elected secretary of the department 1879
242 Whitbeck has severed his connection with the paper 1879
243 Ball on July fourth not open to improper persons. 1878
244 Agent for Whitehead Brothers, India Rubber Goods 1878
245 Put bible verse in article, no one could quote it 1878
246 To begin publication of semi-monthly paper 1878
247 Printers Ball, to be held Thanksgiving night 1878
248 Night watchmen meeting 1878
249 Meeting of the members of the press, plan ball 1878
250 Masons raising money for Yellow Fever sufferers 1878
251 Leaves Deadwood 1878
252 Gentlemen mentioned in election of fire department 1878
253 Firemens Ball, Committee of Arrangements 1878
254 Fire Election, Firemans convention 1878
255 Fire Department meeting 1878
256 Done the ink-slinging 1878
257 Deadwood Hose Company, described uniform 1878
258 Committee Meeting for organization of fire departm 1878
259 Severed his connections with this paper 1878
260 Says he was one of the men who cut down bodies 1878
261 Reporter for Enterprise at Couk trial 1878
262 Printers Ball, to be held Thanksgiving night 1878
263 Of Saint Paul plans to come to Deadwood 1878
264 New Territory 1878
265 Local editor of the Times arrived last evening 1878
266 Local editor of Times will arrive from east today 1878
267 Left for St. Paul to meet family en route to Hills 1878
268 Grand Charity Ball for Yellow Fever Sufferers 1878
269 George W. Keating & O.B. Davis Hung by Vigilantes 1878
270 Elected as Secretary of Fire Department 1878
271 Appointed sole agent for Whitehead Brothers 1878
272 Agent for Whitehead Brothers, India rubber goods 1878
273 Agent for Whitehead Brothers, India rubber goods 1878
274 Agent for Whitehead Brothers, India Rubber Goods 1878
275 Firemens Ball to be given on 4th of July. 1878
276 Whitbeck, L. Field did not write derogatory statem 1877
277 Whitbeck, F. of Chicago arrives in Deadwood 1877
278 Whitbeck of Chicago arrives in Deadwood 1877
279 Writes letter of barreness of Big Horn Country 1877
280 Whitbeck, L. Field of New York Sun in Deadwood 1877
281 Whitbeck, L. Field is Eastern correspondent 1877
282 Whitbeck, L. Field in Deadwood 1877
283 Whitheck, L.F. of Red Cloud arrives in Deadwood 1877
284 Whitebeck, L.F. in Deadwood 1877
285 Whitebeck, L.F. correspondent, Chicago Times 1877
286 Whitbeck, L.F. takes Chas. Hurlbut to court 1877
287 Whitbeck, L.F. secretary of Peoples Convention 1877
288 Whitbeck, L.F. secretary Republican convention 1877
289 Hurlburt stole Mr Whitbecks horse 1877
290 Whitbeck & Burns write no gold in Big Horns 1877
291 Whitbeck, L.F. returns from Big Horn expedition 1877
292 Whitbeck writes letter of barreness of Big Horn 1877
293 Whitbeck, L.F. reporter, horse stolen 1877
294 Whitbeck, L.F. on Committee at Peoples Convention 1877
295 Whitbeck, L.F. in Deadwood 1877
296 Whitbeck, L.F. horse stolen by Hurlburt (Hurlbut) 1877
297 Whitbeck, L.F. appointed by Court to stenograph 1877
298 Whitbeck, L.F. Waterloo NY in Deadwood 1877
299 Whitbeck, L.F. Masonic Social, St. Johns Eve. 1877
300 Whitbeck, L. Field, stenographing, $85.00 1877
301 Whitbeck, L. Field writes from Reno Wy. 1877
302 Whitbeck, L. Field takes trip back east 1877
303 Whitbeck, L. Field stenographing $85.00 from count 1877
304 Whitbeck, L. Field presents bill to board 1877