Seth Bullock date of birth July 24, 1847, Sandwich, Ontario, Canada, date of death September 23, 1919, cancer, buried Mount Moriah Cemetery, Deadwood, Lawrence County, South Dakota.
Seth Bullock immigrated to the United States in 1867, settling in Helena, Montana. Seth Bullock and partner Sol Star relocated their business to Deadwood, Lawrence, South Dakota, August 2, 1876.
Seth Bullock's family:
Wife Marguerite Martha Eccles, noted born Ohio in 1880 Fed Census and in Michigan in the 1900 Fed Census, death March 1939.
Daughter Madge Bullock, born Montana about 1875, would marry Mr. Mackall.
Daughter Florence Floy Bullock, born Michigan October 3, 1878, would marry Chambers Kellar about 1902, residence Lead, Lawrence, South Dakota.
Son, Stanley Bullock, born Oct 1, 1880, Deadwood, South Dakota, would marry Agnes May Lee, born about 1881 Nebraska, residence Belle Fourche, Butte, South Dakota. Agness Bullock is noted as a widow in the 1920 Fed Census, Chicago Ward 7, Cook (Chicago), Illinois; however Stanley Bullock, born October 1, 1880 South Dakota, died March 1964, New Mexico, per social security records.
1880 Federal Census
Name, Home in 1880, Est. Age, Birthplace, Race, Gender, Occupation
Name, Home in 1900, Date of Birth Mo and Year, Age, No Years Married, Birthplace, Race, Gender, Occupation, Yr Came to US, No Yrs in Us, Naturalization
Stanley Bullock, 3-WD Belle Fourche, Butte, South Dakota, 31, South Dakota, White, Male, Real Estate Insurance
Wife, 3-WD V, Butte, South Dakota, 29, Nebraska, White, Female
Daughter, Florence, 3-WD Belle Fourche, Butte, South Dakota, 1yr 10 mo, Nebraska, White, Female
Seth Bullock family genealogy:Father George Bullock born about 1804 England, death Ontario, Canada.Mother Agnes Findley born about 1817 Scotland, death Ontario, Canada.Marriage about 1836 Canada.1851 Census Canada West (Ontario), Essex County, Sandwich township, census age as of next birthday, father George Bullock age 47 born England, wife Agnes Bullock age 34 born Scotland, children noted in census as Elizabeth Bullock age 13 born Canada, Joseph Bullock age 11 born Canada, Agnes Bullock age 9 born Canada, Jessie Bullock age 7 born Canada, Seth Bullock age 5 born Canada, James Bullock age 3 born Canada, Charles Bullock age 1 born Canada.