Nathan Colman Deadwood's German Hebrew Pioneer, Miner, Attorney, Post Master of Beaver City, Germania, grocer, Officer Hebrew Benevolent Society, Justice of the Peace of South Deadwood, examining titles a specialty, shoe repair shop proprietor, Republican club, Republican party member and delegate Watertown convention, Probate Judge and Administrator, silver coronet player and musician in brass band, billiard hall and saloon owner, secretary of fire department, Shareholder in South Deadwood Carbonate Mining Co, opens branch of Berlin Bakery, notary public, Board of equalization Lawrence County Commissioners, brokerage firm, Deadwood City Councilman, Director South Deadwood Hose Company, officer Deadwood Liederkranz Society, real estate business, census enumerator, collection business, Whist parlor, Bual Brith, officer Modern Woodmen of America, Coal discovery Felix Mining Company.
Nathan Colman, also referred in print as Nathan Coleman Deadwood days 1877 - June 7, 1906 Death 56 years, buried Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Deadwood South Dakota
Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Deadwood, South Dakota, Family Burials
Colman, Nathan, b. 1850, d. June 7, 1906, age: 56Y, Father, bur. Sec 4, Lot 108
Colman, Amalia, b. 1852, d. Apr 01, 1939, age: 87y, Mother, bur. Sec 4, Lot 109, without Nathan Colman
Colman, Bertha, b. Apr 1878, d. Oct 1878, age: 6m, bur. Nov 11, 1878, Sec 4, Lot 109, Baby
Colman, Gustav, b. 1879, d. Jan 09, 1891, age: 12y, bur. Sec 4, Lot 108
Colman, Rosa, b. 1882, d. Dec 26, 1887, age: 5Y, bur. Sec 4, Lot 109
Colman, Blanche, b. 1884, d. Sep 26, 1978, age: 94y, bur. Sec 4, Lot 107
Colman, Joseph, b. 1888, d. Jan 01, 1891, age: 3y, bur. Sec 4, Lot 108,
Colman, Theresa, b. 1891, d. Apr 30, 1972, age: 81y, bur. Sec 4, Lot 106
Honest Goods Sold at Honest Prices Miners, Clothiers, Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Attornies, Justice of Peace, Post Master, Mayor and Deadwood City Councilmen
Chambers Kellar and other Kellar Surnames
Kellar, Chambers, post office letter list 1889, Syndicate Hotel register 1894, US Court 1896 arrival Deadwood 1897
Kellar, Chambers C, Court fisticuffs 1896
Kellar, Wooley and Pecacho Difficulties 1878
Kellar, F Kellar, Frank Kellar, George Kellar, Gus Kellar, M Kellar Meat Market Kellar, R. A Kellar, Walter
I am interested in information about Nathan Colman, born Kugelmann in Hoof, Hessen, Germany. Lived in Denver, CO before moving to Deadwood. Served as postmaster, justice of the peace, and representative to territorial conference. Active in Republican politics. Wife, Amalia Oppenheimer Colman, born in Germany, had seven children -- only 3 survived, all female. Blanche became a lawyer -- one of the first women in SD to do so -- and worked for Chambers Kellar on behalf of Homestake. When she died in the 1970's she was (I believe) the last Jew in Deadwood. She had been living for years at the Franklin Hotel. Tess also lived at the Franklin Hotel and never married. I believe she served as Lawrence Co. auditor or treasurer. Anne was the only child who was married and had descendants. Her father performed the marriage ceremony. Nathan Colman was a first cousin to the Hattenbach brothers who settled in Deadwood (Aaron, Joseph, and Nathan).
Coleman, N. ad for "Good girl" general housework Coleman, N. Nov 06 1877
Nearly new coat -Found- on Sherman St., ad Coleman, Nathan Jan 02 1878
Received appointment as postmaster of Beaver Coleman, Nathan Apr 01 1878
Appointed Post Master of Beaver City, Germania Coleman, Nathan Apr 02 1878
Birth of daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Coleman Coleman, Nathan Apr 12 1878
Is in Sioux City on way east to organize stock co. Coleman, Nathan Jul 29 1878
In Deadwood Coleman, Nathan Aug 27 1878
Sherman St grocer, lost a child to Diphtheria Coleman, N. Oct 22 1878
Death of little child, died of diphtheria Coleman, N. Oct 23 1878
Officers elected to Hebrew Benevolent Society Coleman, N. Apr 16 1879
Incoming Freight from Bismarck Coleman, N. Apr 18 1879
Candidates for Justice of the Peace, South Ddwd Coleman, Nathan May 17 1879
Elected Justice of the Peace, South Deadwood Coleman, N. May 25 1879
County officers, Justices of the Peace, Deadwood Coleman, N. Jun 01 1879
Has fitted up an office in rear of McKinnis saloon Coleman, N. Jun 07 1879
Contributors to the Fourth of July celebration. Adams Brothers Ammerman, John. Arnault, Louisa. Atchison, George. Baer, Ben. Bauman, A. Bittinger, C. L. Bliss, J. T. Bloom, Sol. Bogy and Lawrenson. Borchers, C. Boyle and Cronin. Bramble, Downer T. Brendlinger, H. J. Brinnicke, William. Brisbois, Emma. Brown and Thum. Brown, M. H. Brown, William and Co. Browning and Wringrose. Bruce, James. Bull, W. H. Burnham and Co. Butler, S. B. Chase, Isaac H. Chase, M. G. Chew and Co. Christie, James. Clark. Clark, Ida. Clippinger, C. T. Colman. Cooley, J. C. Cornell, J. D. Cornforth, T. T. Crawford, Ed. Cuthbertson and Young. Davis, C. A. Dickinson, H. Eaves, Charles. Eggert, G. Fink, J. First National Bank. Fischel, M. Frank, N. Fullenwider, S. M. Gaffy, L. Gaston and Shankland. Geary, R. H. Gillette, D. M. Girard, M. and J. Goldberg, D. and J. Gottstein, M. Graves and Curtis. Hattenbach. Herrmann and Treber. Hetzel and Co. Hilary, Charles. Hildebrand and Harding. Hoffman. Holzman, D. Hurlbut Brothers. Ingram, F. Jacquemine, Charles B. Jensen and Bliss. Johnson, Mollie. Karcher, Charles. Kidd and Ben. Kimball, R. H. Kohn, A. Lake, Richard C. Large, A. Lawson, C. LeRoy, C. R. Levy, M. Liebmann, M. Liverman, Moses. Lottie. Mabbs Brothers. Mabel and Flora. Macy, J. A. Manning, John. Martin, D. R. Matthiessen and Goldberg.. McAleer, Jack. June 12 1879
Judge dismissed charges against Williams and Simms Coleman, Nathan Jun 13 1879
Committee to look into claims of Canal and Water Co. Coleman, Nathan Jun 19 1879
Issued warrant for Ingram, fight with Flaherty Coleman, Nathan Jun 22 1879
Justice of the Peace, S. Ddwd, titles a specialty Coleman, Nathan Jun 24 1879
Judge to hear case of "lady" spanking a gentleman Coleman, Nathan Jul 16 1879
Rewman had Warren escorted to Colemans court Coleman, Rewman, Paul Jul 16 1879
Judge did not appreciate black mans comment in court Coleman, Nathan Jan 13 1880
Judge said the matter was beyond his jurisdiction Colman, Nathan Jan 15 1880
Law a mockery and justice a farce Colman, Nathan Jan 15 1880
Baby in cigar box at Judge Colmans office Colman, Nathan Jan 20 1880
Fined Happy George $25 and costs, plus 30 days Colman, Nathan Jan 21 1880
Arrested Howard and took him before Judge Colman Spencer, Charley Jan 22 1880
Justices getting so they wont stand foolishness Coleman, Nathan Jan 27 1880
Blankenhouse on trial, in court yesterday Coleman, Nathan Jan 29 1880
Territorial and County Officers Coleman, Nathan Feb 01 1880
Judge attempting to adopt laws to stop holdups Coleman, Nathan Feb 10 1880
Judge has gone to Rochford, to be gone a few days Coleman, Nathan Feb 10 1880
Judge fined McMasters and McDonald $25 Coleman, Nathan Feb 13 1880
To have shoe repair shop in addition to law practice Colman, Nathan Feb 20 1880
Judge has gotten his shoe repair shop set up Colman, Nathan Feb 24 1880
Judge issued a warrant for Arthur for assault Coleman, Nathan Feb 25 1880
Many a dollar levied for school purposes in court Colman, Mar 10 1880
Judge advised boys that no fights are free fights Coleman, Nathan Mar 11 1880
Alleged forger to be brought before Coleman today Coleman, Nathan Mar 23 1880
Arraigned today on charge of assaulting Stokes Butch Mar 23 1880
Charges dismissed on motion of the prosecution Butch Mar 24 1880
Arnault and Blodgett asks for change of venue Colman, Nathan Mar 26 1880
Butch and Rierdon again arrested Butch Mar 27 1880
Case wont stick if evidence cant be impeached Butch Mar 30 1880
Judge convened his court yesterday, in his office Colman, Nathan Mar 31 1880
Evidence assuming different aspects Butch Mar 31 1880
Erudite attorneys tried to make point already made Butch Mar 31 1880
Colman to confer with Moody on point of contention Moody, Gideon C. Mar 31 1880
Testimony in the Stokes assault case Colman, Apr 01 1880
Scollard case comes up before Judge Coleman Coleman, Nathan Apr 01 1880
County Officers, Justice of the Peace Coleman, Nathan Apr 01 1880
Judge Colman dont like to be celebrated in poetry Butch Times Newspaper Apr 02 1880
Incoming freight from Bismarck Coleman, N. Apr 04 1880
Hockett skipped out, makes him look guilty Butch Apr 13 1880
This jumping lots is getting monotonous Colman, Apr 18 1880
Judge made $.50 for acknowledging a deed Colman, Nathan Apr 23 1880
Three robbers brought before Judge Colman Beaman, Hank Sheriff Brown, Mrs Apr 29 1880
Judge held two of the three accused of robbery Colman, Nathan Apr 29 1880
Judge is having severe time with sickness in family Colman, Nathan May 07 1880
Judge dismissed Atridge after hearing case Colman, Nathan Jun 01 1880
Did not decide against Crowe, jury of 8 did Colman, Nathan Jun 06 1880
Accused Colman of deciding against him, jury did Crowe, Jun 06 1880
Sent 2 to Hotel Manning for 7 days Coleman, Nathan Jun 06 1880
Moved his office into his new building on Sherman Colman, Nathan Jun 13 1880
Judge stuck on rather he had jurisdiction or not Colman, Nathan Jun 25 1880
Judge Colman fined Dr Lynch $10 and costs Lynch, Dr. Mayfield, Aug 12 1880
Primaries so far give Bennett a large majority Colman, Nathan Aug 15 1880
Wrestled all day yesterday with grand larceny case Colman, Nathan Aug 20 1880
List of delegates to county convention Colman, Nathan Aug 21 1880
Solid Bennett delegation will represent Lawrence County Colman, Nathan Aug 22 1880
Republican Club organized in South Deadwood Coleman, Nathan Sep 02 1880
Judge issued warrant for arrest of colleague, Judge Clark Colman, Nathan Sep 14 1880
Two cases against him in Judge Colmans court Campbell, R.D. Sep 14 1880
Judge in running for office of probate judge Colman, Nathan Sep 17 1880
Judge Colman took it easy on Judge Clarks charge Colman, Nathan Sep 18 1880
Marriage, to Barbara Cottrell, at Judge Colmans office Cottrell, P.E. Cottrell, Barbara Sep 21 1880
Candidate for office of probate judge Colman, Nathan Sep 22 1880
Clans gather on stormy banks of river of politics Colman, Nathan Sep 24 1880
Musicians from South Deadwood organize a brass band Colman, Nathan Sep 29 1880
Case of forcible entry moved from Colman to Clark Gline, Mary Oct 05 1880
Citizens of South Deadwood well satisfied with Judge Colman, Nathan Oct 30 1880
Case of forcible entry moved from Colman to Clark Colman, Nathan Oct 05 1880
Filed complaint for assault in Colemans court Reed, Mrs Oct 15 1880
Coronet playing made dogs howl and Whitaker get gun Coleman, Nathan Oct 15 1880
Life-long republican and a rustler, present incumbent Colman, Nathan Oct 21 1880
Pollock and Boyden added old room to photo gallery Colman, Oct 24 1880
South Deadwood republicans place his name in nomination Colman, Nathan Oct 26 1880
Judge seeing large crop of election broken heads Colman, Nathan Nov 03 1880
More hideous noise than Colman on silver cornet Colman, Nathan Nov 04 1880
Kicked charges of theft against McCarty out of court Colman, Nathan Nov 20 1880
Colman determining the equities of colored saloon African American. Nov 12 1880
Brought before Colman on charge of grand larceny Scaggs, A.E. Dec 17 1880
Has opened saloon since laying off judicial ermine Colman, Nathan Jan 20 1881
Inquires of Colmans fitness as attorney Corson, Dighton Jan 26 1881
Committee inquires Colmans fitness as attorney Dixon, Jan 26 1881
Man gave Sutherlands watch to bar owner for drinks Colman, Nathan Feb 11 1881
Gave money for July 4th celebration Colman, Nathan May 28 1881
To perform at St. Johns benefit concert Colman, May 31 1881
Judge will have addition erected to his building Colman, Nathan Jun 11 1881
Elected secretary of fire department Colman, Nathan Jun 15 1881
Judges tunnel is 1 of the most valuable properties Colman, Nathan Jun 16 1881
Judge intends to re-open his billiard hall/saloon Colman, Nathan Jun 17 1881
On committee of arrangements, July 4 grand ball Colman, Nathan Jun 24 1881
Shareholder in S Deadwood Carbonate Mining Co Colman, Nathan Aug 03 1881
Will go to W Virginia City in a few days Colman, Nathan Aug 10 1881
Petit juror responds to roll call Colman, Nathan Aug 16 1881
Petit juror responds to roll call Colman, Nathan Aug 16 1881
A fine garden for sale, ad Colman, Nathan Sep 01 1881
Excused by the prosecution in Leighton case Colman, Nathan Sep 06 1881
Testimony in the John Brown assault trial Coleman, Nathan Apr 04 1882
Will ride in car of state representing New Mexico Colman, Anna Jul 02 1882
Most remarkable curiosity shop on Sherman Street Colman, Nathan Jul 23 1882
Anybody to beat Pettigrew pow-wow Colman, Aug 20 1882
German citizens giving a picnic at Nelson Park Colman, N. Sep 13 1882
Delegates and alternates selected to attend convention Colman, N. Oct 15 1882
Announces himself candidate for probate judge Coleman, Nathan Oct 17 1882
Had gun pawned with him, didnt know it was stolen Coleman, Nathan Feb 20 1883
Informs Times he did not "pawn" gun, left at store Colman, Nathan Feb 21 1883
In Deadwood Coleman, N.M. Mar 28 1883
Citizens want Steele to run for mayor, sign petition Coleman, Nathan Apr 11 1883
New bakery opens in Wilsons old stand, Sherman St Berlin Bakery May 05 1883
Death, perished in flood with Chandler family Halhuten, Gustof May 20 1883
Comes to the front again a few doors above old building Berlin Bakery May 24 1883
Hired man that disappeared in flood, not found Halhuten, Gustaf May 26 1883
Body found in drift pile behind Rhodes warehouse Halhusen, Gustaf Deadwood Big Flood of 1883 May 27 1883
Raised sufficeient funds for Halhusens funeral Colman, Nathan May 29 1883
Colman and Borchers raised funds for decent burial Halhusen, Gustaf May 29 1883
Pall bearer for Gustaf Halhusen Colman, Nathan May 30 1883
Remains interred in Mt Moriah cemetery yesterday Halhusen, Gustaf May 30 1883
Contributions for construction of Deadwood St bridge Colman, Nathan Jun 03 1883
Proposal to rent a house to hook and ladder company Colman, Nathan Jun 12 1883
Wooden wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Treber Colman, N. Jun 12 1883
Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthday Colman, Jun 21 1883
Bought out and took charge of Berlin Bakery, Sherman Colman, Nathan Jun 30 1883
Colman bought out bakery, has full line of goodies Berlin Bakery Jun 30 1883
Building vacated on Main St being overhauled by Colman Lindbloom, Aug 22 1883
Overhauling and remodeling Lindblooms old building Colman, Nathan Aug 22 1883
Colman opens out Main St branch of Berlin Bakery Berlin Bakery Colman, Nathan Aug 25 1883
Fresh bread can be had of Fritz 3 times a day Berlin Bakery Sep 04 1883
From now on, will be run all night, every night Berlin Bakery Sep 05 1883
Staying with Borchers, drinking a lot, delusional Colman, Nathan Sep 18 1883
Death. Phillip at the Overland hotel yesterday morning, Morris Phillips aged 60 years. Deceased came to the Hills from San Francisco in 1877, and since that time has been variously employed, clerking, peddling and speculating. He has a brother, a wealthy man, a wife and one child in San Francisco. He was a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman, attending strictly to his own business, mingling but little with strangers. He has been afflicted with dropsy for three years, and all the time growing worse, until yesterday Nathan Colman became alarmed at his condition and removed him to the Overland, where he soon afterward breathed his last. His family have been telegraphed to, but up to a late hour last night no word had been received. Phillips, Morris. Colman, Nathan. Overland Hotel. November 11, 1883
County commissioners. August body met in solemn conclave yesterday, in special session, and when Roy, Evans, and Garland were seated, the latter called them to order, and stated the resignation of F.M. McLafresh had been tendered, and desired the pleasure of the board in the matter. Sam Roy moved that it be accepted, which was seconded, and carried, and the county was without an assessor. Quite a number of gentlemen, however, in the county, were willing to undertake the responsibilities, for the emoluments, and the board were immediately deluged with petitions and applications for appointment, prominent among which we noticed T.D. Murrin, of Central City, Hi John Ainly, of Lead City, Wood Fogleson, of Central City, Nathan Colman, of Deadwood, J.C. Jones, of Central, Kellar Kurtz, of Deadwood, W.C. Logan, of the valley, J.C. Hartman, valley, Fred Willard, of Spearfish. The chairman suggested that the business of appointing a successor to Mr. McLafresh be deferred to another day, in order to give the members of the board an opportunity to confer together, which was agreed to, and the expectant crowd retired. But little other business was transacted during the day, and up to a late hour last night the unfortunate members of the board were being pulled, hauled and button holed all over the sidewalks by fifteen or twenty aspirable to the office, each one of whom knew he was the only man that should be chosen. This evening all of them will swear that the board is a fraud, and will give them the cold shoulder. Roy, Sam. Evans. Garland. McLafresh, F.M. Murrin, T.D. Ainly, John. Foglesong, Wood aka Foglesong, Henry W. Colman, Nathan. Jones, J.C. Kurtz, Kellar. Logan, W.C. Hartman, J.C. Willard, Fred. Foglesong, Henry W. March 18, 1884Nathan Coleman received a reappointment as notary public from Governor Ordway yesterday. He is again ready for business. Coleman, Nathan. Ordway. March 27, 1884
Nathan Colman has gone to work on his claim on Hebrew hill. Colman, Nathan. Hebrew Hill. April 4, 1884
Mining news. Standby Mill. Brigham. Dunn, Aaron. Standby Mine. Alta Lodi Mill. Jenny Lind Mine. Gorman Mine. Homestake Mine. DeSmet Mine. Thompsen. Allen, John. Magee, D. A. Colman, N. Hattenbach, Joseph. Rosenthal, Sol. Hattenbach, Nathan. Wilcox, N. P. Far West Mining Company. July 19, 1884
Real estate transfers. Sumners, Eliza J. Valentine, L. W. Morgan, S. W. Kyte, J. W. Oleson, J. Snyder, A. H. Dawson, Andrew R. Z. Jenney lode. Gold Run Mine. Hutchinson, D. McMaster, Samuel. Oro Fino lode. Pierce Gold Mining Company. Davey, J. H. General Merritt Gold Mining Company. Pierce, Moses. Ost, J. P. Shields, J. Rodenhaus, J. Miller, R. Pumes, F. M. Fawcett, W. H. Miller, Hannah. Coleman, N. White, R. J. Sanwick, C. R. Conzette, J. Martin, Eben W. Aug. 12, 1884
Republican convention. Deans, Oliver. Ferguson, J. Gray, John. McFarland, James. Baldwin, J. W. McMackin, J. W. Mitchell, D. L. Connors, Tom. Tippie, A. C. Farley, John. Marshal, E. T. Ash, H. C. Robertson, Robert. Nye, Marshal. Brown, David. Rathbun, Dan. Hill, James A. Barton, W. C. Jones, Abe. Motherspaw, W. T. Jensen, George. Baggeley, John. James, Robert. Noland, William. Carpenter, H. Morris, A. M. Harlow, J. A. Hall, Robert. Wuitikee, H. L. Johnson, H. A. Allen, F. M. Allen, John. Train, Arthur. Patterson, J. W. Flormann, Charles. Peterson, John. Wagner, A. B. Wagner, M. J. Colman, M. L. Hargraves, C. P. Appel, Morris. Furlong, M. L. Engh, Alex. Ramsdell, Joseph. Valentine, L. S. Weyman, Phil. Jacobs, Sidney. Sparks, Joseph S. McCord, George. Crist, S. B. Crocker, A. G. Higginson, W. Stone, W. Greenough, I. Little, E. Ashton, W. F. Traver, Charles. Cruickshank, Alex. Oct. 12, 1884
Colman called on Deffenbach estate. Colman, Nathan. Deffebach, Erasmus. Deffebach, Levi. Deffebach, John. Deffebach, Daniel. Nov. 25, 1884
Deffebach to leave for Germany. Deffebach, Levi. Colman, Nathan. Nov. 27, 1884
Goldberg and Weissner married Nov. 30. Goldberg, Jacob. Heineman, Jacob. Heyn, G. Hattenbach, Joseph. Randolph, Charles M. Zoellner, J. Johnston, John. Richards, Jarvis. Williams, J. J. Grosfield, Ed. Poznansky, J. Karcher. Molitor, S. F. Treber, John. Wright, Hank. Hattenbach, J. Stern, M. Colman, N. Miller, L. C. Goldberg, Leo. Denman, J. L. Younglove, E. A. Welf, B. Weisner, Lena. Wertheimer, M. J. Dec. 2, 1884
Real estate transfers. Wilson, C. J. Ash, H. C. Gasman, J. P. Williams, H. Gribble, J. W. Wallace, G. D. Methodist Episcopal Church. Green, S. E. Clark, H. S. Pratt, W. M. Skiles, H. I. Hilyard, S. Hilyard, E. Leppla, J. Keets, H. Jones, W. E. Clemmens, W. Clemmens, Louisa. Norris, J. Sterling, J. Wilson, J. Colman, N. White, F. Hayes, Mary A. McAleer, J. McAleer, Mary. Sullivan, M. Felche, F. Rinehart, W. A. Cumminsky, J. B. Barrett, C. Gallagher, D. H. Walsh, J. Rebsamen, J. Richard, R. J. Arnold, J. M. Columbia Mine. Moody, Charles C. Dec. 9, 1884
Happy New Year. New Years. Fire department. Keenan, P. H. Browning and Wringrose. Heffron, Michael Mrs. Kingsley, W. C. Washabaugh, Frank J. Colman, N. Ayres, J. T. Mrs. Franklin and Baer. Bullock, Seth. Treber, John. Fox, Alvin. Giddings, W.W. Parker, George H. Mrs. Sanderson, S. Mrs. Sanderson, L. Mrs. Electric Light Company. Heckman and Heims. Bews and Allen. Fredericks, Fred. Star, Solomon. McPherson, Donald A. Damon, Harry. Lawrenson, Job. Jan. 3, 1885
Funeral of Albert Bernard. Bernard, Albert. Reuben, L. Welf. Posner. Lowenthal. Colman. Hattenbahc. Jacobs. May 13, 1885
Republican committee. Smead, Walter E. Carney, James. Smithson, W. W. Landguth, Charles. Sawyer, J. T. Harlan, J. A. Burton, J. Holmes, Z. Hale, J. A. Colman, M. L. Pratt, J. S. Blake, William. Traver, Charles. White, A. J. Tippie, A. C. McCauley, N. Patton, J. D. Aston, W. S. Mowatt, J. Moore, O. Weeden, L. H. Carter, M. L. Enos, C. H. Parker, William H. Washabaugh, F. J. Johnston, J. Moody, Gideon C. Phillips, K. G. Corson, D. Ayres, Frank. Frank, A. E. Hamilton, W. L. Grimshaw, R. E. Rorapaugh, H. Clark. Knight, Andrew J. Republican party. June 14, 1885
Colman treats to minstrel performance. Colman, Nathan. Sang Lee. Stein, H. June 18, 1885
A parent and a petition. Schools. Conant, L. L. Free, A. T. Cushman, Samuel. Bennett, Granville G. Corson, D. Phillips, Lee. Evarts, J. B. Smith, Barclay P. Moody, Gideon C. Ford, J. W. Charlton, B. F. Mrs. Gray, M. E. Mrs. Miller, L. C. Girard, M. Lynch, William. Leiman, W. E. Clark, Kate. Richards, L. C. Mrs. Kingsley, W. C. Harding, J. A. Miller, James K. P. Cornell, S. P. Winn, C. W. McCoy, A. A. DeLaray, Harry. Gillette, D. M. Warner, Porter. Colman, Nathan. Raymond, A. A. Rogers, M. Sasse, C. P. Morgan, William J. Bent, E. C. Heim, Fred. Merrick, A. W. Barker, John. Bentley, Mattie. Deffebach, E. J. Otterbein, Mrs. Gallup, E. Mrs. Chambers, J. Mrs. Lockwood, Grant. Needham, A. Large, A. Earl, R. W. Mrs. Craig, L. A. Mrs. Gallup, G. W. Henderson, Mrs. Witzell, Cath. Lawrenson, Job. Karcher, G. Chaussee, A. Geis, Stephen Mrs. Posner, Charles. Russell, Michael R. Mrs. Bab****, Lyman F. July 9, 1885
Deadwood mourns. Grant, Ulysses S. First National Bank. Merchants National Bank. Land office. Courthouse. Post office. Times newspaper. Fire department. Merchants hotel. Adams Brothers. Star and Bullock. DeMouth and Whealan. Ayres and Wardman. Browning and Wringrose. Graves, L. R. Phillips, E. G. Zipp, Frank. Wertheimer, M. J. Karcher, C. Rosenthal, Sol. Bent, E. C. Keystone Restaurant. Bloom, Sol. Kohorn and Wiedenfeldt. Walker, Jesse. Russell and Higbie. Franklin and Baer. Bews, George. Girard Brothers. Fishel, Max. Gayville brewery. Eds Place. Headquarters. Keenan, P. H. Brennicke, William. Jensen and Bliss. Colman, N. Morgan, W. Pioneer newspaper. DeLeray, H. Rodenhaus, J. Overland hotel. Tracy, Charles F. Lowe, W. E. Hoyt and Masterson. Chase, Isaac H. Gaston, John A. Northwestern Transportation Company. Shoudy, Jacob. Treber, John. Goldberg, Jacob. Gandolfo, Joseph E. Star, Solomon. July 24, 1885
Board of Equalization meeting. Board of equalization. Lawrence County Commission. Russell, Thomas H. Nye, L. E. Mrs. Prentice, V. E. Phillips, Kirk G. Shanklin, Charles. Bowman, M. Mrs. Robinson, G. H. King, Joseph. Wostum, C. A. Stein, H. Hobbs, I. H. Mrs. Vollin, Joseph. Bernard, Vener. Engh, Alexander. Moody, Gideon C. Ayres, Frank O. Parker, William H. Corson, Dwight. Johnston, John. Weeden, Lev H. Frank, Alpheus E. Fields, S. F. Bell, B. F. Roy, Samuel. Smith, Barclay P. Moody and Elliott. Shurts, John C. Jones, William E. Liebmann, M. Murrin, T. D. Thompson, William. Miller, S. B. Lang, John K. Hartman, J. D. Payton, W. A. Craig, Josiah. Brown, W. G. Colman, N. Allison, W. S. Rice, M. L. Smithson, W. W. Jewett, O. W. Coleman, M. L. DeMouth, C. F. Grim, C. C. Alexander, J. W. Miller, Daniel. McFarland, W. J. Holgate, Robert. Kelly, J. S. Whitney, G. S. Merrifield, L. L. Thomas, J. W. Gilbert, H. M. Hastie, Addison W. July 26, 1885
Delinquent tax sale. Crow Creek. Bond, Fred. Bonebright, John. Colman, M. L. Cross, C. K. Craig, Josiah. Davidson, L. P. DeGrout, Joseph. Gott, Samuel E. Harvey, George. Johnson, William. Lynch, M. Lloyd, N. Mulhollond, Thomas. McAleer, John. Mathews, W. H. McEvney, Thomas. Mulholland, F. M. Owsley, J. H. Rabbie, Richard. Ragan, Thomas. Rugg, George. Stannus, W. J. Sinclair, Thomas. Stotts, G. W. Stotts, S. C. Scofield, Templer, James. Wood****, Alex. Williams, J. F. Sept 5, 1885
District court. Hill, Abraham. Sonnafeldt, Emile. Parker, William H. Harney, Tom. Frawley, Henry. Carey, William. Madison, B. Colman, N. Fishel, Adolph. Mauss, John. Tholl, Nick. Lilly, Dan. Gaston, J. A. Doyle, W. V. Street, William. Parker, George. ONeil, Henry. Bean, J. Pierce, V. P. Campbell, M. C. May, Ernest. McClure, George. Edwards, Dolph. Shea, Dan. Hill, W. T. Grison, Frank P. Oct. 21, 1885
United States and territorial court. Stillwell, W. H. Dennis, George. Fields, John. Hatch, Lyman L. Snowden, James. Swanson, John. Kelly, R. D. Wright, W. H. Russell, T. H. Primrose, N. Colman, N. Zoeckler, William. Brison, W. S. Whealen, W. H. Ayres, George V. Whitney, J. H. Zipp, Frank. Wertheimer, M. J. Hattenbach, J. Hersey, H. B. King, G. T. Fairbanks, J. B. Cushman, S. Holstein, Ben. Vaughn, D. H. Uren, R. Schwarzwold, S. Meade, J. J. Shaw, A. Messiers, J. Davis, Smuel. Nehring, Henry. McLaughlin and Steele. Bennett, Granville G. Star, Solomon. Adams, William E. Whittaker, Thomas. Abbott, Frank G. Jan. 22, 1886
Death of Jacob Wertheimer. Wertheimer, Jacob. Bullock, Seth. Selbie, William. Guild, John. Colman, Nathan. Goldberg, Jacob. Liebmann, Morris. Jan. 28, 1886
Dority dies from wounds. Dority, Daniel T. Casey, Pat. Coleman, T. D. Bulldog ranch. Dority, William. Hall, George H. Murrin, Thomas D. Steele, William R. Parker, William H. Frawley, Henry. Wright, Henry T. Vaughn, D. H. Colman, Nathan. Williams, William. May 6, 1886
Judge Colman opens brokerage. Colman, Nathan. May 30, 1886
Passenger lists Jan. 23. Stagelines. Spencer, Charles. Walsh, May. Murrin, Mrs. Coleman, N. Edmunds, J. H. Hull, F. Mayhew, Mrs. Morse, A. M. Rowe, P. T. Shannon, R. Stein, W. E. Wilson, Henry. Oleson, J. Wilson, W. A. Adams, W. Moran, D. Miss. Allen, C. F. Grimshaw, R. E. Thompson, W. H. McNicker, W. J. Smith, A. J. McCarney, W. H. Blind Boone. Jan. 23, 1887
Title Passenger lists Jan. 25. Stagelines. Moss, A. Leiter, J. A. Skirvine, James. Hatch, L. L. Engles, C. P. Oleson, J. Wilson, William. Davis, M. Berry, T. C. Skirvine, John. Baxter, Theodore. Baldwin, J. W. Coleman, N. Saunders, C. E. McMahan, M. Grant, Ida. Holstein, Mrs. Milger, C. M. White, Annie. King, M. Monroe, D. M. Logan, M. Leeper, W. J. Kyle, Henry. Brown, Jesse. Rowe, P. T. Alexander, H. O. Herman, J. A. Porth, W. McCarney, W. H. Bloomenthal, J. Whittaker, Mrs. Mack, W. B. Edwards, J. H. Baldwin, Lt. OBrien, M. Wilson, William. McCrossan, Barney C. Smith, S. S. Thomas, Charles M. Thomas, Charles M. Mrs. Maratta, Daniel W. Carland, John E. Schmicher, J. Smith, J. G. Young, J. H. C. Giroux, George. Jan. 25, 1887
Lively time in persuing Oleson. Oleson, John. Colman, Nathan. Lang, John. Jan. 26, 1887
Coleman has all kinds of shoes. Coleman, Nathan. March 2, 1887
City council meeting April 4. Deadwood City Council. Star, Solomon. Belding, John. Carney, James. Damon, Harry. Franklin, Harris. Large, A. Miller, James K. P. Treber, John. Roads and bridges. Lachapelle, D. Warner, Porter. Pioneer newspaper. Early, Patrick H. Reagan, John. Gaar, H. S. Muck, Theodore. Evans and Raymond. Hildebrand, L. F. Brouvert, Peter. Powers, Thomas. Lawrenson, Job. Bryson, W. S. Robinson, J. M. Bogy, William. Colman, Nathan. Barker, John. Lardner, William. Reuben, L. Guild, John. April 5, 1887
The mayorality -- for Sol. Star. Star, Solomon. Cornell, John D. Treber, John. Howsley, R. H. Fox, Alvin. Monheim, H. W.E. Lowe and Company. Guild, John. Porter, C. B. Bartlett, C. A. Reuben, J. Lawton, H. Coe, C. A. Robinson, George H. Shubert, J. Brison, W. S. Casey, P. Hoffman, A. Maillard, Henry. Maillard, A. Fink, J. Hoffman, W. Frazer, W. K. Alexander, S. J. Shannon, D. Ayres, J. F. Pichler, A. L. Hayes, J. Carland, Hugh. Beuter, J. B. West, John. Heyne, G. Cooper, Robert W. Keating, P. Jones, T. G. Coleman, N. Graves, L. W. Hall, George H. Collins, E. R. Wright, W. H. Warner, Porter. Porter, Wade. Gibbs, J. D. Garland, James W. Smith, Charles. Castner, M. V. Tortat, J. B. Witherspoon, J. E. Baker, John. Butterfield, E. Joy, Walter. Sloan, James. Early, M. Siewers, M. D. W. Elliott, John W. Inghram, George F. Kopplekom, P. Willoth, A. Masterson, John. Sutherland, J. J. Dunn, W. L. Boehlke, H. Coe, A. W. Lamb, C. H. Willetts, W. P. Fox, J. J. Clanning, Charles. Hathaway, W. Henry, W. H. Carney, James. Strater, J. S. Moore, Frank S. Gandolfo, Joseph E. Gordon, Leonard. April 12, 1887
Mineral world April 16. Mining. Bullion Mining Company. Rattler-Gilroy Mining Company. Minna Mining Company. Pocahontas Mining Company. Homestake Mining Company. Eureak Mine. Hester A. Mining Company. Uncle Sam Mine. Land office. Bogle, Daniel. Gottstein, meyer. McLaughin, Daniel. Steele, W. R. Coleman, Nathan. Gustin-Minerva Mining Company. April 16, 1887
Election proclamation. Deadwood. Star, Solomon. Damon, J. H. Baxter, Lee R. Belding, John P. Franklin, Harris. Hilderbrand, L. F. Bronvert, Peter. Powers, Thomas. Lawrenson, Job. Bryson, W. S. Robinson, J. M. Bogy, William. Coleman, N. Barker, John. Lardner, William. Reuben, L. Guild, John. Whitbeck, L. F. April 20, 1887
Nessan dies at county hospital. Nessan, John. Coleman, Nathan. Aug. 2, 1887
Election notice. Deadwood. Beuter, John. Bartlett, W. F. Robinson, J. M. Lawrenson, Job. Brison, W. S. Bogy, William. Coleman, Nathan. Barker, John. Lardner, William. Reuben, L. Guild, John. Star, Solomon. Aug. 3, 1887
Court report Aug. 10. Thomas, Charles M. Bischoff, Herman. Reubens, L. Fox, W. H. Coleman, N. Schwarzwold, S. Day, William. Hattenbach, A. McDonald, E. Dotson, O. DeLeray, H. ONeill, P. Bullock, R. Gushurst, F. A. Ost, J. P. Wolf, B. Faust, Emil. Billington, J. W. Scott, G. W. Kurtz, K. Taylor, G. C. Belding, J. P. Fowler, E. P. Gallagher, D. Baggaley, J. Foot, L. M. Guild, J. Mauss, John. Chamison, James. Smith, S. R. Smith, H. H. Madison, B. Chase, S. V. Moore, F. S. Buffalo Chips. Patton, John D. Grimshaw, R. E. Timber. Sturr, Daniel. Beck, Charles W. Fanshawe, W. S. McLennan, Roderick. Aug. 10, 1887
Court report Sept. 3. Thomas, Charles M. Sing, Jim. Taylor, George C. Hanke, William. Frawley, Henry. Hayes, Joseph. Harvey, Thomas E. Brison, W. S. DeLeray, Harry. Beals, G. W. Smith, J. S. Young, H. B. Baggeley, John. Saunders, Thomas F. Ayres, George V. Smith, Peter. Lawson, C. C. Parker, George. Hildreth, H. T. Baer, Ben. Ayres, S. F. Seebick, Joseph. Whealen, W. H. Wyman, S. P. Thompson, William. Smith, Wilber. Ruggles, C. W. Swift, John A. Hopkins, George. Colman, Nathan. Early, Michael. Duffy, John C. Stout, Oliver B. Sept. 3, 1887
Delinquent city tax sale C-F. Conroy, John. Chandler, G. W. Coyle, John. Chapman, H. M. Calhoun, William. Colman, Nathan. Curtise, M. Mrs. Cooper and Bogy. Carroll, William. Cushman, Samuel. DeLeray, Harry. Dotson, Oliver. Damon, James H. Damon, B. A. Demouth, C. F. Day, William. Demouth and Whealen. Deadwood Opera House Association. Dudley Caldwell and Company. Doherty, M. Mrs. Dudley, Charles. Dean, J. L. Doty, Daniel. Dahley, A. J. Damord, Annie. Day, R. W. Davis, Ross. David, l. R. Deardorf, Samuel. Dextrove, Thomas. Evans, Fredrick T. Epstein, L. Elliott, J. W. Early, P. H. Eckle, Eddy, L. G. Mrs. Eder, M. R. Mrs. Ewing choteau. Gem Theatre. Fink, Joseph. Frawley, Henry. Fox, Alvin. Frank, Alpheus E. Flynn, J. H. Flaherty, Ed L. Fish, Flucken, Chris. Fish and Hunter. Forest, Isaac. Ford, J. W. Frazer, W. K. Froescher, Charles. Frank, Nathan. Farber, G. W. Ford, Hugh. Francis, Julia A. Forbes, J. Z. Flaherty, A. H. Farley, John and Company. Fishel, Max. Fargo, Sylvester C. Sept. 6, 1887
Sudden death of Colman child. Colman, Rosa. Colman, Nathan. Colman, Nathan Mrs. Hebrew cemetery. Dec. 28, 1887
County warrants expire, are cancelled. Lawrence County. McCathron, Pete. Colman, Nathan. Bloom, Sol. Young, H. B. Gushurst, P. Jan. 10, 1888
County warrants expire, are cancelled. Lawrence County. McCathron, Pete. Colman, Nathan. Bloom, Sol. Young, H. B. Gushurst, P. Jan. 10, 1888
City Council meeting April 6. Star, Solomon. Deadwood City Council. Miller, James K. P. McDonald, Edward. Early, Michael. Brison, W. S. Carney, James. Roads and bridges. Wyman, S. P. McCoy, A. A. Conant and Farrel. Chinatown. Gallup, E. A. Electric Light Company. Kidd and Benn. Siewers, Charles L. Damon, J. H. Warner, Porter. Harp, J. S. Ball, F. Steinspring, Walter. LaBresche, D. Bernard, Joseph. Fowler, Thomas. Lawrenson, Job. Glickauff, John. Hoyt, Eugene. Colman, Nathan. Russell, R. H. Ayres, John. Reuben, L. Brennicke, William. DeLeray, Harry. April 6, 1888
Election proclamation. Star, Solomon. Deadwood. Treber, John. Large, A. Carney, James. Miller, James K. P. Labresche, D. Bernard, Joseph. Power, Thomas. Lawrenson, Job. Glickauff, John. Hoyt, Eugene. Colman, N. Russell, Thomas H. Ayres, John. Brennicke, William. DeLoray, Harry. Reuben, L. Whitbeck, L. F. April 17, 1888
Colman celebrates 40th birthday. Coleman, Nathan. May 27, 1888
Coleman tombstones. Colman, Nathan. Ost, J. P. Coffin, James D. June 12, 1888
Carter and Coffin estate matters. Carter, Thomas. Ost, J. P. Coffin, J. D., Caucasian League, Vice-President 1878 July 20, 1888.
Colmans canvas boat. Colman, Nathan. Aug. 7, 1888
District court report August 11. Jackson, Ira J. Houghton, George L. Ingram, George Felix. Saunders, Thomas F. Robinson, George F. Coyle, John. Lambert, Clay. Arnold, G. S. Harp, J. S. Diston, Joe. Fay, G. M. Foley, M. D. Augell, George W. Colman, Nathan. Furner, George H. Brown, F. L. Goldberg, J. Aikman, John. Swift, John. Dotson, Oliver. Parkingham, C. A. Campbell, M. C. Wilson, Samuel. Early, William. Vaughn, D. H. Irvin, Green. Stephen, James. Aug. 11, 1888
Colman fathers baby girl. Colman, Nathan. Aug. 16, 1888.
Colman addition a boy. Colman, Nathan. Aug. 17, 1888
Delegations to Watertown convention. Republican party. Sentinel newspaper. Hale, John D. Knowles, Freeman. Gardner, Craven V. Colman, H. M. Flick, Dr. Washabaugh, F. J. Bullock, Seth. VanCise, Edwin P. Star, Solomon. Warner, Porter. Edwards, T. D. Dawson, Andrew R. Z. Church, William E. Moody, Gideon C. Corson, Dighton. Dickinson, D. K. Roy, Samuel. Phillips, Kirk G. Whealen, Will. Harding, J. A. Patton, John. Valentine, J. W. Rice, W. G. Goldberg, Jacob. Mather, Charles. Parker, William H. Reuben, L. Grimshaw, R. E. Aug. 18, 1888
Jewist rite of circumcision today. Poznansky, Felix. Colman, Nathan. Fink, Wolf. Franklin, Barney. Aug. 19, 1888
Deadwood council meeting July 15. Deadwood City Council. Star, Solomon. Colman, N. Hastie, A. W. Bab****, Lyman F. Livestock. Frawley, Henry. July 16, 1889
City council discusses improvements. Deadwood City Council. Star, Solomon. Roads and bridges. Main street. Belding, John. Treber, John. Colman, N. Lawrenson, Job. July 17, 1889
Addison nominated on first ballot. Hastie, Addison W. Plowman, A. J. Bennett, Granville G. Phillips, Kirk G. Reubens, L. Knight, Andrew J. Grimshaw, R. E. Ayres, George V. Jenkins, L. P. Smith, S. R. Enos, C. H. Gray, Jack. Carney, James. Holmes, Al. Treber, John. Potter, D. T. Colman, Nathan. Hayes, R. C. Robinson, R. A. Beemer, George. Languth, Charles. Sanger, John F. Edmunds, J. F. Remer, W. A. Sparks, Thomas. Rice, W. G. Warner, Porter. Raymond, B. F. Carter, John C. Gardner, C. V. Springer, E. H. Carpenter, H. A. Dunkle, M. Hough, B. F. Jewett, O. W. Larimer, W. J. Lackous, Ole. Birk, Silas. Sept. 8, 1889
Reception and dance committees named. Fire department. Holidays. McDonald, Edward. Burroughs, Frank M. Belding, John P. Weedon, L. H. Moore, W. H. Colman, N. Damon, Harry. Sutherland, J. J. Rebsamen, Julius. Leeman, William E. Dunn, W. L. Frasier, George. LaChapelle, Desire. Bischoff, Herman. Bonham, Willis H. McLaughlin, W. L. Whealen, W. H. Wardman, H. B. Lawrenson, J. Schwartzwald, Samuel. Star, Solomon. Graham, Chalres. Miracle, J. H. Ickes, Franklin E. Chiniquy, Charles L. Dec. 10, 1889
South Deadwood chooses directors. South Deadwood Hose Company. LaChapelle, Leander. Hattenbach, J. Bischoff, Herman. Treber, John. Hattenbach, Aaron. LaChapelle, Desire. Coleman, Nathan. Korneman, henry. Garr, Ben W. Chiniquy, Charles L. Dec. 11, 1889
Black Hills resources mines and mills. Mining. Lawrence County. Homestake Mining Company. Caledonia Mining Company. Uncle Sam Mining Company. Monitor Mining Company. Pluma Mining Company. Montana Mining Company. Carbonate. White, Thomas H. Golden Reward Mining Company. Isadorah Mine. Buxton Mine. Ruby Bell Mine. Tornado Mine. New Era Mine. Retriever Mine. Ross-Hannibal Mine. Harmony Mine. Double Standard Mine. Stewart Mine. Hard Scrabble Mine. Calumet Mine. Portland Mine. Railroads. McPherson, Donald A. Ayres and Wardman. Browning and Wringrose. DeMouth, Whealen and Graves. Gilman, J. M. Hattenbach, J. and Bro. Spaulding, C. H. Reuben, L. Phillips, Kirk G. Phillips and Burroughs. Franklin and Baer. Warner, Porter. Bonham, Willis H. Moody and Washabaugh. Western Dakota Loan and Trust Company. VanCise and Wilson. Koenigsberger Brothers. Lyon, M. H. Bloom, Sol. Deetken, Julius. Morse, J. L. Keller, Frank. Martin, Eben W. Noble, S. V. Brelsford, J. M. Werthheimer, M. J. and Brother. Zipp, C. E. Brown, F. L. Hickok, George. Gillette and Heckmann. Gorbus, L. Pichler and Bartells. Morgon, William J. Colman, Nathan. Whittaker, Thomas. Williams, W. L. Frawley, Henry. Stein, H. Coe, A. W. Jan. 1, 1890
La Grippe well named. Baxter, Lee. Coleman, Nathan. Jan. 8, 1890
Steck sells placer claims. Steck, John K. Welf, B. Colman, Nathan. March 26, 1890
Real estate transfers April 11. Salisbury, O. J. Franklin, Harris. McLaughlin, W. L. Wylie, B. A. Coleman, N. Baer, Ben. Corson, Dighton. Kennedy, Charles B. Wang Ching. Noble, S. V. Lewis, A. Pierce, M. Hickok, George C. Nehring, Christie, Cameron, William B. Baggaley, John. Frawley, Henry. Cooper, R. W. April 11, 1890.
Election proclamation. Star, Solomon. Keller, Frank. Treber, John. Carney, James. Gillette, D. M. Fargo, C. G. Keating, Patrick. Hildebrand, L. F. Robinson, George M. Nye, John A. Glickauff, John. Mather, Charles W. Colman, Nathan. McDonough, Neil. Reuben, Louis. Brennicke, William. Brelsford, J. M. Whitbeck, L. F. April 17, 1890.
Real estate transfers April 27. Kennedy, Charles B. Ayres, George V. Railroads. McLaughlin, Daniel. Burnham, Pamela. Heffron, Mary. Gray, John. Lessure, Octave. Evans, John. Miller, James K. P. Hunter, John. Large, Selina. Robinson, Henry. Heck, J. K. Colman, N. Keets, Henry. Krause, Charles. Smith, Barclay P. Franklin, Harris. Chase, Isaac H. April 27, 1890
Colman goes into real estate business. Colman, Nathan. April 30, 1890
South Deadwood hose elects officers. South Deadwood Hose Company. Colman, Nathan. Chiniquy, Charles L. LaChapelle, Desire. April 30, 1890
Lis pendis action against Colman. Miller, James K. P. Colman, Nathan. First National Bank. May 2, 1890
Census enumerators appointed. Stokes, Oliver O. Wilson, Henry C. Audin, A. J. Cashner, John. Hildebrand, L. A. Jones, John C. Colman, Nathan. Robinson, George F. Hildebrand, Louis. Lang, William. Crist, Squire B. Simpson, Walter. Zoel, L. B. Hewett, O. W. Rohleder, Henry. McMichard, William A. Bailey, William G. Miller, Riley. Williams, Elwood A. Porter, William G. Thornby, William S. Bower, Israel. Taylor, L. C. Miller, Fred C. Wallace, Alex H. Wilson, Cyrus. Smithson, William W. May 27, 1890
Census troubles and amuses Chinese. Colman, Census. June 17, 1890
Colman going into collection business. Colman, Nathan. July 1, 1890
Whist parlor to open. Lowerre and Hathaway. July 1, 1890
Real estate transfers July 24. Pratt, J. H. Piedmont Improvement Company. Muller, Daniel. Colman, N. Miller, James K. P. Haynes, Charlotte L. Haynes, J. P. Railroads. Schools. Thompson, Charles. Derosier, Peter. Benoit, Francis. Tetrault, Achille. Trezona, Mary. Keller, Frank. Asbury, A. F. Smith, John. Lindell, C. Gerard, Mart. Power, Daniel. Rivet, Ella. Foglesong, George D. July 24, 1890
Grand vocal and instrumental concert. Werker, Louis. Grimshaw, Myrtle. Keller, Ada. Baxter, Edna. Colman, Anna. Large, Lizzie. Graves, Stella. Geis, Celia. Large, Fanny. Abt, F. Soutiere, Mary. Boehlke, Gretchen. Fox, Birdie. Treber, Colman, Karcher, July 25, 1890
Real estate transfers August 5. Mulker, Daniel. Colman, N. Wing Tsue. Railroads. VanCise, Edwin P. McPherson, Donald A. Davey, John. Quinn, Dennis. Killoren, Patrick. Killoren, Ellen. Aug. 5, 1890
Real estate transfers November 21. Moody, Charles C. Chase, Isaac H. Miller, James K. P. Coleman, Nathan. Chandler, George W. Nov. 21, 1890
Sitting Bull is dead. Colman, Nathan. Dec. 24, 1890
Colman and son quite ill. Colman, Nathan. Jan. 3, 1891
Finance committee for the Fourth. Soo Sing. Lees, Robert B. Glickauf, John. Browning and Wringrose. Gates and Shea. McLaughlin and McLaughlin. Driscoll, R. H. Dumas, Napoleon. Fay, G. M. Bogy, William. Whittaker, Thomas. Hays, Joseph. Smith, A. G. Baker, John. Phillips, Kirk G. McDonald, Edward. Jattenbach, J. and Brother. Honk Kee. Hip Wo. Deetkin, J. Stolcis, Joseph. Bell, Hattie. Sutton, Tom. Colman, Nathan. Eklund and Company. Rebsamen, Julius. Smith, F. X. Sasse, Charles L. Cooper, Robert W. Wilson, George. Liebmann, M. Goldberg, Jacob. Blumenthal, Ben. Zoeckler Brothers. Jacobs, D. Fink, Joseph. Fish and Hunter Company. Hi Kee. Wing Tsue. Phoenix Restaurant. Duncan and Anten. Werthheimer, M. J. and Brother. Carr, Patsy and Company. Adams Brothers. Keith, J. G. and Company. Whealen, W. H. Ayres and Wardman. Fishel, Max. Gandolfo, Joseph E. June 9, 1891
Insurance company settles claims. Coleman, Nathan. Damon, J. Harry. Dec. 9, 1891
Delinquent notice. Washington Mining Company. Perkins, C. F. Perkins, George D. More, S. H. Coleman, N. Wright, W. H. McCarthy, P. B. Sutton, Thomas. Warner, Porter. McLaughlin, W. L. Dec. 11, 1891
County court report March 2. Colman, Nathan. Lockwood, Hattie B. McBride, John. Boyer, Walter. Miller, James K. P. Dwyer, Charles R. March 2, 1892
Dwyer protests Colmans petition. Dwyer, Charles R. Colman, Nathan. Lockwood, Hattie B., Deadwood long time Madam Jan. 28, 1892
Colman not keeping a pawn shop. Colman, Nathan. Feb. 3, 1892
County court report February 9. Lawrence, John. St. Onge, Henry. Vollin, James. Lockwood, Hattie B. Dwyer, C. R. Coleman, Nathan. Brown, Charles. Brown, Keziah. Feb. 9, 1892.
Circuit court report January 10. Noble, S. V. Kerwin, Michael. Sinclair, Thomas. Rewman, Paul. Graves, L. R. Martin, J. T. McCoy, A. A. Stone, Gib. Thomas, Charles M. Bogy, William. Collins, James. Davis, James. Zoellner Brothers. Colman, Nathan. Emmett, Charles. Morrison, Rena. Feb. 10, 1892
Goldsmith to manage Colman business. Goldsmith, M. Colman, Nathan. Feb. 13, 1892
County court report March 2. Colman, Nathan. Lockwood, Hattie B. McBride, John. Boyer, Walter. Miller, James K. P. Dwyer, Charles R. March 2, 1892
Colman administrator of Bell estate. Colman, Nathan. Lockwood, Hattie B. March 15, 1892
Coleman resigns as administrator. Lockwood, Hattie B. Colman, Nathan. March 25, 1892
Delegates to attend association. South Deadwood Hose Company. Baer, Ben. Bischoff, H. Coleman, Nathan. March 30, 1892.
Coleman resigns as administrator. Lockwood, Hattie B. Colman, Nathan. March 25, 1892
Arrivals on the mineral belt. Parsons, C. S. Mrs. Coleman, Nathan. Smith, B. P. Dotson, J. C. Larson, Nelse Mrs. Irvin, Robert. Holman, Frank. Warren, E. C. Mrs. Vaughn, D. H. Gibbs, Jerry. May 14, 1892
Deadwood fire department review. Fire department. Homestake Hose Company. South Deadwood Hose Company. Deadwood Hose Company. Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company. Baptist church. Rankin, Tex. Coleman, Nathan. Lotteridge, William. Franklin, Nathan. Damon, J. Harry. Moore, W. H. Jan. 1, 1893, Special ed.
Bual Brith instituted. Bual Brith. Jewish. Cowsn, Israel. Colman, Nathan. Goldberg, Jacob. Stern, M. Cohen, Gus. Minzer, L. Hattenbach, Joseph. Blumenthal, Ben. Hattenbach, Aaron. Zoellner, Jonas. Werthheimer, M. J. June 27, 1893
Register of deeds report. Grier, Thomas J. Ramsdell, Joseph. Wood, W. W. Selbie, William. Coleman, Nathan. Enos, C. H. Mathews, Thomas N. Cooper, E. J. Lee, Wong Free. Deadwood and Delaware Smelting Company. Schedin, August. Remer, William A. Haven, G. A. Lilly, R. H. March 19, 1893
Delinquent tax sale notice. Deadwood. Smith, Matilda. Plowman and Treber. Bennett, Martha M. Hulin, Sarah. Anderson, Richard G. Scott, George W. Rogers, S. Guild, John. Wilson, S. M. Mrs. Cameron, D. A. Star and Bullock. Mills, Frank M. Hiskey, Nellie. Fink, Joseph. Cameron and Kennedy. Penner, herman. Walker, Bell. Brown, Kizayer. Coleman, Nathan. Burnham, Pamelia. Smith, Joseph S. Brown, Margaret L. Whittaker, Thomas. Star, Solomon. Bullock, Seth. Thomas, W. H. California Powder Works. Dalher, A. J. Cameron, William H. Kennedy, Charles B. Chase, Isaac H. Hogan, G. S. Bauman, Mathilda. Goodrich, Celia. Rohleder, Lino S. DeMouth and Plowman. DeMouth and Rodebank. Childs, E. T. Eddy, Richard. Whittaker, Carrie A. Swift, Joseph. Parker, William H. Vachon, A. Ward, F. P. Mrs. LaBrache, Charles. Hunter, John. Hildebrandt, Celia. Hildebrandt, L. F. Young, S. A. Benn, Carrie L. Prince, Christine. Gilman, John M. Goldberg, Jacob. Frawley, Henry. Damon, J. Harry. Dameron, Duncan A. Fargo, Charles G. Fargo, S. C. and Son. Marble, S. M. Mrs. Franklin, Harris. Oct. 7, 1893-4.
Fire destroys two blocks. Fire. Chilson, Mrs. Chilson, Albert. Saunders, Fire department. Graves and Dennis. Nye block. Lawrenson and Adams Stable. Haskell, Belle. Harding, J. A. Stone, Gib and Company. DeMouth, Whealen and Graves. Ayres and Wardman. Cameron and Kennedy. Smith, Charles H. Star and Bullock Hardware Company. Croughlin and Allen. Gem Theatre. Keller, Gus. Coleman, Nathan. Fish, James. Cheairs, H. P. Morgan, W. J. Edholm, N. J. Beals, H. H. Franklin and Baer. Fassold, John. McDonald, Edward. Shubert, Jacob. Fink, Joseph. Palmer, L. H. Sutherland and Hutchinson. Parker, L. M. Nwlaon, O. Chase, Isaac H. Castner, M. V. Gray, M. W. Wilson, M. B. Swift, Joseph. Clark, Horace. Plowman, A. J. Selbie, William. King, Joseph. Bauman, Mrs. Robinson, George. Jacobs, D. Hoffman, William. Steiger, George. Cohen, Gus. Electric Light Company. Butler, George. Warriner, A. B. Duffy, John. Baxter, Lee R. Shorty. Sutherland, James. March 6, 1894
Rousing Republican convention. Republican party. Phillips, Kirk G. McKay, Walter. Tullock, James. Hayes, R. C. Bell, John. Jones, J. C. Hugginson, William. Baker, John. Gray, John. Spry, B. F. Chute, J. A. Sparks, Thomas J. Grimshaw, R. E. Zink, N. Ayres, George V. Parsons, Charles S. Jenkins, L. P. Knight, Andrew J. VanCise, Edwin P. Edmonds, J. F. McBratney, Sheridan. Star, Solomon. Stannus, John. Weedon, Charles. Edwards, T. D. Smead, Walter E. Moody, Gideon C. Musselman, John. May, Ernest. Johnston, W. W. Brakke, Nels. Higby, Anson. OBrien, W. S. McPherosn, Donald A. Bennett, Granville G. Munn, James. Hunter, John. Shurts, John C. Polley, S. C. Warren, J. H. Elliott, A. J. Ecklund, Charles. Lewis, Frank. Walters, B. F. Kimmel, A. J. Davis, John. Pascoe, H. Colman, Nathan. Nicholas, Stephen. Ferguson, Archie. Esterbrook, John. Rice, M. L. McQuillan, James. Jeffries, Samuel. Holvey, George. Corkill, Titus. Long, William. Simmons, C. H. Freeman, J. W. Beemer, George. Fell, L. A. Washabaugh, Frank J. McCoy, A. A. Bullock, Seth. Dennis, Frank. Hathaway, C. M. Hanson, Soren. Valentine, L. W. Clark, John A. Poznansky, A. J. Cooper, H. T. Severence, J. L. Faught, Thomas. Warner, W. S. Traver, Charles. Belding, John P. Shannon, Edward. Blachford, John. Shannon, Frank. Roberts, A. J. Glover, George. Burns, John H. Hardin, Charles. Young, James. July 1, 1894
Citizens meeting about county seat. Steele, William R. Edmonds, Frank J. Elder, W. S. Selbie, William. Dague, Byron P. Zipp, Frank. Franklin, Harris. Bullock, Seth. Phillips, Kirk G. Hunter, John. Stewart, A. D. Ayres, George V. Rossiter, Byron. Drake, J. C. Baer, Benjamin. McPherson, Donald A. McLaughlin, William. Treber, John. Deetken, Julius. Goldberg, Jacob. Coe, A. W. Higby, Anson. Lowe, W. E. Stannus, John. Wood, Brad. Ruth, Chris. Curdall, A. P. McMackin, D. J. Cummings, R. Bell, John. Warren, Ed. Ong, Orman F. Mitchell, C. W. Blatchford, J. M. Alexander, H. O. Colman, Timothy C. Phelps, J. S. Brown, G. H. McLaughlin, E. Hood, C. F. Hathaway, C. M. Haines, Mose. Tullen, J. Perryence, J. H. Gushong, Walter. McBratney, Sheridan. Chute, J. A. Leemaster, W. R. Clark, W. A. Goodman, Thomas. McLean, D. Estes, H. P. Hardin, J. Loomis, T. H. Young, James. Cotton, O. W. Velton, C. Smith, P. Hardin, A. M. Towers, Z. Jordan, A. L. Robinson, C. F. Story, W. Sorenson, N. Story, Dr. Cook, J. Hugginson, W. Ringly, J. Shannon, F. Abt, A. F. Moody, Gideon C. July 19, 1894
Among the mines June 5. St. Elmo Mining Company. Gillette, D. M. Graves, Leonard R. Ayres, George V. Carey, William E. McDonald, James. Ellington, Henry. Colman, Nathan. Welcome Mining Company. Ankeny, B. Frank. Malterner, A. J. Gibbs, P. L. Waite, Charles. Rice, W. G. Durango Mine. Golden Summit Mine. Homestake Mining Company. Golden Reward Mining Company. Keystone Mining Company. June 5, 1895
Deadwood camp installs officers. Modern Woodmen of America. Cale, James H. Jeffries, S. S. Irons, F. T. Waldschmidt, W. Coleman, Nathan. Torrence, W. W. Spaulding, Robert. Thompson, George. Wilhelm, H. M. McDonald, Edward. Jan. 8, 1896
Coal! Felix Mining Company. Colman, Nathan. June 4, 1896
Big duffer arrested. Coleman, Nathan. Oct. 18, 1896
Coleman and Colman, Anna Colman, Annie Colman, B.F Colman, B. Miss Colman, C. F Colman, C.H Colman, C. K Colman, C. T Colman, D.D Colman, E.B Colman, F Colman, George Colman, George W Colman, H. M Colman, J Colman, John Colman, John J Colman, Johnnie Colman, Johnny Colman, M. L Colman, P Colman, P. H Colman, Rosa Colman, S.E., Mrs Colman, T.D Colman, Thomas Colman, Tim Colman, Timothy C Colman, W. H Colman, W.M Colman, W. O
Coleman and Anderson, owners Old Mine
Coleman and Flaherty, cattle grazing vicinity Jennys Stockade
Coleman, A.B, involved in circuit court appearances 1890s
Coleman, A.E, Mrs, leaves Deadwood 1879
Coleman, A.L, of Sabetha, Kansas, has taken rooms at Wentworth 1882
Coleman, Annie, Alpha society and high school programme 1892
Coleman, August 1892
Coleman, B 1879
Coleman, Billy, Foreman of Dickey herd 1883
Coleman, Bird A, on letter list post office 1884
Coleman Brothers, locator of mine in Golden Gate district 1880
Coleman, C, citizen meeting 1879, 1886
Coleman, C. A, arrival and departure 1884
Coleman, C. H, stage line passenger 1887
Coleman, C.J, at the Welch House 1878
Coleman, C. K., passenger list 1887, 1890, 1896
Coleman, Charles, 1877, suffering with fits 1886
Coleman, D. R, staying at Wentworth 1890
Coleman, D. T, notice of forfeiture 1887, staying at Wentworth 1888
Coleman, Dan, Wood River News 1883
Coleman, E.B, 1877 1882, of Cheyenne, on New Territory committee, sheep herder, Black Hills Live Stock Assoc. meeting at Rapid City, moved to Colorado
Coleman, Ed, forfeiture notice 1881- 1882, passenger list 1886
Coleman, Edward M, district court business 1880
Coleman, Egbert, letter list post office 1885
Coleman, Egbert B, cattle ranch on the Cheyenne river, Six mile ranch near Fort Laramie 1878, court case Coleman vs. Johnson 1882
Coleman, Emma , letter post office 1892
Coleman, F, staying at Wentworth 1889
Coleman, F. D, delinquent tax sale 1885
Coleman, Frank, letter at post office 1892
Coleman, G.W, letter at post office 1881
Coleman, George, grand opening of our new Theatre 1878
Coleman, George M , of Minnesela 1892
Coleman, Gus, of public schools 1882
Coleman, H.S, Golden Gate delegate 1877
Coleman, I, freight from Bismarck 1880
Coleman, J, received freight, letter post office, real estate and mining transfer 1881 -1882, visit 1887, stayed Overland Hotel 1890
Coleman, J. C, letter post office 1888
Coleman, J. D, circuit court business 1894
Coleman, J.H, secretary of Lincoln Territory committee 1877, Caledonia Mining vs., summons to be issued 1882, Real estate transfers 1885
Coleman, J.H.S, of Chicago 1877, secretary of Territory committee 1877, Late owner of Father DeSmet Mine, Golden Gate, Belcher 1878, sold Father De Smet mine, Davenport, Iowa 1878, proposed narrow guage rail road 1878
Coleman, J.J, laid out addition to Redpath City 1881, ticket seller for Black Hills fair 1881, Part of Frys Galena Minstrel troop 1882, member of Odd Fellows lodge at Miles City 1883
Coleman, J. O, stage coach arrival 1885
Coleman, J.W, of Golden Gate, at the Welch Hotel 1878
Coleman, John, freight from Bismarck 1879
Coleman, John J, Johnnie, in Deadwood 1881, Opening branch bank at Billings, will be cashier 1882, purchased coal mine and stone quarry in Miles City 1883, Castle Creek Mining Company delinquent sale notice 1884, Coleman to travel with Professor Hazlett 1886
Coleman, Joseph, 1892
Coleman, L.D, Real Estate and Mining Transfers 1878
Coleman, M, passenger list 1887
Coleman, M.F, letter at post office 1881
Coleman, M. H, letter at post office 1890
Coleman, M.L, leaves Deadwood 1880, persons appointed viewers of road by commissioners 1883, voting locations and judges of election 1883, Board of Equalization meeting 1885, Agricultural patents received 1887, Lawrence County Commission meeting 1888
Coleman, M. S, Republican party meeting 1886
Coleman, Mary, Mary dies Aug. 14, 1887, noted relative Timothy Coleman
Coleman, Mills, incoming travelers from Sidney 1878
Coleman, Miss, passenger list 1890
Coleman, N Coleman, N.M , 1883 Coleman, Nathan
Coleman, Neil, attended birthday party 1891
Coleman, Nellie, Miss Nellies father dying, father died before she got there 1896
Coleman, P, incoming freight from Bismarck 1879
Coleman, P. F, passenger list 1886
Coleman, P. H, Coleman injures foot, staying at the Wentworth 1885, at the Wentworth 1886 and 1887, at the Keystone 1887, Fourth of July celebration plans 1887, Liquor dealer bonds approved 1888
Coleman, Patrick, new buildings since Spearfish fire 1886
Coleman ranch 1884
Coleman, Sam, Humston to open saloon in old store near Delmonico 1878
Coleman, Samuel, 1880 and 1888
Coleman, T, Losses by the big Deadwood fire of September 1879, letter at post office 1881 and 1888
Coleman, T.D, of New York in Deadwood 1877, bought Walt Ilers lower Main St drinking bar 1878, Democratic Convention in Central City 1878, Ex-treasurer arraigned for trial before Judge Burk 1878, Give donation for 4th of July celebration 1878, Lodged complaint against Martin Griffin, assault 1878, Named gentlemen are on $5,000 bond of C.H. Hunt 1878, at Merchants Hotel 1882, at Cosmopolitan Hotel 1882, Overland House arrival from Bull Dog Ranch 1882, arraigned and plead not guilty to murder, indicted for murder, bench warrant issued, in jail 1883, Dority dies from wounds 1886, Brand committee meets 1886
Coleman, T. H, verdict for defendant 1886
Coleman, T.M, 1878 and 1881
Coleman, T. P, at Keystone 1888
Coleman, Tim, attempted suicide with laudanum 1878, saloon on Sherman conducted upon strict democracy 1878, McGraw in bad condition after brutal beating 1879, Has taken possession of the Fountain City Hotel 1879, reports four more horses stolen at Bull Dog Ranch 1880, Rooney arrested for assault against Coleman 1880, Proprietor of Bull Dog Ranch in town with wife 1880, Out of luck $200 horse just laid down and died 1880, Immense timber fire raging near Colemans place 1882, Altercation in Lead saloon leaves Hickland dead 1882, Bond was paid by Dority, Dickinson and Mahan 1882, Held in sum of $6000, to appear before grand jury 1882, Trial ended, defendant acquitted of terrible crime 1883, Tim Coleman and John McCarthy stool sponsors at the baptism of Ludlow Cornelison, who was baptised into the democratic Yankee faith. In other words he foreswore his allegiance to Queen Victoria and became an American citizen. We will also add that he is a colored man, the first this reporter ever heard of, that was not a citizen 1883, Jewett team lost between Pennington and Lead 1884, Tim and the grizzly 1884, Bull Dog proprietor returns from the east 1885, Coleman up on assault charge 1885, "Slug 2" returns for fresh start 1886, The Dority assault 1886, Coleman complains of weather 1887, Our Hank visits the Central Hills 1889, Coleman bound over to grand jury 1893,
Coleman, Tim D, stage arrival 1885
Coleman, Timothy, at the Recorders Office 1878, Criminal cases put on calendar by district attorney 1883, Johnnie Slaughter murder evidence 1886, Mary Coleman dies 1887
Coleman, Timothy D, Real Estate and Mining Transfers 1883, District Court appearances 1886, Coleman and Meade married 1890, Real estate transfers December 5 1890, Wife and children destitute 1890, circuit court appearances 1895
Coleman, W. D, arrives from Chicago 1887
Coleman, W.H. of Six Mile Ranch, Wyoming 1878
Coleman, W.L, Bills were allowed, warrants drawn for same 1883, Lawrence County Commission proceedings 1885, County commission March meeting 1893
Coleman, W.M, Arrivals and departures for Pierre and Sidney 1883, 1885, 1886
Coleman, W.N, Real Estate and Mining Transfers 1883
Coleman, W. O, passenger lists 1886 and 1888, at Wentworth 1888
Coleman, William, at the Wentworth Hotel 1880, suffering with dislocated shoulder1886, at the Wentworth Hotel 1887