Suffering fearfully with throat, cant talk or eat Butler, Harry May 24 1882
Arrivals at Overland, from Lead Butler, Harry Dec 12 1882
Injured in fall during Ford benefit, to have benefit Butler, Harry Feb 01 1883
Professional friends giving him a benefit performance Butler, Harry Feb 10 1883
Benefit will take place at Gem on next Friday Butler, Harry Feb 11 1883
Benefit moved to Kiemer Hall, changed to Monday night Butler, Harry Feb 15 1883
Park Theatre, formerly known as Stones Opera House, is run by Mr. Burns with Mr. Butler as stage manager and Professor Upwald as musical director. Stones Opera House. Burns, John. Butler, Harry. Upwald. Park Theatre. January 19, 1884
Fell down Gem Theatre stairs, broke collar bone Butler, Harry Jan 24 1883
Only first-class place of amusement. Proprietor, J.C. Burns; director of amusements, Harry Butler; musical director, Professor Upwald; leader of brass band, J.A. Upwald. Contents Admission: 25 cents. Private boxes: 50 cents. Burns, J.C. Butler, Harry. Upwald, J.A. Park Theater. February 1, 1884
Harry Butler, stage manager and comedian of the Park Theatre, closed his engagement last evening. Butler, Harry. Park Theatre. February 16, 1884
Park Theater. Formerly Stones Opera House. Lower Main Street, Deadwood. J.C. Burns, sole proprietor. Harry Butler, director of amusements. Professor Upwald, musical director. J.A. Upwald, leader of brass band. The only first-class place of amusement in the city. Crowded houses nightly. Everything new and spicy. Admission 25 cents. Private boxes 50 cents. Burns, J.C. Butler, Harry. Upwald, J.A. Park Theater. March 1, 1884
Butler thanks fire department. Fire department. Butler, Harry. Dix, Julian. Damon, Harry. Bischoff, Herman. Whitbeck, L. F. Jan. 5, 1886
Kiemer Hall for rent. Kiemer Hall. Butler, Harry. Wood, I. H. March 2, 1886
Billboards being erected. Butler, Harry. March 5, 1886
Butler sluicing out Main Street. Butler, Harry. Main Street. April 23, 1886