Pearson, J.B. located first claim on Deadwood Pearson, John B. Black Hills Daily Pioneer Jul 01 1876, p.2 , col.4
J.B. Pierson, one of the men who made the discovery of gold in Deadwood gulch in 1875, the man who introduced the second stamp mill in the Hills, has gone to the Idaho mines. Pierson, J.B. Black Hills Daily Times March 20, 1884, p. 3, col. 2.
Pioneers 1875 -1876 vicinity
Ingoldsby, J.M. must pay his share of assessment Ingoldsby, J.M. Black Hills Daily Pioneer Oct 07 1876, p.4 , col.4
Assessment due. J.M. Ingoldsby notified of assessment due. Ingoldsby, J. M. Giant Mine. Gay, William. Gay, A. H. Pearson, John. Boughton, E. D. Black Hills Daily Pioneer, Dec. 30, 1876, p.2, col.5.
Assessment due. Notice to William Ferguson that unless assessment labor paid, claim will be forfeited. Ferguson, William. Red Jacket Mine. Bradford, Henry. Cronin, Michael.
Corslett, Wm. finds gold July, 1875, Castle Creek Castle Creek Mine Corslett, William Black Hills Daily Times Apr 20 1877, p.4 , col.2
Settled here in 1875, owner of Last Chance Mine Ferguson, William Black Hills Daily Times Sep 18 1879, p.4 , col.3
Old timer, pioneer at Custer City since 1875 Mallory, Tom Black Hills Daily Times Sep 10 1880, p.4 , col.5
Dr. discovered hot mineral springs in 1875 McGillicuddy, Valentine T. Black Hills Daily Times Jun 09 1881, p.2 , col.4
Came to the Hills in 1875 with Carney Bull, William Black Hills Daily Times Nov 26 1881, p.4 , col.5
Incident - "The fall of 1875" Allen, Doc Allen, J.W. Allen, James Carlin, A.J. Black Hills Daily Times Mar 09 1882, p.1 , col.3
Miners' Meeting. These friendly gatherings, that in the early days, when there was no other law, that were so popular, have become almost obsolete, and but few of the miners of the Hills, know of there being such a thing legally. Lost Placer Mining District, that at one time was all there was of law and order in this country, and whose territory extended from what is now Bank alley in this city, up Deadwood gulch, including it and all its tributaries, was organized and officers elected, in 1875, and the organization has been kept up ever since, and placer mining is going on in this district every season, and to the laws enacted at the organization, and the amendments made at different times since, they all look as the Magna Carta of miners' rights. The recorder, who is the chief justice, the man best posted in the law, and who has charge of the records, has always resided at Gayville, and it is of a meeting ordered by him, on a petition of five miners, held on the evening of Nove Member 1, that we are about to speak. Three claims in Bobtail gulch have been owned by D.W. Green for three years, and worked, or represented since that time by him or his agent, and these claims were jumped and re-located by other parties last summer, and it was to settle this controversy that the meeting was called. The meeting was held in the school house, furnished with patent folding desks, a something that was never seen in a placer miners' meeting before. Mose Pierce was chosen chairman, and the school teacher secretary, and when all the pipes had been lit, business was called. Mr. Green stated the object of the meeting, and then read the law of the district in regard to the location of claims, the amount of labor necessary on each claim to perfect the location, and the manner under the law by which claims that could not be worked profitably for want of water, could be laid over until the following spring, and then introduced evidence to show that he had complied with the law in every particular. It was then unanimously resolved that the re-location was illegal, and that Mr. Green should have the claims. The meeting then adjourned. Green, D.W. Pierce, Mose. Lost Placer Mining District. Gayville. Black Hills Daily Times November 3, 1883, p. 2, col. 4.
Preserved box thought to be Egan's. Charles Kauffman, blacksmith, went bear hunting in the Bear Lodge mountains. He did not bring back a bear, but a preserved sardine box scratched with "E.B. Egan, Sept. 12, 1875, B.H.G.&S.E." Opinion is that it was placed there by Capt. Egan, who came here in that year and escorted the miners out of the country. Kauffman, Charles. Egan, E. B. Black Hills Daily Times, June 24, 1885, p.2, col.4.
McKay's 1874 discovery prompts expedition. McKay's 1874 discovery again sought for; Pat Smith and three others, all from Galena, depart. McKay, Smith, Pat. Black Hills Daily Times, June 24, 1887, p.1, col.5.
McTigue leaves for Wyoming. One by one old timers leave the Hills. Simon McTigue, one of the first settlers, left for Wyoming. Simon reached the Hills three different times and was taken out by troops, and was with the party whose wagons were burned by the government troops in 1875. He returned in the fall of 1875 and was one of the seven white men to locate that fall. McTigue, Simon. Black Hills Daily Times, April 15, 1888, p.4, col.3.
Charles Harbaugh, Custer, one of the pioneers in the Hills coming here in 1875 to French creek, is at the Keystone. Harbach, Charles. Black Hills Daily Times, June 7, 1888, p.4, col.4.
Aunt Sally dies at Galena. "Old Aunt Sally," a colored woman aged 75 years, died of general debility at her ranch four miles from Galena, Tuesday (April 11). She claimed to have been first woman to enter the Hills, arriving in 1874 as cook for General Custer. She returned in 1876 and lived at Crook, later moving to Galena and located on the ranch, where she died. Aunt Sally. Black Hills Daily Times, April 13, 1888, p.4, col.1.
Bull dog occupies honored grave. Statement that J. Lang's dog is first to the Hills corrected. J.J. Williams, member of the Gordon party to arrive in 1874, states with that party were three elegant dogs, two having returned been returned to Kansas and the bull dog occupying an honored grave in this locality. Dogs. Lang, Jimmy. Williams, J. J. Gordon party. Lamb, Lyman.
Black Hills Daily Times, April 15, 1888, p.1, col.4.
Mines and Lodes Worked 1876
Golden Star Mine Yellow Jacket Mine Old Mine Yellow Creek Gulch Charles Wesley Mine Alpha Mine Laura Mine Terrible Mine Whitewood Gulch White Tail and Gold Run Ditch Mine No. 2 Virginius Mine Virginia Mine Clara No. 2 Mine Golden Star Mine Homestake Mine Virginia Lode Unknown mine on Bobtail side, lie parallel Treasure Mine Terrible Lode located below the Arrow Lode Sweepstake Lode on Bobtail Gulch Sunday Mine Sun Flower Mine near Bear Butte Gold Run Mine Star of Day mine on Bobtail side, lie parallel Sitting Bull Lode new discovery at Bear Butte Seek No Farther No. 5 Sand Creek Rutherford B. Hayes mine near Bear Butte Rattler Mine Rose Lode Sir Roderick Dhu Lode Mine No. 11 Red Jacket Mine Red Cloud Company Rattlesnake Load near Bear Butte Treasure Mine Prince Mine near Bear Butte Kentuck Mine Bear Butte Mine Potato Gulch water from Beaver Creek Pochahontas Lode on Bobtail side, lie parallel New Ledge Mine Banner and Baum Mine Pioneer Newspaper office rest on a mine of gold Pierce Lode claim no. 12 Claim No. 3 claim above discovery None-Such Mine in Gayville Palmetto Mine is extension of the Clara mine Peawarmer Mine Frenchmans Lode Palmetto gold mine the same as American Flag Mine Omega mine on Deadwood side, lie parallel Old Abe Mine on Gold Run lie parallel to Homestake Caladonia Mine New Ledge mine on Bobtail side, lie parallel Negro gulch, 25 miles northwest of Deadwood Mountain Boy, The ridge between Deadwood and Gold Run Tunnel into Independence, Pea-Warmer and Gordon Mine Merritt Mine near Bear Butte Rattler Mine Mary Greeley Mine Golden Star Mine Little Nettie Mine on Gold Run lie parallel Laura mine located upon 2nd Dry Gulch Last Chance district Battle Creek Diggings John Gordon lode, No. 4 above discovery Ivanhoe Mine near Bear Butte Iron Creek hydraulic Inter-Ocean Lode near Gayville Tunneling into Independence, PeaWarmer and Gordon Mine Ida Mine on Deadwood side, lie parallel Ida Gray lode proposed to tap 100 foot tunnel Golden Gate Mine Father DeSmet Mine Homestake mine on Gold Run lie parallel to Golden Homestake and Ophir Mines extension Golden Star Mine Mine No. 3 Mine No. 1 below Discovery Clara No. 2 Mine Hardscrabble Mine near Bear Butte Caribou Mine Grand Duke Lode Whitewood Creek Gordon Lode on Gold Run Golden Terry, known as the Frenchmans Mine Golden Terry on head of Bobtail side, lie parallel Golden Tara, better known as Frenchmans Tunnel Golden Star north fork of Gold Run near Lead City Golden Rule on Bobtail side, lie parallel Golden Gate mine on Deadwood side, lie parallel Gold Star No. 2 Gold Run, Pioneer ditch furnishing water Gold Run south branch arastra process Gold Run about 5 miles southwest of Deadwood Gold Run Placers lying idle scarcity of water Gold Hill and Whitetail Ditch Company Giant Mine on Gold Run lie parallel to Clara Mine No. 4 Florence Mine near Bear Butte Mine No. 11 Flagstaff Mine near Bear Butte Fissure View Lode Mine No. 8 False Bottom at New Chicago large arastra Ella tunnel at junction of Deadwood and Bobtail El Refugio Mine near Bear Butte Gold Run Mine Mine No. 1 below Discovery Mine No.4 above on upper Deadwood Mine No. 20 below Deadwood Mine No. 2 on Deadwood Mine No. 11, below Discovery Mines listed parallel to each other, Deadwood, Bob Tail, Golden Run Cora silver lead Blue Lode Clara mine on Gold Run lie parallel to Old Abe Clara lode between Gold Run and Bobtail Gulch Mountain Boy Mine Clara No. 2 between Bobtail and Gold Run Clara No. 1 and 2 and American Flag on Giant lode Clara No. 1 at the head of Shoemakers gulch Clara Mine on divide between Gold Run and Bobtail Mine No. 6 Chief of the Hills mine located above Blacktail Chicago Mine in Saw-pit Gulch Charles Wesley mine at False Bottom Centennial Mine near African Gulch Castle creek dry diggings Caribou mine Bear Butte Mine No. 12 claim, Cape Horn district Cape Horn District claim No. 84 Cape Horn district claims No. 14, 28, and 30 Cache le Poudre Mine on Bobtail side, lie parallel Buckeye Tunnel Mine near Bear Butte Boulder Gulch 6 miles from Deadwood, new discovery Belle of the West Mine Bonner Mine Blue Lode Lead City Blind Lode located near Anchor Lode Mine No. 3 on Black Tail Black Tail Gulch placer mining suspended, no water Black Crow mine on Bobtail side, lie parallel Big Missouri Lead and Claims No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Big Cheyenne Mine Omega Mine Belcher mine on Bobtail gulch Deadwood side, lie parallel Beaver Creek Gulch Bear Gulch claim No. 5 Bear Butte first silver district Bear Butte American Tunnel Company run tunnel 28 feet Bear rocker process used Baum Mine on Bobtail side, lie parallel Banner mine on Bobtail side, lie parallel Mine Nos. 1 and 2 above, Banger tunnel, Homestake Mine and Ophir Mine Banger tunnel on Blacktail Gulch Arrow Lode located north of Deadwood Creek Anchor Lode located near Black Tail American Flag Mine on Palmetto Mine location Alpha Mine on Deadwood side Bobtail gulch located near Gayville, lie parallel Alpha is located 3 miles southwest of Deadwood Black Crow Mine Star of Day Mine Agnes mine on Bobtail side, lie parallel Mine Numbers 13 and 14 of African Gulch, Potato Creek