The Minnie Callison Murder Trial would have been the news of the day discussed at the dinner table. Death, Minnie Callison, school teacher, found in her bed murdered, August 20, 1878.
244 Voting precincts & judges of election for Lawrence 1878
245 Voting precincts & Judges at election 1878
246 Voting Precincts & Judges of Election for Lawrence 1878
247 Voting Precincts & Judges of Election 1878
248 Vote of Lawrence County 1878
249 Table showing votes received & his majority 1878
250 Returns of the election 1878
251 Real Estate & Mining Transfers 1878
252 Real Estate & Mining Transfers 1878
253 Proprietor of Abts restaurant 1878
254 Opened restaurant on Mill St. between Pine & Main 1878
255 Official vote of Lawrence County, 2393 1878
256 Notice - Estate of Frederick Diselhorst 1878
257 Lead City, building on Mill street 1878
258 Lead Citys popular school director 1878
259 Lead City 1878
260 Fred Geisthurst dies at his home 1878
261 Fred Distelhurst dies at his residence of pneumoni 1878
262 Effected a temporary organization, all precincts 1878
263 Democratic Convention in Central City 1878
264 Delegates to the Democratic Convention 1878
265 Complaint of Callison murder trial in Deadwood 1878
266 Complaint in Telegraph on trial in Deadwood 1878
267 Charity Ball for Yellow Fever Sufferers 1878
268 Frank Albt [Abt] in Deadwood. 1877
269 Abt, Frank owns shoe store 1877
270 Frank Abt lot title disputed. 1877
271 Abt, Frank Deadwood 1877
272 F. Abt is grand juror. 1877
American House
1 Brennan again at the helm. 1887
2 Sheriff Burleigh up from Rapid. 1885
3 Construction to be held up due to saw mill fire 1882
4 Idea seems to have fallen into decay since fire 1882
5 Scheme has fallen into decay, contractor quits wor 1882
6 Men at work cleaning up debris 1882
7 Stone work has commenced, Central City 1882
8 Debris removed, construction to soon begin 1882
9 Shooting contest to be held on Thanksgiving 1881
10 Part of the frame work fell from Central hotel 1881
11 1st class Galena hotel is run by Mrs. Ingalls 1881
12 Recently destroyed by fire at Central 1881
13 Centrally located & has one of the best cooks, ad 1880
14 Gathering clues as to identity of fire-bug 1880
15 Merchants Portective Association of Central meets 1880
16 Blackened ruins cast air of desolation over city 1880
17 Historical sketch of M.E. Church at Central City 1880
18 On fire from end to end and from top to bottom 1880
19 Billiard tables to have new cloths in a few days 1880
20 Drilling for Flora Bell extention above American H 1880
21 Greenley & Co to open billiard hall in the rear 1879
22 Ryan & McKay headquarters for freight to Spearfish 1879
23 Large new billiard hall adjoining House, Central 1879
24 Office has been improved with a coat of whitewash 1879
25 Perrymans Drug Store in American House Blk,Central 1879
26 Recently added croquet grounds adds to enjoyment 1879
27 Perrymans Drug store located in the American House 1879
28 Travelers to Central well pleased with lodging 1879
29 Robinson sporting an elegant Panama hat lately 1879
30 At Central, has become deservedly popular 1879
31 Will provide the supper for the Odd Fellows ball 1879
32 Second Grand Ball at Central on Friday evening 1879
33 Invitations are out for second grand ball, Central 1879
34 Prize ball given for a fine gold watch, stem wound 1879
35 Building in the rear to be a billiard hall 1879
36 Election to fill two Justices vacancy on 18th 1878
37 Central City telegraph office now in American Hous 1878
38 American name of new hotel, Ruggles & Swazie prop. 1877
39 American House on Lee, enlarged another 100 feet 1877
40 American House has new proprietors 1877
41 American House, Lee St. Ruggles & Swazie 1877
42 American Hotel on Lee Street 1877
43 Owner of American House, does not have any money 1877
44 Inns that extend the comforts to the way travelers 1877
45 American House changes name to Welch Hotel 1877
American Hotel
1 Boarding houses in Galena, statistics from owners 1883
2 New hotel on Lee Street called American Hotel 1877
Dolan, C J
Real Estate & Mining Transfers
Dolan, C.J.
Sep 07 1878
Name: Charles Dolan
Home in 1880: Lead City, Lawrence, Dakota Territory
Age: 26
Estimated birth year: abt 1854
Birthplace: Ireland
Relation to Head of Household: Something other than a direct relationship (Other)
Father's birthplace: Ireland
Mother's birthplace: Ireland
Occupation: Miner
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
Frank Abt 41
Mary Abt 36
John Abt 12
Frank Abt 10
Annie Abt 5
Mary Abt 10M
Johanna Broyle 22
Joseph Distel 33
George Abt 26
August Trauth 19
Wilbur W. Starr 24
Fred Koppel 35
Mathew Klop 20
Charles Restow 40
Elizabeth Anderson 23
Charles Buneman 44
William J. Henning 26
Michael E. Corbett 22
Homer E. Moore 30
George Boomer 30
Freeman Willour 28
John E. Wasson 32
Henry Deans 32
Alexander Ballantyne 32
Lorrin W. Orvis 27
John est 44
Richard Bullock 33
George W. Curtis 24
John Rodda 40
Michael C. Brennan 30
Andrew Bray 29
William Smallwood 27
Edward Davids 27
Hugo Robinski 40
Edward F. Roberts 28
John Delehante 32
Ole Gunderson 37
Joseph C. Root 32
Edward Rodda 43
Frank Seymour 24
Joseph Mason 31
Simeon N. Young 32
Peter Campbell 23
John M. Mills 35
Philip Mc Guire 30
James Ollendorf 24
Calvin Kern 33
Ben F. Rathbone 35
Ole Stornon 48
James Rodda 50
Martin Wenkel 33
Charles Edwards 13
John C. Boucher 32
Philip J. Flinn 29
Joseph Flerl 35
Edward Buchanan 23
Frank Roberts 31
Frank Ollendorf 26
Peter Barhite 45
John G. Lillig 38
S. Currier 31
Charles Dolan 26
John Gular 27
A. Lay 24
Dennis O'Brien 31
John Steinmitz 32
Cyrus Smith 42
James Vuran 27
Thomas Warren 26
----------Dolan, Peter
1 Dolan buried at Catholic cemetery. 1888
2 Dolan dies at county hospital. 1888
3 Black Hills pensioners. 1886
4 Delinquent tax sale. 1885
5 For Sale Cheap, boarding house, Lead, ad 1882
6 Reported seeing Indians at the head of City Creek 1879
Name: Peter Dolan
Age: 52
Estimated birth year: abt 1828
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's name: Ellen
Occupation: Keeps Hotel
Marital Status: Married
Peter Dolan 52
Ellen Dolan 51
Eliza Dolan 18
William Dolan 14
William Saul 23
John Cunnington 20
John Hurley 37
Timothy Carty 26
Archie Ferguson 26
Frank Callahan 21
James Smith 36
James Halloran 26
Peter Mc Guire 40
Edward Quinlan 23
William Mc Grath 28
George B. Whitton 41
John Cullen 27
August Slechardt 24
George Robinson 28
John Mc Dermott 20
Thomas Ford 30
William Naddy 24
John Henry 28
John Lynch 23
Michael Lennon 36
Patrick Lennan 23
Michael Flannigan 21
Michal O'Connor 27
William T. Ryan 26 ----------
Will Willie Dolan
Collided with a stump while sledding
Dolan, Will
Jan 13 1879
Has been low with pneumonia, is on the improve
Dolan, Willie
Aug 06 1881
----------Eliza Dolan
1 Delinquent sale notice. 1888
2 Halloran and Dolan married. 1887
3 Halloran and Dolan to marry. 1887
4 Passenger lists Nov. 16. 1886