Name: helen M. Potter Comments: thank you so much for info on Zoeckler,Dwinnell, Can you tell me anyone I can hire to look up these articles in Deadwood library for me? Again, I am so grateful
Contact Deadwood Public Library for search and newspaper microfilm reproduction. Fees may be charged for these services.
The Deadwood Public Library 435 Williams St Deadwood, South Dakota, 57732
William Zoeckler, Henry Zoeckler and Peter Zoeckler, Zoeckler Brothers, Sherman Street Market, Fresh Meats
Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles
1 Dwinnell and Zoeckler married. 1901
2 Dwinnell and Zoeckler to marry. 1901
3 Delinquent property tax list. 1901
4 Delinquent property tax list. 1901
5 Waiting at Dutch Harbor. 1900
6 Zoecklers ducks take flight. 1900
7 Democrats select delegates. 1900
8 Hook and ladder annual meeting. 1900
9 Presentation of diplomas. 1900
10 Commencement exercises. 1900
11 Arnst resigns meat market. 1900
12 Filed for record. 1900
13 Yesterdays personals. 1900
14 Five for Cape Nome. 1900
15 Knights of Gambrinus meet. 1900
16 How Halloween was kept. 1900
17 Deadwood Bryan Day Nov. 3. 1900
18 Small pox at Nome. 1900
19 Yesterdays personals. 1900
20 Notice of dissolution. 1900
21 Businesses to close at eight. 1899
22 Mother and sister honored. 1899
23 Arrivals in Deadwood. 1897
24 Fourth of July committees named. 1897
25 Koegel and Belinke married. 1897
26 Zoekler brothers bring in stock. 1896
27 Aultmeyer recovering. 1896
28 Official directory. 1896
29 Zoeckler property go to wife. 1896
30 Filed for record May 5. 1896
31 Zoeckler funeral largely attended. 1896
32 Zoeckler funeral today. 1896
33 Zoeckler on deaths door. 1896
34 Arrivals in Deadwood. 1896
35 Delightful juvenile party. 1896
36 Four hundred pound ice cube. 1896
37 Zoecklers celebrate five years. 1896
38 Henry Zoeckler dies. 1896
39 Franklins silver wedding. 1895
40 School board organized. 1895
41 Fire officers appointed. 1894
42 Strong endorsement for Baer. 1894
43 Clayton stops run-away horse. 1894
44 Firemens tourney day one. 1894
45 Range cattle doing well. 1893
46 Delinquent tax sale notice. 1893
47 Cradle-altar-grave: 1892 in review. 1893
48 Delinquent tax sale notice. 1893
49 Miss Lizzie changes employment. 1892
50 Nothing heard from Slossan relatives. 1892
51 Zoeckler brothers new packing house. 1892
52 Culvert bid awarded Hanschka. 1892
53 Zoeckler daughter born. 1892
54 A successful firm -- Zoeckler Brothers. 1892
55 Real estate report March 30. 1892
56 Grand Central raised. 1892
57 Mabbs raising Grand Central. 1892
58 Zoeckler up on assault and battery. 1892
59 Real estate report December 12. 1891
60 Happy birthday gathering. 1891
61 Circuit court report November 25. 1891
62 Circuit court report November 18. 1891
63 Two default judgments granted. 1891
64 Accepted Zoecklers offer. 1891
65 Mineral and floral specimens. 1891
66 Zoeckler brothers, not Zoellner. 1891
67 Forrest shoots his own horse. 1891
68 Finance committee for the Fourth. 1891
69 Our business houses. 1891
70 Real estate transfers December 17. 1890
71 Delinquent tax sale. 1890
72 U.S. Court report September 5. 1890
73 United States court report Sept. 3. 1890
74 That water way. 1890
75 Grand and petit jurors. 1890
76 Zoecklers handsome gifts. 1890
77 Of note -- businesses and businessmen. 1890
78 Black Hills resources -- railroad support. 1890
79 To summer with uncle and aunt Zoeckler. 1890
80 Business-like running of the Fourth. 1889
81 McDonough interred in First Ward cemetery. 1889
82 Grand Central register Sept. 7. 1889
83 Little Frank quite sick. 1888
84 Zoecklers return from West Virginia. 1888
85 Zoeckler gives horsemanship exhibition. 1888
86 Zoeckler shows cattle specimen. 1888
87 Meals by the carcass. 1888
88 Black Hills beef. 1888
89 Lost half of cattle. 1887
90 Delinquent city tax sale S-Z. 1887
91 Mother and sister visit Zoeckler. 1887
92 Raising property values in Deadwood. 1887
93 Zoeckler in from cattle range. 1887
94 Loss of stock simply terrible. 1887
95 A meaty subject. 1887
96 Horses take fright. 1887
97 Fresh meats. 1886
98 Married Feb. 23. 1886
99 United States and territorial court. 1886
100 Fire department thanks. 1886
101 Zoeckler Brothers fresh meats. 1886
102 The peoples movement. 1885
103 Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1885
104 Delinquent tax sale. 1885
105 Short calf crop next season. 1885
106 Citizens petition Franklin for councilman. 1885
107 Who the people want. 1885
108 Pork packers. 1885
109 Pork packers. 1885
110 Zoeckler Bros. Pork Packers. 1885
111 Zoeckler reports on cattle losses. 1885
112 Superiority of Zoecklers pork. 1885
113 Happy New Year. 1885
114 All types of meat at Zoeckler Bros. 1885
115 Christmas in Deadwood. 1884
116 Fire alarm in fourth ward. 1884
117 Zueckler brother arrives to reside. 1884
118 Zoeckler Brothers begin production in earnest. 1884
119 Pierre coach. 1884
120 A new enterprise. 1884
121 Arrivals and departures. 1884
122 Zeocklers pay toll to Indians. 1884
123 Zoeckler brothers are at Iowa with 200 steers and 100 cows, on their way to the Hills. 1884
124 Zoeckler Brothers successful. 1884
125 William and Peter Zoeckler, in company with George Geis, leave this morning by private conveyance for the east. The Zoeckler brothers go to Wheeling, West Virginia, where they will visit with their 1883
126 Statement of losses by Ddwd citizens from flood 1883
127 Surprise prepared at Casino for 22nd birthday 1883
128 Dr Myers poetry, for Zoeckler, published tomorrow 1883
129 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
130 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
131 Drs poetry for Zoeckler published tomorrow 1883
132 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
133 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
134 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
135 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
136 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
137 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
138 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
139 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
140 Friends presents to help Zoeckler celebrate birthd 1883
141 Reports road as being lined with settlers coming i 1883
142 Opposed to division of Lawrence Co, butchers 1883
143 Delinquent tax sale, property sold for non-payment 1883
144 Freight bound hillwards from Pierre 1882
145 Leaves Deadwood 1882
146 Father of Zoeckler Bros, left after visit to sons 1882
147 Bad place exists in sidewalk near Meat Mrkt 1882
148 Arriving on todays Pierre stage, of Zoeckler Bros 1882
149 Sherman St. butchers building a refrigerator 1881
150 Proprietors of Sherman Street Market, ad 1881
151 Gave money for July 4th celebration 1881
152 Subscribes to the "Times" newspaper 1881
153 Sherman Street Market, fresh meats, ad 1881
154 Doings of the Deadwood Hook & Ladder Company, No 1 1880
Bertha L. Zoeckler
Dwinnell and Zoeckler to marry.
Dwinnell, William B.
Zoeckler, Bertha L.
Jan. 30, 1901
Dwinnell and Zoeckler married.
Dwinnell, William B.
Zoeckler, Bertha L.
Cornella, Miss.
Keith, Edna.
Parker, L. P.
Zoeckler, William.
Franklin, Harris Mrs.
Frawley, Henry.
Franklin, Nathan E.
Russell, John R.
Laffey, J. P.
Dwinnell, D. C.
Ellis, David.
Dennis, Frank.
Keith, J. G.
Hattenbach brothers.
Hoffman, J. G.
Zoeckler, Peter.
Mabbs, Austin H.
Parker, Stella.
Carney, A. B. Mrs.
Mackay, A. R.
Karp, Otto.
Steele, William R.
McLaughlin, Frank.
Steele and Dwinnell, attys.
Jan. 31, 1901
1 Zoeckler brothers are at Iowa with 200 steers and 100 cows, on their way to the Hills. 1884
2 Dr Myers poetry, for Zoeckler, published tomorrow 1883
3 Bad place exists in sidewalk near Meat Mrkt 1882
Zoeckler, Birdie
Delightful juvenile party.
Liebmann, Walter R.
Paddock, Angie.
Zoeckler, Birdie.
Zoeckler, Cornelia.
Higby, Bernice.
Hattenbach, Esther.
Belding, Jessie.
Pierce, Florence.
Harding, Madge.
Graves, Flossie.
Haines, Nina.
Pierce, Belle.
Dennis, Frances.
Belding, Gussie.
Lewis, Lillie.
Thompson, Lola.
Schaad, Charlotte.
Edmonds, Susie.
Wringrose, Bertha.
Dague, Hazel I.
Adams, Lucile.
Treber, Willie.
Treber, Albert.
Sasse, Frank.
Hickok, Harry.
Howe, Willie.
Howe, Louis.
Selbie, Willie.
Selbie, Charlie.
Bab****, Francis.
Bennett, Gaylord.
Knowles, Ellery.
Frazer, Roy.
Dague, Darrell B.
Zoellner, Arthur.
Zoellner, Charles I.
Shannon, Miss.
Charlton, Miss.
Frazer, W. K. Mrs.
Knowles, Jennie.
Ankeny, B. Frank.
Hurley, Thomas.
Feb. 29, 1896
Zoeckler, Cornelia/Cornella
1 Presentation of diplomas. 1900
2 Koegel and Belinke married. 1897
3 Delightful juvenile party. 1896
4 Happy birthday gathering. 1891
1 Yesterdays personals. 1900
2 Commencement exercises. 1900
Zoeckler, Ed/Edward
Pierre coach.
Zoeckler, Henry J.
Zoeckler, Ed.
McCravry, George.
Flanegan, Mamie.
Codie, Mary.
Duilshine, Lou.
Oct. 12, 1884
Koegel and Belinke married.
Koegel, Robert.
Behnke, Ida C.
Zoeckler, William.
Zoeckler, Sadie B.
Koegel, Robert Mrs. SEE Koegel, Ida C.
Koegel, Ida C.McConnell, Alex S.
Carney, Mrs.
Schrenkle, Mrs.
Zoeckler, Bertha.
Zoeckler, Cornelia.
Zoeckler, Edward.
Nov. 11, 1897
Zoeckler, Frank
Little Frank quite sick.
Zoeckler, Frank.
March 23, 1888
Zoeckler, Henry/ Henry J.
1 Zoeckler funeral today. 1896
2 Zoeckler on deaths door. 1896
3 Zoecklers celebrate five years. 1896
4 School board organized. 1895
5 Our business houses. 1891
6 Of note -- businesses and businessmen. 1890
7 Zoecklers return from West Virginia. 1888
8 Zueckler brother arrives to reside. 1884
1 Zoeckler funeral largely attended. 1896
2 Zoeckler property go to wife. 1896
3 Henry Zoeckler dies. 1896
4 Strong endorsement for Baer. 1894
5 Real estate report March 30. 1892
6 United States court report Sept. 3. 1890
7 Grand and petit jurors. 1890
8 U.S. Court report September 5. 1890
9 Married Feb. 23. 1886
10 Pierre coach. 1884
11 Arrivals and departures. 1884
Henry Zoeckler dies.
Zoeckler, Henry J.
Zoeckler, Matilda.
Zoeckler, William.
Zoeckler, Peter.
Zoeckler, Louis.
Welty, John S. Mrs.
Altmeyee, Matt Mrs.
Mabis, Albert Mrs.
March 25, 1896
Zoeckler, Matilda
1 Notice of dissolution. 1900
2 Mother and sister honored. 1899
3 Zoeckler property go to wife. 1896
4 Henry Zoeckler dies. 1896
5 Franklins silver wedding. 1895
6 Delinquent tax sale. 1890
7 Mother and sister visit Zoeckler. 1887
8 Married Feb. 23. 1886
Zoeckler Meat Market
1 Arnst resigns meat market. 1900
2 Five for Cape Nome. 1900
Zoeckler, P
Leaves Deadwood
Zoeckler, P.
Sep 10 1882
Father of Zoeckler Bros, left after visit to sons
Zoeckler, P.
Sep 10 1882
Mother and sister visit Zoeckler.
Zoeckler, William.
Zoeckler, Mrs.
Welty, Mrs.
Zoeckler, Matilda.
Sept. 6, 1887
Zoeckler, P. E.
Grand Central register Sept. 7.
Caulfield, L.
Hull, H. E.
Martin, L. Mrs.
Robinson, G. H.
Hake, J.
Bowman, M. Miss.
Mills, J. A.
Benn, W. W.
Ervin, G.
Ashcroft, F.
Coe, C. A.
Frank, A. E.
Zoeckler, P. E.
Lewis, J. W.
Houghton, G. L.
King, J.
Lewis, R. W.
Cardinal, C.
Harris, S.
Smart, W.
Springer, G. A.
Lancaster, N.
Howard, J.
Johnson, G. G.
Perkins, W. B.
Grabill, John H. C.
Sept. 7, 1889
Zoeckler, Pete/Peter/Peter E.
1 Loss of stock simply terrible. 1887
2 Zeocklers pay toll to Indians. 1884
3 Surprise prepared at Casino for 22nd birthday 1883
1 Dwinnell and Zoeckler married. 1901
2 Small pox at Nome. 1900
3 Waiting at Dutch Harbor. 1900
4 Five for Cape Nome. 1900
5 Deadwood Bryan Day Nov. 3. 1900
6 Knights of Gambrinus meet. 1900
7 Arrivals in Deadwood. 1897
8 Henry Zoeckler dies. 1896
9 Filed for record May 5. 1896
10 Zoeckler property go to wife. 1896
11 Arrivals in Deadwood. 1896
12 Range cattle doing well. 1893
13 Delinquent tax sale notice. 1893
14 Nothing heard from Slossan relatives. 1892
15 Real estate report March 30. 1892
16 Real estate report December 12. 1891
17 Our business houses. 1891
18 Of note -- businesses and businessmen. 1890
19 Zoecklers return from West Virginia. 1888
20 Zoeckler in from cattle range. 1887
21 Lost half of cattle. 1887
22 Short calf crop next season. 1885
23 Zoeckler reports on cattle losses. 1885
24 Zueckler brother arrives to reside. 1884
25 William and Peter Zoeckler, in company with George Geis, leave this morning by private conveyance for the east. The Zoeckler brothers go to Wheeling, West Virginia, where they will visit with their 1883
1 Filed for record. 1900
2 Notice of dissolution. 1900
Zoeckler, Sadie B.
1 Mother and sister honored. 1899
2 Koegel and Belinke married. 1897
3 Zoecklers celebrate five years. 1896
4 Zoeckler daughter born. 1892
Mineral and floral specimens.
Zoeckler, William Mrs.
Shaw, A. Mrs.
Barclay, W. J. Mrs.
Aug. 20, 1891
Zoeckler, W./Will/William/Wm/Billie
Knights of Gambrinus meet.
Knights of Gambrinus.
Hotnberger, A.
Zoeckler, Peter.
Donovan, M. J.
Frawley, James.
Rankin, W. A.
Munn, James.
Zoeckler, W.
Denman, S.
Kenney, D.
Auten, George.
Poznansky, Joe.
Simpson, Arthur.
Hein, Fred.
McFarland, W. J.
May 1, 1900
1 Yesterdays personals. 1900
2 Zoeckler gives horsemanship exhibition. 1888
1 Delinquent property tax list. 1901
2 Dwinnell and Zoeckler married. 1901
3 Hook and ladder annual meeting. 1900
4 Filed for record. 1900
5 Democrats select delegates. 1900
6 Zoecklers ducks take flight. 1900
7 Waiting at Dutch Harbor. 1900
8 Notice of dissolution. 1900
9 Koegel and Belinke married. 1897
10 Fourth of July committees named. 1897
11 Official directory. 1896
12 Zoeckler property go to wife. 1896
13 Filed for record May 5. 1896
14 Henry Zoeckler dies. 1896
15 Zoecklers celebrate five years. 1896
16 Fire officers appointed. 1894
17 Firemens tourney day one. 1894
18 Strong endorsement for Baer. 1894
19 Cradle-altar-grave: 1892 in review. 1893
20 Delinquent tax sale notice. 1893
21 Culvert bid awarded Hanschka. 1892
22 Zoeckler daughter born. 1892
23 Zoeckler up on assault and battery. 1892
24 Real estate report March 30. 1892
25 Circuit court report November 18. 1891
26 Our business houses. 1891
27 Real estate transfers December 17. 1890
28 Zoecklers handsome gifts. 1890
29 Of note -- businesses and businessmen. 1890
30 To summer with uncle and aunt Zoeckler. 1890
31 Mother and sister visit Zoeckler. 1887
32 United States and territorial court. 1886
33 Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1885
34 Zeocklers pay toll to Indians. 1884
35 Zueckler brother arrives to reside. 1884
36 William and Peter Zoeckler, in company with George Geis, leave this morning by private conveyance for the east. The Zoeckler brothers go to Wheeling, West Virginia, where they will visit with their 1883
37 Doings of the Deadwood Hook & Ladder Company, No 1 1880
To summer with uncle and aunt Zoeckler.
Zoeckler, William.
Waltz, John.
Waltz, Albert.
Waltz, Mamie.
June 29, 1890
Arriving on todays Pierre stage, of Zoeckler Bros
Zoeckler, Wm.
Dec 20 1882
Zoeckler, Billy
1 Zoeckler shows cattle specimen. 1888
2 Reports road as being lined with settlers coming i 1883
Metropolitan Market
Zoeckler, William
Zoeckler, Peter
Zoeckler, Henry
Range cattle doing well.
Zoeckler, Peter.
Metropolitan Market.
Dec. 14, 1893
Christmas season has come in earnest.
San Francisco Bazaar.
Metropolitan Market.
Dec. 17, 1893
Of note -- businesses and businessmen.
Merchants National Bank.
Selbie, William.
Union Assay Office.
Lyon, M. H.
Bamberger, M.
Grabill Art Gallery.
Treber, John.
Baggaley, John.
Wentworth Hotel.
Smith, S. R.
Smith, Frank B.
Jenkins, L. P.
Overland Hotel.
Empire Store.
Browning and Wringrose.
Browning, James.
Wringrose, John.
Zoeckler, William.
Zoeckler, Peter.
Zoeckler, Henry.
Fish and Hunter.
Hunter, John.
Big Horn Store.
Hickey, Joseph.
Pollock, Albert.
McDonald, Edward.
Freund, F. G.
Northwestern Transportation Company.
Cooper, H. T.
Bartlett, C. A.
Brown, Frank L.
Deadwood Flouring Mill.
Beemer, George.
LaBeau, J. B.
Barclay, Charles.
Zoeckler Brothers Market, Metropolitan Market
Grabill, John H. C.
Jan. 1, 1890
Saint Ambrose Cemetery
Deadwood, Lawrence County, South Dakota
Burnam Hill, Deadwood, SD
Zoeckler, Sadie B, b. Apr 09, 1867, d. Oct 31, 1940, Schulte FH marker, 2 markers
Zoeckler, William, b. May 1855, d. Dec 1911
Name: William Zigler/Zoeckler
Home in 1880: Deadwood, Lawrence, Dakota Territory
Age: 24
Estimated birth year: abt 1856
Birthplace: West Virginia
Relation to Head of Household: Something other than a direct relationship (Other)
Father's birthplace: Ger
Mother's birthplace: Ger
Occupation: Meat Market
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
James A. Wilson 46
Sallie M. Wilson 41
Willie E. Wilson 19
Kittie A. Wilson 13
Nettie C. Wilson 11
A. Sonstrom 49
William Nelson 41
H. N. Hartendorff 38
William Zigler 24
William Lutz 25
Gust. Cacholer 61
Name: William J Zoeckler
Age in 1910: 56
Estimated birth year: abt 1854
Birthplace: West Virginia
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: Germany
Mother's Birth Place: Germany
Occupation: Meat Market
Spouse's name: Sadie F
Home in 1910: Deadwood Ward 4, Lawrence, South Dakota
Marital Status: Married
Number of Years Married: 19
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
William J Zoeckler 56
Sadie F Zoeckler 43
Ruth L Zoeckler 18
Marie V Zoeckler 16
Name: Marie Veneita Zoeckler
Birth Date: 29 Nov 1893
Gender: Female
County: Lawrence
Father's Name: William Zoeckler
Mother's Name: Sadie Behnke
File Date: 21 Aug 1940
Name: Ruth Zoeckler
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Spouse: Virgil L Yeager
Marriage Date: 4 Sep 1913
Marriage County: Lawrence
County of Residence: Lawrence
Post Office: Deadwood
Name: Sadie Zoeckler
Home in 1920: Deadwood, Lawrence, South Dakota
Age: 52 years
Estimated birth year: abt 1868
Birthplace: Germany
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: Germany
Mother's Birth Place: Germany
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Sex: Female
Home owned: Own
Year of Immigration: 1867
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household Members: Name Age
Sadie Zoeckler 52
Marie Zoeckler 26, occupation bookkeeper, law office
Name: Sadie B Zoeckler
Home in 1930: Deadwood, Lawrence, South Dakota
View Map
Age: 62
Estimated birth year: abt 1868
Birthplace: Germany
Relation to Head of House:
Race: White
Household Members: Name Age
Charles G Kennady 49
Grace B Kennady 43
Madge M Kennady 18
Charles W Kennady 17
Eleanor H Kennady 13
Keith Kennady 7
Don E Kennady 5
Sadie B Zoeckler 62
Name: Sadie B Zoeckler
Certificate Number: 196732
Death Day: 31
Death Month: Oct
Death Year: 1940
County: Lawrence
Page Number: 300
Name: Edward Zoeckler
Age in 1910: 30
Estimated birth year: abt 1880
Birthplace: South Dakota
Relation to Head of House: Lodger
Father's Birth Place: Virginia
Mother's Birth Place: Virginia
Home in 1910: Deadwood Ward 2, Lawrence, South Dakota
William and Peter Zoeckler, in company with George Geis, leave this morning by private conveyance for the east. The Zoeckler brothers go to Wheeling, West Virginia, where they will visit with their 1883
States Federal Census
Name: George Zoeckler
Home in 1880: Wheeling, Ohio, West Virginia
Age: 45
Estimated birth year: abt 1835
Birthplace: Hesse D
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's name: Kate
Father's birthplace: Hesse D
Mother's birthplace: Hesse D
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Butcher
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Household Members: Name Age
George Zoeckler 45
Kate Zoeckler 40
George Zoeckler 21
Minnie Zoeckler 3
Mary Heil 17
Albert Veihreller 15
-- Edited by webmaster on Monday 18th of January 2010 02:40:49 PM
Name: potter Comments: I am looking for info. of Zoeckler Brothers and also my grandfather, Wm. B. Dwinnell who married Bertha Zoeckler Jan 1, 1900 in Deadwood. He was law partner with J. Laffey.