You might consider contacting Adams Museum to see if they have any biographical information on pioneer John A. Swift.
Adams Museum 54 Sherman St. , Deadwood, SD 57732 Telephone: 605.578.1714
I would also obtain copies of any historical newspaper articles from Deadwood Public Library at the time of his death which might speak of his civil war history. This John Swift may have been aboard the tinclad U. S. S. Silver Cloud but I have no proof of it for you.
I am trying to find out if this John Swift is related to me as well. I have transcripted letters from when John Swift was a riverboat pilot during the Civil War. He was writing these letters home to his mother and sister. I would be interested in any comments or replies.
Thank you for the research. How do I read the original newspaper articles? Is there anything in the articles that would link John Swift to the 10th New York Heavy Artillery Unit in the Civil War?
The year condensed October-December. 1891 District court report August 11. 1888 Swift accepts position on Pioneer staff. 1885 Swift preparing tax list. 1884 John Swift has gone to the valleys to recuperate and take lessons in agriculture. 1884 John Swift disappeared for several days and no one seems to know where he has gone. 1884 Taking depositions for Forbes vs Fish & Jackson tr 1882 In Deadwood 1880 Baliff in charge of grand jury 1880 In Deadwood 1880 Busily taking depositions in cases 1878
John A. Swift
Flower strewn graves. 1893 Decoration day. 1891 Swift interred at Mount Moriah. 1890 Swift death not unexpected. 1890 Three Richmonds in mayoral field. 1887 Court report Sept. 3. 1887 Early application for pension. 1887 Swift on taxes. 1885 Who the people want. 1885 Bill which passed the house of representatives on March 3d gives all survivors of the Mexican war a pension of $8 per month. It also provides a pension for the widows of deceased soldiers and sailors 1884 Voting locations & judges of election 1883 To take testimony in Fisk & Perrine divorce cases 1881 Fees for services of sheriffs office paid to Swift 1880 Has experience in the duties of an office 1880 Cases on court docket which are ready for trial 1880 Mortgage Sale 1880 Guests registered at the Wentworth House 1880 Miss Augusta Chambers to be given benefit 1878 Charges brought against Judge Bennett 1878 Swift, John A. Dissolution notice 1877 Swift, John A. wins as clerk & treasurer in Deadwood 1876 Swift, John A. is real estate agent & conveyancer 1876 Real estate agent and conveyancer. 1876
Johnnie Swift
Swift seriously ill. 1890 Neat job of calligraphy. 1886 Swift separates from Pioneer. 1885 Potato crop. 1884 Swift completes tax list. 1884 Smith and Swift visit Elk creek. 1884 Johnnie Swift is now at work getting up the tax lists for Lawrence county. He has just gotten fairly at work, but will have them ready on time. This is a very difficult task, requiring an expert in 1883 Is now in the office of Corson & Thomas 1881 Preliminary examination of Woolsey for Coburn kill 1880 Marriage, to Mollie Solace, on Monday evening 1880 Swift, Johnnie appointed U.S. Deputy Clerk 1877
Johnny Swift
Asks us to state that he is well & hearty 1882 Resembles Gov. Ordway since he grew moustache 1882 To take Brewers place as deputy in city of Ddwd 1880 Took anti-mortem statement from James Coburn 1880 A clause that should be repealed 1880 Fell asleep while taking depositions in court 1879
Burials Mount Moriah Cemetery
Swift, Alberta May, b. Nov 1913, d. Dec 01, 1913, age: 7d, bur. Sec 10, Lot 3, Baby Swift, Anna (Mrs), d. 3/19/1921, age: 74y, bur. Sec EPF, Lot 464 * Swift, John A., d. 1890/11/28, age: 40y, bur. Sec 2, Lot 99, GAR * Swift, Riley C., b. 1874, d. Jan 18, 1914, age: 40y, bur. Sec 10, Lot 3