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Topic: George V. Ayres, wife Kate T. Ayres, Ismon & Ayres Hardware, Ayres and Wardman Hardware

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Posts: 795
George V. Ayres, wife Kate T. Ayres, Ismon & Ayres Hardware, Ayres and Wardman Hardware

City council meeting August 3. 1891
Finance committee for the Fourth. 1891
Perfect fire keeper. 1892
County court report March 16. 1892
Fire report 1891. 1892
Setting Deadwood history straight. 1893
Deadwood council meeting December 4. 1893
Court report January 5. 1893
Businessmen support wages. 1894
City council meeting November 13. 1894
Verdict for defendant. 1894
City council meeting June 4. 1894
Fire destroys two blocks. 1894
City council meeting October 7. 1895
See the name on the leg. 1895
City council meeting November 7. 1895
Ayres and Wardman form company. 1895
Deadwood city council Jan. 6. 1896
Council meeting June 1. 1896
The new city dads. 1896
Businesses to close at 8. 1896
City council meeting March 2. 1896
Sunday closing a commendable move. 1897
City council meeting February 3. 1897
City council meeting March 1. 1897
City coucil pays bills May 5, 1897
Stores burglarized June 29, 1887
City council meeting Nov. 3. 1897
Hatch associated with Sterns. 1898

Posts: 795
George V. Ayres, wife Kate T. Ayres, Ismon & Ayres Hardware, Ayres and Wardman Hardware

Ayres and Wardman Hardware Company

Change in partnerships announced. Dissolution of Ismon and Ayres. Formation of a new firm, Ayres and Wardman.
Copartnership notice. 1884
Christmas in Deadwood. 1884
New tin roof on Northwestern building. 1884
Most complete mechanical institution. 1884
City council meeting. 1884
Stoves at Ayres and Wardman. 1884
Blasting powder for sale. 1884
City council meeting. 1885
Reporter visits the fair. 1885
First day of fair. 1885
Deadwood City Council meeting. 1885
Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1885
Deadwood mourns. 1885
Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1885
Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1885
Railroad clatter. 1885
Sneak thief apprehended. 1885
Lawrence County Commission proceedings. 1885
Hardware and mining supplies. 1885
Full line of stoves and stove boards. 1885
Committee of safety subscribers. 1885
The peoples movement. 1885
Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1885
Deadwood city council. 1885
Full line of stoves and stove boards. 1885
Sleigh bells! Sleigh bells! 1886
Ayres and Wardman hardware. 1886
Best and cheapest stoves in the Hills. 1886
Four prize raffle. 1886
Hardware of all types. 1886
Wardman and Hammond married. 1886
Best and the cheapest. 1886
Hawthorne benefit. 1886
Ayres and Wardman hardware. 1886
City council authorizes contract. 1886
Ayres and Wardman hardware. 1886
When you want hardware. 1886
Barb wire for sale. 1886
Glidden barb wire. 1886
Ayres and Wardman Hardware. 1886
City council meeting May 5. 1887
Bed-rock prices. 1887
Opportunity to attend fair. 1887
Fair prize sponsors. 1887
Stores burglarized. 1887
Donations to G.A.R. 1887
County commission April meetings. 1888
Lawrence County Commission meeting April. 1888
Mineral world March 13. 1888
Board of education meeting Nov. 1. 1888
Beecher buys lots. 1888
Transfers of record. 1888
Properties changing hands. 1888
Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1888
Business-like running of the Fourth. 1889
Nyes tirade. 1889
Grand and magnificent carnival. 1890
Black Hills resources -- mines and mills. 1890
Lawrence County commission meeting. 1890
City council meeting August 3. 1891
Finance committee for the Fourth. 1891
Kleen Klipper at Ayres & Wardman. 1891

Posts: 795
George V. Ayres, wife Kate T. Ayres, Ismon & Ayres Hardware, Ayres and Wardman Hardware

Kate T. Ayres, Mrs. George V. Ayres

Leaves Deadwood 1883
Ayres and bride return. 1885
Arrivals and departures. 1885
Homestake companys concert programme. 1885
Fine music in rehearsal. 1885
Concert an unqualified success. 1885
Passenger lists Sept. 7. 1886
Wardman and Hammond married. 1886
Ayres leave for Omaha. 1886
Saunders, Joseph Mrs., Mrs. Ayres sister dies. 1887
Passenger lists August 21. 1888
Mrs. Ayres and Ickes depart. 1888
Passenger lists July 17. 1888
Ayres child dies; Mrs. not Mr. Davis. 1888
Narrow escape. 1888
Mrs. Ayres injured in sleigh accident. 1888
Passenger lists Aug. 5. 1888
Mrs. Ayres returns from Hot Springs. 1888
Delegation leaves for hot springs. 1888
Mrs. Ayres and Jamie return. 1889
Mrs. Ayres returns in improved health. 1889
Mrs. Ayres to winter at California. 1889
Mrs. Ayres unwell in California. 1890
Mrs. Ayres returning. 1890
Mrs. Ayres in greatly improved health. 1890
Mrs. Ayres returns to Rapid. 1890
Mrs. Ayres dies. 1892
Ayres funeral., Ayres, Kate, April 2, 1892

Posts: 795
George V. Ayres, wife Kate T. Ayres, Ismon & Ayres Hardware, Ayres and Wardman Hardware

LaFabre receives appointment. 1893
Arrivals in Deadwood. 1893
Arrivals in Deadwood. 1893
Scottish Rite festivities draw to close. 1893
Hall hosts dinner. 1893
Citizens meeting about county seat. 1894
Rousing Republican convention. 1894
Grand Commandry elects officers. 1894
Strong endorsement for Baer. 1894
Lead cant take opposition. 1894
Among the mines June 5. 1895
Notice to owners of land. 1895
Books donated to school library. 1895
Republican delegates elected. 1895
Among the mines June 5. 1895
Notice to owners of land. 1895
Books donated to school library. 1895
Deadwood Masons honored. 1896
Filed for record June 11. 1896
Ayres not a candidate. 1896
Installation ceremonies. 1896
Phillips for treasurer. 1896
Olympics annual meeting.. 1896
Filed for record May 31. 1896
Ayres attends sisters wedding. 1896
Shurtz estates items for sale. 1896
Among the mines Jan. 11. 1896
Inquiry Club talks tariff. 1896
Order to show cause. 1896
Circuit court report September 3. 1896
Ayres in it again. 1896
Among the mines Jan. 8. 1896
Golden Belt elects officers. 1897
Arrivals in Deadwood. 1897

Posts: 795
George V. Ayres, wife Kate T. Ayres, Ismon & Ayres Hardware, Ayres and Wardman Hardware

Ayres a happy man. 1886
Pioneers of 76. 1886
Passenger lists Sept. 7. 1886
Railroad right-of-way meeting. 1886
Ayres declines nomination. 1886
Ayres for Third ward councilman. 1886
Interesting proceedings of Board of Trade. 1886
Board of trade meeting. 1886
Ayres son dangerously ill. 1887
Mineral world Oct. 11. 1887
Election results -- a picture story. 1887
Ayres son dies. 1887
Smelter company meeting. 1887
Dakota Commandery officers. 1887
Cornerstone laid at Normal school. 1887
Deadwood smelting incorporated. 1887
Ayres brother arrives. 1887
The mayoralty -- for Sol Star. 1887
Three Richmonds in mayoral contest. 1887
District court report Jan. 22. 1887
District court report Dec. 28. 1887
Masons elect officers. 1887
Masonic installation. 1887
Admission as a whole. 1887
Selection of thoroughbred cattle at fair. 1887
Regular practice for gun clubs. 1887
City council meeting May 5. 1887
Trap shooting featured at fair. 1887
Gun clubs out in force. 1887
Court report Sept. 3. 1887
Mineral world Aug. 21. 1887
New Years gift is daughter. 1888
Leaching works. 1888
Preparations for Masonic Grand Lodge. 1888
Ayres daughter ill. 1888
Mineral world June 6. 1888
Jamestown convention delegates selected. 1888
Republican primaries. 1888
Knights installation of officers. 1888
Mrs. Ayres injured in sleigh accident. 1888
Mrs. Ayres returns from Hot Springs. 1888
Ayres child dies; Mrs. not Mr. Davis. 1888
District court report August 9. 1888
Contest at primaries. 1888
Insult to Deadwood ladies. 1888
All Masonic bills paid. 1888
Masonic closing festivities. 1888
Close of Grand Lodge meeting. 1888
Ayres infant very ill. 1888
Ayres receives bond form. 1889
Passenger lists Dec. 29. 1889
Passenger lists Dec. 28. 1889
Passenger lists Dec. 27. 1889
Passenger lists Dec. 24. 1889
Passenger lists Dec. 8. 1889
City takes iniative on railroad. 1889
Mrs. Ayres and Jamie return. 1889
Passenger lists Smiths hack. 1889
Addison nominated on first ballot. 1889
Passenger lists Smiths hack. 1889
Mrs. Ayres returns in improved health. 1889
Ayres becomes receiver of land office. 1890
Mrs. Ayres returning. 1890
Passenger lists Smiths hack. 1890
Mrs. Ayres unwell in California. 1890
Real estate transfers April 27. 1890
Keystone register April 26. 1890
Passenger lists April 26. 1890
Circuit court report April 24. 1890
Passenger lists March 25. 1890
Keystone register March 22. 1890
Long walk from Whitewood. 1890
Passenger lists Feb. 11. 1890
Passenger lists Feb. 8. 1890
Keystone register Feb. 8. 1890
Passenger lists March 22. 1890
Circuit court report November 15. 1890
Mrs. Ayres greatly improved. 1890
Artistic and elegant crayon portraits. 1890
Mrs. Ayres returns to Rapid. 1890
Ayres tour the Hills. 1891
Son accompanies Ayres. 1891
Circuit court report August 8. 1891
Mrs. Ayres dies. 1892
Ayres father dies. 1892
Ayres mother breaks her arm. 1893
Mystic Shriners elect officers. 1893
Rice nominated for judge. 1893
Delegates selected to convention. 1893
Board seeks audience with railroad. 1893
Halle reports from worlds fair. 1893
Arrivals at the White House. 1893

Posts: 795
George V. Ayres, wife Kate T. Ayres, Ismon & Ayres Hardware, Ayres and Wardman Hardware

You may view the following articles at the Deadwood Public Library concerning George V. Ayres, Hardware Merchant, Deadwood. You will find many articles on his wife, Kate T. Ayres, as well.

Ayres, G.V. of Custer in Deadwood 1877
Firemens Ball to be given on 4th of July. 1878
Firemens Ball, Committee of Arrangements 1878
In Lead collecting for R.C. Lake & Co. 1878
Petition for Boulder Ditch water 1879
Was going to go to ball but could not get a date 1880
Officer of Dakota Chapter R.A.M. 1881
Suspected of having a herd of tapeworms 1881
Returned alone, marriageable young ladies pleased 1882
In Deadwood 1882
Annual election of Deadwood A.F. & A.M. officers 1882
Ismon & Ayres Hardware, successor to R.C. Lake,ad 1882
Little is known of Ayres new partner 1882
He and partner Ismon to take over Lakes store 1882
Crow Dog juror questioned by attorney 1882
Those invited to Gastons bachelor birthday bash 1882
Ismon & Ayres Hardware, agent for Charter Oak, ad 1882
New officer, Sir Knight 1882
Judge of election, 2nd ward 1882
Confined to room with complication of ailments 1882
At board of trades railroad banquet 1882
Leaves Deadwood 1882
First visit east since entrance to Hills in 76 1882
He and partner Ismon to take over Lakes store 1882
Ismon & Ayres Hardware, agent for Charter Oak, ad 1882
Hardware, successor to R.C. Lake, Ddwd, ad Ayres & Ismon 1883
Successor to R.C. Lake Hardware, ad 1883
Hardware & mining supplies, giant powder, ad 1883
Successor to R.C. Lake Hardware, giant powder, ad 1883
Selected as judges of election for 1 year term 1883
Left for Rapid City, to attend Masonic Grand Lodge 1883
Goes east on purchasing trip, Gracie Ismon accomp 1883
Returned from Hot Springs, feels greatly improved 1883
Citizens want Steele to run for mayor, sign petiti 1883
Officers installed, Dakota Commandery No 1 K of T 1883
Resolution of regret, Deadwood Lodge #1, A.F.& A.M 1883
Christmas in Deadwood. 1884
Steward recovers to extend thanks. 1884
Steward has poor day. 1884
George Ayres, who was off a month, says he is ow perfectly satisfied that there is but one country in the world he would be satisfied to live in and that country is the Black Hills. 1884
Arrivals from Sidney and Pierre. Departures from Pierre. 1884
George Ayres, our popular hardware merchant, returned last evening from a purchasing trip in the eastern cities. He was so occupied with laying in his stock of goods that he forgot to get married. 1884
Departure to Sidney. 1884
Selected for jury duty, district court. 1884
Recorder, Knights Templar. 1884
Free road to Carbonate camp. 1884
Delegates selected. 1884
Change in partnerships announced. Dissolution of Ismon and Ayres. Formation of a new firm, Ayres and Wardman. 1884
The primaries. 1884
Ismon and Ayres partnership dissolved. 1884
Copartnership notice. 1884
R.A.M. installs officers. 1884
R.A.M. elects officers. 1884
Masons install officers. 1884
Republican convention. 1884
Hardware and mining supplies. 1885
Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1885
Account of finding Baldy Fords body. 1885
Ayres and bride return. 1885
Ayres takes Nebraska visit. 1885
A wild rumor of frozen horsemen. 1885
Anti-county division meeting. 1885
Special grand jury selection. 1885
Arrivals and departures. 1885
McMaster files bond with probate judge. 1885
District court. 1885
Ayres to return with a bride. 1885
Secret societies. 1885
Masonic installation. 1885
R.A.M. officers elected. 1885
Brelsford turns over water works. 1885
Gideons band. 1885
First grand exposition. 1885
Real estate transfers. 1885
New road. 1885
Knights Templar. 1885
Arrivals and departures. 1885
Ayres and Towie married. 1885
Ayres leave for Omaha. 1886
United States and territorial court. 1886
Notice of dissolution. 1886
R.A. M. election of officers. 1886
Wardman and Hammond married. 1886
Masons install officers. 1886

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