Junior partner on purchasing trip. Werthheimer, Louis. Werthheimer, M. J. and Brother. Feb. 5, 1892
Mason and Shoudy married. Mason, Norman T. Shoudy, Nettie. Shoudy, Jacob F. Shoudy, Jacob F. Mrs. Shoudy, Clara. Shoudy, Guy. Mason, Darwin T. Martin, Eben W. Martin, Jessie A. McConnell, Alex S. Rose, Jennie B. McLaughlin, Daniel. Wringrose, Emily. Werthheimer, M. J. and Brother. Cushman, George. Cushman, Charlotte. DePuy, Ed K. Mrs. Wilson, A. D. Selbie, William. Treber, John. Martin and Mason. June 3, 1892
Businessmen support wages. Businessmen’s association. Ayres and Wardman. Adams, William E. Lowe, W. E. and Company. Haines and Heyn Dry Goods. Franklin, Nathan E. Coe and Edmonds. Steward, A. D. Hulst and Price. McDonough, Neil. Leveen Brothers. Franklin and Baer. Warner, Porter. Merrick, A. W. McClintock, John S. Gillette, D. M. Phillips, Kirk G. Stein, H. and Company. Werthheimer, M. J. and Brother. DeMouth, Whealen and Graves. Star and Bullock Hardware Company. Zoellner Brothers. McRickel, J. Edholm and Akin Jewelry Company. Smith, F. D. Bloom, Sol. Stone, Gib and Company. Karcher, Charles. Deetken, Julius. Goldberg, Jacob. Higby, Anson. Fishel, Max. Hornberger, A. C. Liebmann, M. Sasse, Charles. Rosenthal, Sol. Krauss, C. H. Hattenbach, J. and Brother. Rewman, Paul. March 4, 1894
Strong endorsement for Baer. Baer, Benjamin. Higby, Anson. Bloom, Sol. Deetken, Julius. Gillette, D. M. Werthheimer, M. J. Zipp, F. Zoellner, Jonas. Zoellner, Charles. Karcher, Charles. Franklin, Nathan E. Heines and Heyn. Cottle, Jordan B. Wardman, H. Benjamin. Tippery, J. S. Warner, William S. Paddock, J. A. Canaday, T. C. Taylor and Jensen. Halle, Nathan. Zoeckler, Henry J. Koenigsberger, Sebastian. Fox, Stuart. Molitor, Titus. Scheller, J. R. Elder, W. S. Ickes, Frank E. Goldberg, Jacob. Blackburn, Peter. Morin, W. P. Vance, D. Montgomery, M. F. Baker, D. C. Everhard, O. P. Young, H. B. Rebsamen, Julius. Weedon, L. H. Hyman, C. H. Fishel, Adolph. Coe, A. W. Jones, John R. Driscoll, Robert H. Baxter, Lee R. Lottridge, Will. Musselman, John. McPherson, Donald A. Wilson, John R. ickes, W. A. Dague, Byron P. Fishel, Max. Russell, J. W. Russell, M. R. Pichler, A. L. Natschert, Carl. Brelsford, J. M. Peck, Frank S. Frawley, James. Laffey, J. P. Gillmore, J. T. Ayres, George V. Lilly, D. H. LaChapelle, Desire. Shaw, F. W. Simpson, Walter. Flynn, J. Harry. Hathaway, William E. Ferguson, D. G. Stevens, G. E. Wau, George W. Metcalf, G. W. Upham, Charles W. Sutton, Thomas. Steinmetz, John. Scwarzwald, Sam. Butler, George M. Frasier, G. F. Rosenthal, Sol. Barnard, R. C. Barber, C. H. Hatenbach, Aaron. Graves, L. R. Higbie, J. W. Selbie, William. Zoeckler, William. Carr, P. N. Warner, Porter. Hurley, Thomas F. Skelsey, Bert. Liebmann, M. McPheely, W. S. Tyler, W. H. Porter, George H. Hammond, T. B. Mills, James A. Fisher, Louis. Whealen, W. H. Merrick, A. W. Knight, Charles. Richards, W. H. Russell, John R. Peterson, C. F. Ford, J. E. Denman, J. S. Coe, C. A. Steele, William R. Stern, M. Karp, Otto. King, Joseph. Rewman, Paul. Hattenbach, Joseph. Morgan, William J. Frawley, Henry. Adams, William E. Belding, John P. Bab****, Lyman F. Peck, Wilbur. Williams, Burr G. April 3, 1894
Latest and finest dressmaking. Harpster and Donald. Werthheimer, M. J. May. 10, 1896
McLaughlin and Clary to wed. McLaughlin, Daniel. McLaughlin, William L. Clary, Sara P. Clary, Fred M. Heynes, G. Mrs. Heynes, G. Fishel, Adolph. Friedlander, Clara Lalla. Star, Solomon. Bloom, A. Romer, Epstein, Max. Reis, L. Freschl, Will. Epstein, I. Stetteiner, H. Thorner, H. Reyman, Charles. Feiss, Adolph. Cohen, A. S. Hesslin, L. Epstein, Clara. Heynes, Rose. Spies, K. Weidenfeld, Horritze, Friedlander, A. Friedlander, Emma. Kohn, Lou. Heynes, Gus. Kohn, Ralph. Fishel, Max. Fishel, Louis. Stern, M. Werthheimer, M. J. Werthheimer, Louis. Krause, Willie. Graves, L. R. Krause, William Mrs. Minser, Louis. Oppenheimer, Ben. Franc, L. Rosenthal, I. Walsh, Frank. Feb. 15, 1887
New Year’s day. Hamilton, Frank W. Bews, George. Stone, L. P. Mrs. Liebmann, M. Fox, Alvin. Kelly, R. D. Rich, Bagley, Mamie. Werthheimer, M. J. Belding, John A. Gillette, D. M. McPherson, Donald A. Slingerland, Willie. Warner, Fred. Sullivan, Mary. Ludlow, Miss. Bloom, Sol. Young, H. B. Keith, S. G. McHugh, Charles. Browning, James. Bischoff, Herman. Wringrose, John. Smith, William L. Damon, Harry. Edmonds, J. F. Hickok, George C. Marble, Arthur. Hattenbach, J. Duffy, John C. Jan. 4, 1887
Masons elect officers. Masonic lodge. Graham, Robert. Gillette, D. M. Brelsford, J. M. Graves, L. R. Ayres, George V. Stern, M. Werthheimer, M. J. Shurts, John C. Brooks, John. Norris, Daniel. McMakin, W. J. Thompson, Peter. Appel, Morris. Dec. 16, 1887
Assortment of new spring goods! Werthheimer, M. J. and Brother. April 1, 1887
Masons elect officers.
Masonic lodge. Graham, Robert. Gillette, D. M. Brelsford, J. M. Graves, L. R. Ayres, George V. Stern, M. Werthheimer, M. J. Shurts, John C. Brooks, John. Norris, Daniel. McMakin, W. J. Thompson, Peter. Appel, Morris. Dec. 16, 1887
Deadwood building improvements. McHugh building. Damon, Harry. Werthheimer block. Tuplin, Jim. Evans, Bob. Barker, John. Werthheimer, M. J. Williams, J. J. Syndicate block. June 15, 1888
Werthheimer daughter born. Werthheimer, M. J. Werthheimer, Francis. July 4, 1889
Werthheimer and Ellerman to marry. Ellerman, S. Ellerman, S. Mrs. Ellerman, Francis. Werthheimer, M. J. Aug. 19, 1888
Lastest styles for the least money! Werthheimer, M. J. and Brother. Nov. 26, 1889
Werthheimer daughter dies.
Werthheimer, Erma. Werthheimer, M. J. Werthheimer, M. J. Mrs. Sept. 10, 1889
Latest styles for the least money! Werthheimer, M. J. and Brother. Nov. 26, 1889
For Yule tide. Bee Hive. Fishel, Max. Brown, Frank L. Werthheimer, M. J. Bloom, Sol. Chase, Star and Bullock Hardware Company. Adams brothers. Zipp’s. Demouth, Whealen and Graves. Gillette and Heckmann. Dec. 20, 1889
Posner returned on charges. Watkins, William Jr. Posner, Saul. Matthiessen, Chris. Washabaugh, Bloom, Sol. Baer, Ben. Goldberg, Jake. Werthheimer, J. M. May 21, 1890
Request appearance at opera house. Swearengen, E. Albert. Gem Theatre. Deadwood Opera House. Bloom, S. Allabough, F. F. Keith, J. G. Liebmann, M. Cooper, E. J. Young, H. B. Bonham, W. H. McLaughlin, W. L. Treber, John and Company. Warner, Porter. Garr, Ben. Goldberg, Jacob. Carter, W. H. and Company. Lowerre, A. W. Nelson, O. Damon, J. Harry. Carter, A. K. DeMouth, Whealen and Graves. Butler, George M. Lowe, W. E. and Company. Johnston, W. W. Burghardt, W. Kramer, Frank W. Mott, E. Zoellner Brothers. Humphrey, George W. Zipp, C. E. Werthheimer and Brother. Rosenthal, Sol. Higby, Anson. McPherson, Donald A. Morse, J. L. McDonald, Edward. Peterson, F. R. Stone, Gib and Company. Palace Pharmacy. Jan. 3, 1892
Bargains on our remnant counter. Wertheimer, M. J. Feb. 2, 1886
Married Feb. 23. Wendels, Joseph. Watson, Ella. Willard, G. H. Geis, Frances. Rosen, Peter. Geis, Stephen. Miller, James K. P. Calkins, Geis, Theresa. Johnson, P. Comstock, C. Comstock, C. Mrs. Moore, Thomas H. Moore, Thomas H. Mrs. Strugein, W. J. Corcoran, J. E. Moore, Joseph B. Farrell, John. Hoffman, W. E. Malkain, Willis. Sweet, Thomas. Worrel, George. Teer, Harry. Nelson, J. Geis, George. Jordan, C. Mrs. Keller, F. Keller, F. Mrs. Knoph, Waldschmidt, Vollin, Joseph. Foglesong, W. L. Parker, L. Parker, L. Mrs. Geis, Lizzie. Geis, Celia. Zoeckler, Henry J. Zoeckler, Matilda. Mitchell, T. O. Gerber, Lizzie. Herrmann, John. Sisster, Charles. DeMouth, C. F. DeMouth, C. F. Mrs. McCrossan, Barney C. Zipp, Frank. Zipp, Frank Mrs. Geis, Minnie. Mauss, John. Gerber, Fred. Gerber, Fred Mrs. Bickerheim, Chris. Bischoff, Herman. Geis, Anna M. Russell, Michael R. Russell, Michael R. Mrs. Beuter, Francis. Wertheimer, M. J. Wertheimer, Louis. Feb. 24, 1886
Extraordinary low prices. Wertheimer, M. J. March 2, 1886
Werthheimer safely arrives abroad. Wertheimer, M. J. March 28, 1886
Largest and best selection. Wertheimer, M. J. April 1, 1886
No trouble to show our goods. Wertheimer, M. J. May 2, 1886
City council authorizes contract. Deadwood City Council. Main street. Star, Solomon. Belding, John P. Baxter, Lee R. Kiemer, H. H. Franklin, Harris. Miller, James K. P. Lawrenson, Job. Power, Thomas. Cooper, R. M. McHugh, P. C. Bent and Deetken. Manning and Heffner. Bozlie and Norton. Needham and Stofford. Gem Theatre. Sam Kee. Bozlie and Conway. McAleer, John. Witzel, A. Parker, L. M. Fink, J. Palmer, L. M. McKenney. King, Joe. Hulen, Mrs. Harding, J. A. Bowman, A. Mrs. Nye, L. Koenigsberger Brothers. Holzman, D. Cornell, John D. Liebmann, M. Sasse, Charles. Wertheimer, Henriette. Goldberg, Jacob. Treber, John. Fox, Alvin. Merchants National Bank. First National Bank. Vienna Bakery. Franklin and Baer. Epsetin, Otice and Mather. Russell and Higbie. Robinson, George. Stone, Gib. Adams Brothers. Bullock, Seth. Star and Bullock. Whealen and Demouth. Ayres and Wardman. Browning and Wringrose. Graves, L. R. Phillips, K. G. Reuben, L. Lancaster, N. Carney, James. Steele, A. W. Jones, Thomas. Gillette and Heckmann. Chase, Isaac H. Wertheimer, M. J. May 26, 1886
Dry goods and house furnishings. Wertheimer, M. J. June 1, 1886
Werthheimer backs out of stock purchase. Wertheimer, Louis. June 6, 1886
Hawthorne benefit. Hawthorne, Grace actress Star, Solomon. Fox, Alvin. Bischoff, Herman. Wilson, John R. McPherson, Donald A. Romans, Squire P. Washabaugh, Frank J. Skinner, Tristrem L. Mahan, John. Zipp, Frank. Reuben, Leonard. Bent, E. C. Taylor, George C. Bonham, W. H. Russell, J. W. Cornell, John D. Hunter, John. Brodway, T. E. W. E. Lowe and Company. Bartleu, C. A. Franklin, Harris. Russell and Higbie. Herschfield, M. Robinson, George H. Sutton and Cosgriff. Williams, C. Ayres and Wardman. Browning and Wringrose. Max Fishel and brother. Warner, Porter. Hastings, W. B. Bonham, M. Gillette and Heckmann. Champlin, Edward P. Hastie, Addison W. Bab****, Lyman F. Wertheimer, M. J. June 30, 1886
Bad coach accident. Wertheimer, Louis. Williams, Miss. Heyn, Bab****, Lyman F. Aug. 19, 1886
Werthheimer rests easy. Wertheimer, Louis. Dickinson, D. K. Freeman, John W. Aug. 20, 1886
Werthheimer up from accident. Werthheimer, Louis. Oct. 15, 1886
Werthheimer back at the store. Werthheimer, Louis. Oct. 22, 1886
New Year’s day. Hamilton, Frank W. Bews, George. Stone, L. P. Mrs. Liebmann, M. Fox, Alvin. Kelly, R. D. Rich, Bagley, Mamie. Werthheimer, M. J. Belding, John A. Gillette, D. M. McPherson, Donald A. Slingerland, Willie. Warner, Fred. Sullivan, Mary. Ludlow, Miss. Bloom, Sol. Young, H. B. Keith, S. G. McHugh, Charles. Browning, James. Bischoff, Herman. Wringrose, John. Smith, William L. Damon, Harry. Edmonds, J. F. Hickok, George C. Marble, Arthur. Hattenbach, J. Duffy, John C. Jan. 4, 1887
Brother joins firm. Werthheimer, M. J. Werthheimer, Louis. Jan. 9, 1887
Masterson to work for Liebmann. Masterson, John. Werthheimer, M. J. Liebmann, M. San Francisco Bazaar. Feb. 2, 1887
Christmas in Deadwood. Bents Drug Store. Hamiltons. Bent, E. C. Demouth. Steins Drug Store. King, E. F. Butler, S. T. Hoyt and Masterson. Kohorn and Weidenfeldt. Liebmann, M. Lowe, Will. Bloom, Sol. Epstein, Louis. Rosenthal, Sol. Zipp, Frank. Karcher, Charles. Graves, L. R. Ayres and Wardman. Jensen and Bliss. Franklin and Baer. Robinson, George. Koenigsberger Brothers. Keenan, P. F. Adams brothers. Vaughn, D. H. Rodenhaus, J. Irwin and Heckman. Fredericks, Fred. Posner, Charles. Kohn, A. Sasse, Charles. Morgan, Billy. Shoudy, Jacob. Zoeckler brothers. Pollack, A. Scott, George. Fishel, Adolph. Phillips, Kirk G. Star and Bullock Hardware Company. Farley, John and Company. Goldberg, Jacob. Browning and Wringrose. Gandolfo, Joseph E. Miller, James K. P. Gillette and Heckmann. Chase, Isaac H. Wertheimer, M. J. Dec. 23, 1884
A happy New Year to all! Wertheimer, M. J. Jan. 3, 1885
Werthheimer leaves on purchasing trip. Wertheimer, M. J. Jan. 31, 1885
Second ward caucus. Robinson, George H. Masterson, John. Russell and Higbie. Weidenfeld, Leo. Groat, H. A. Reid, M. Smith, J. S. Vander, R. Phillips, K. G. Wertheimer, L. Fishel, A. Keith, J. G. Mather, Clark. Mauss, John. Spark, T. E. DeLeary, P. Duncan, W. F. Gib Stone and Company. Hoffman, A. Smith, Jack. Tulloh, James B. Patrick, Julius. Fink, Joseph. Bischoff, H. Bennett, W. Burrows, J. H. Herbert, C. T. Theis, John. Sidener, James. Smith, H. C. Hanley, John. Lewis, Harry. Bentley, Tom. Poll, Fred C. Kohn, A. and Company. Purmort, George H. April 23, 1885
Bargains for everybody is the motto. Wertheimer, M. J. May 10, 1885
Slamming door wasn’t intruders. Phillips, Kirk G. Wertheimer, Louis. June 10, 1885
Deadwood mourns. Grant, Ulysses S. First National Bank. Merchants National Bank. Land office. Courthouse. Post office. Times newspaper. Fire department. Merchants hotel. Adams Brothers. Star and Bullock. DeMouth and Whealan. Ayres and Wardman. Browning and Wringrose. Graves, L. R. Phillips, E. G. Zipp, Frank. Wertheimer, M. J. Karcher, C. Rosenthal, Sol. Bent, E. C. Keystone Restaurant. Bloom, Sol. Kohorn and Wiedenfeldt. Walker, Jesse. Russell and Higbie. Franklin and Baer. Bews, George. Girard Brothers. Fishel, Max. Gayville brewery. Ed’s Place. Headquarters. Keenan, P. H. Brennicke, William. Jensen and Bliss. Colman, N. Morgan, W. Pioneer newspaper. DeLeray, H. Rodenhaus, J. Overland hotel. Tracy, Charles F. Lowe, W. E. Hoyt and Masterson. Chase, Isaac H. Gaston, John A. Northwestern Transportation Company. Shoudy, Jacob. Treber, John. Goldberg, Jacob. Gandolfo, Joseph E. Star, Solomon. July 24, 1885
Wertheimer in New York. Wertheimer, M. J. Aug. 30, 1885
The bet goes. Rosenthal, Sol. Wertheimer, Louis. Fishel, Adolph. Hall, George H. Deetken, Julius. Masterson, Jon. Hoyt, A. E. Molitor, Stephen F. Allen, J. W. McCarthy, John. Bews, George. Plowman, A. J. Frawley, Henry. Bloom, Sol. Rewman, Paul. Ickes, Samuel J. Tracy, Joseph S. Sept 12, 1885
Werthheimer returns from purchasing trip. Wertheimer, M. J. Sept 18, 1885
Diamonds for $5. Wertheimer, M. J. Sept 27, 1885
Headquarters for desirable merchandise. Wertheimer, M. J. Dec. 1, 1885
Sturgis citizens and business men protest proceeding Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 22 1883
Citizens who have contributed to Ddwd Driving Park Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 26 1883
Werthheimer’s. A very large assortment of ladies’ and chldren’s hosiery at low prices. Werthheimer’s. November 1, 1883
Werthheimer’s. A very large assortment of ladies’ and children’s hosiery at low prices. Werthheimer’s. December 1, 1883
Louis Werthheimer, is in charge of his brother’s store at Sturgis during the temporary absence of the Sturgis manager, who has gone to visit the old folks at home. Werthheimer, Louis. Sturgis. December 2, 1883
It is no humbug but the greatest markdown sale ever. Wertheimer, M.J. January 1, 1884
M.J. Werthheimer, the popular and successful dry goods merchant of this city, returned last evening from a purchasing trip through the eastern cities. Look out for bargains when his new goods arrive.
Werthheimer, M.J. March 20, 1884
Latest styles spring novelties at Werthheimer’s. Werthheimer’s. April 1, 1884
Final report of celebration committee. Franklin and Baer. Lawrenson, Job. Wertheimer, Jacob. Carney, James. Keith, J. G. Sasse, Charles. Lowe, Will E. Vienna Bakery. Sidney Stage Company. McHugh, Pat. Epstein, Louis. Bent, E. C. Karcher, Charles. Bows and Allen. Kohorn and Company. Electric Light Company. Otterbine, John. Kiemer and Company. Oneall, Jeff C. McLaughlin and Sons. Gerald Brothers. Hammond, H. W. Werthheimer, M. J. Hemricks, H. W. Beuter and Son. Kohn, A. Otice and Mather. Casey, Pat. Schubert, J. Little, E. Hoffman Brothers. Fink. Star and Bullock. Witzell, A. Wardner and Baxter. Mill, F. Needham, A. Hamilton, F. Rebstamen, J. Reynolds, Jim. Walton, Tom. McFarland, W. J. Sever, L. R. Baird, W. M. Hoyt and Masterson. Fishel Brothers. Bloom, Sol. Culp, J. Russell and Higbie. Ayers and Wardman. Browning and Company. Gillette and Heckmann. Chase, Isaac H. McAleer, James. Champlin, Edward C. Pollock, Charles. VanCise and Wilson. Northwestern Transportation Company. Tyler, William Pitt. Black Hills Telephone Company. Merchants National Bank. Mulhiesen, John. Gandolfo, Joseph E. Shoudy, Jacob. Dague, Byron P. McPherson, Donald A. Cornell, John D. Gaston, John A. Goldberg, Jacob. Leibmann, Morris. Zipp, Frank. LaChapelle, Desire. Luse, James P. Koenigsberger, Sebastian. Hastie, Addison W. Bennett, Granville G. Vollin, Joseph. Phillips, Kirk G. Bonham, Willis H. July 18, 1884
Schell and Gay wed. Hoyt, Eugene. Schell, J. Price. Gay, Jessie E. Wertheimer, M. J. Aug. 10, 1884
Goldberg and Weissner married Nov. 30. Goldberg, Jacob. Heineman, Jacob. Heyn, G. Hattenbach, Joseph. Randolph, Charles M. Zoellner, J. Johnston, John. Richards, Jarvis. Williams, J. J. Grosfield, Ed. Poznansky, J. Karcher. Molitor, S. F. Treber, John. Wright, Hank. Hattenbach, J. Stern, M. Colman, N. Miller, L. C. Goldberg, Leo. Denman, J. L. Younglove, E. A. Welf, B. Weisner, Lena. Wertheimer, M. J. Dec. 2, 1884
Will have a sale on entire stock Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 01 1878
Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, ad Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 02 1878
Citizens give donations to yellow fever sufferers Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 10 1878
Gives money for Yellow fever victims in South Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 11 1878
To all sojourning free and accepted ancient masons Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 13 1878
Masons to take contributions for Yellow fever victims Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 13 1878
Grand Charity Ball for Yellow Fever Sufferers Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 14 1878
Immense iron doors for new fire proof warehouse Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 18 1878
Fire proof completed, one of the finest in city Wertheimer, M.J. Sep 28 1878
Dress Shop, Main Street, ad Wertheimer, M.J. Oct 01 1878
M.J. Wertheimer and Co. Main Street, Dress Goods, ad Wertheimer, M.J. Nov 01 1878
The Club Dance last evening Wertheimer, M.J. Nov 23 1878
Dry goods, carpet, dress goods, Main St, ad Wertheimer, M.J. Dec 01 1878
Dry goods, suits, cloaks, carpets, ad Wertheimer, M.J. Dec 02 1878
Businessmen signing petition for 2 night watchmen for fire protection Wertheimer, M.J. Dec 07 1878
Incoming Freight from Sidney Wertheimer, M.J. Nov 30 1878
Contributors to the Fourth of July celebration. McGuigen. McHugh, William. McKenna and Stewart. McKinnis, C. H. McKinnis, George. McLary and Company. Meeker, George A. Merrick, A. W. Meyer, C. W. Miller and McPherson. Miller, J. C. Miller, W. J. Morgan, C. H. Morton, E. Munter and Lilienthal. Neill, Robert. Neyen, Peter. Nishwitz, W. Nye, John A. Offenbach, C. V. Oram, Mattie. Overland Hotel. Parker, William H. Patton, John D. Paul, J. L. and Company. Pollock, A. Pratt, W. M. Richards, S. C. Roberts, George. Robinson, J. M. Rodenhaus, J. Rogers, J. H. Rosebrough, James. Rosenkranz and Werner. Rosenthal, Sol. Sasse, Charles. Schugart, A. Shoudy, Jacob. Sick, E. Siever, Noah. Simpson, John P. Sing Lee. Smith, P. F. Smith, Palmer. Smith, Thomas. St. Clair, Edith. Staiger, George. Star and Bullock. Star Bakery. Stebbins, Post and Mund. Stewart, A. D. Strass, C. B. Sutherland, F. and Company. Swearingen, Albert E. Thomas, A. D. Thullen, F. Van Cise and Wilson. Vanocker, F. Wagner, C. H. Walker, Henry. Walker, J. Wardner, Ed. Wardner, James. Warner, Porter. Welch Hotel. Wertheimer, J. Wertheimer, M. J. Whitakker, Thomas. Whitehead, E. Whitney. Williams, J. B. Wilson, James A. Wishart, James. Wood and Wilson. Zink, N. S. Zipp, Frank. June 12 1879
Possible family relations for further investigation: Jacob Wertheimer of The Merchants Hotel
Deadwood resisdents with surname Werthheimer
Werthheimer Block Wertheimer and Brother Wertheimer and Co Werthheimer, Ella Werthheimer, Erma Werthheimer, Francis Wertheimer, H Wertheimer, H. Mrs Wertheimer Hall Wertheimer, Harry Wertheimer, Henri Wertheimer, Henrietta Wertheimer, Henrietta also as Ephraim, Henrietta Wertheimer, Henriette Wertheimer, Henry Wertheimer, J Wertheimer, J. H Wertheimer, J, Mrs Wertheimer, Jacob Wertheimer, Jacob Mrs Wertheimer, Jake Wertheimer, Jakey Wertheimer, L Wertheimer, Loui Wertheimer, Louie Wertheimer, Louis Wertheimer, M Wertheimer, M. H Wertheimer, M.J Wertheimer, M. J. and Brother Wertheimer, M. J. and Company Wertheimer, Moses J.