1876 Deadwood Genealogy → Deadwood Ancestors → 1876 Deadwood Genealogy John W. Todd, sons William H. Todd, Green D. Todd, Joseph A. Todd, Garrett Todd of Falsebottom
Topic: 1876 Deadwood Genealogy John W. Todd, sons William H. Todd, Green D. Todd, Joseph A. Todd, Garrett Todd of Falsebottom
The Black Hills Region, Compendium of Biography, Memorial & Biographical Record
"William H. Todd, one of the early settlers of the Black Hills, and a popular and wide awake citizen of Spearfish, South Dakota, was born in Platte county, Missouri, January 29, 1839, and was reared on a farm in his native county, his father, Johy W. Todd, being a farmer by occupation. In 1850, he started with his parents with ox teams to California, and got as far as Fort Laramie when the mother met with a serious accident. In getting out of the wagon she fell, breaking her back, and the company was obliged to remain at Fort Laramie until the following autumn when the mother was sufficiently recovered to return with the ox teams and wagons to their old home in Missouri. In 1852, our subject went to Atchison county, Missouri, and there worked at farming until 1860, when he crossed the plains to Colorado and engaged in mining about one year. He then returned to Atchison county, Missouri and enlisted in the First Missouri Confederate regiment of cavalry, and served to the close of the war, the first year in Missouri, and later in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. During his service he was woulded in the head, and during Hood's advance on Nashville, he was taken prisoner at Franklin and was confined at Camp Douglas, Chicago, and was there at the close of the war. He was then given transportation and sent to St. Joseph, Missouri, and from there he proceeded to Nebraska City, Nebraska, and for a time was engaged in freighting across the plains.
In the spring of 1867, Mr. Todd was employed by a firm in Nebraska City to write abstracts, and was thus engaged four or five months, after which he returned to Atchison county, Missouri, and resumed the vocation of farming and stock raising which occupied his attention for three years. He then moved to Henry county, Missouri, and bought and improved a farm which he owned four years, and, with the exception of one year which he spent in Cooper county, Missouri, in the mercantile business, he operated the farm during that time. After disposing of this property, Mr. Todd again returned to Atchison county and there operated a farm until the fall of 1876. He then sold out and in the following spring started for the Black Hills in company with his brothers, Green D., Joseph A. and Garrett. They engaged in freighting in that section for about two years and then sold out their business and our subject purchased a ranch on False Bottom and devoted his attention to the raising of stock. In 1889, for the purpose of securing for his children the advantages of a normal school, he sold the ranch and moved to Spearfish and there engaged in the real-estate business until he was appointed post master at that place in November, 1892, by President Cleveland.
Mr. Todd was married in Atchison county, Missouri, December 15, 1868 to Miss Lydia Hornback, a native of Miami, Saline county, Missouri, and the family circle has been completed by the presence of four children, upon whom they have bestowed the following names: William J., Green D., Robert Lee, and Lydia J. The latter is the wife of A. C. Potter, of Spearfish. Mr. Todd is identified with the Democratic party. He is a member of the central committee and has always taken a wholesome interest in matters pertaining to the public welfare."
1890 Veterans Schedules Veteran's Name: William H Todd Home in 1890 (Township, County, State): Spearfish, Lawrence, South Dakota Year enlisted: 1861 Rank: Sergeant
Black Hills Weekly Journal, 16 Jun 1911
Early Sunday morning W. J. Todd, city editor of The Journal, received a telephone message from Spearfish, apprising him of the sad fact that his father had died suddenly of apoplexy. Mr. and Mrs. Todd and children left on the 10:19 train Sunday morning for Spearfish. The time of his return is indefinite.
William H. Todd settled in Spearfish in 1877, going there from Missouri. He was a veteran of the Confederate army, but while in Spearfish he always marched with the Grand Army boys. In his death Spearfish loses a valued citizen and his family a beloved and honored husband and father.
Black Hills Weekly Journal, 23 Jun 1911
Funeral of W. H. Todd
Funeral services over the remains of W. H. Todd, the respected citizen who passed away early this week were conducted in the Methodist Episcopal church yesterday morning by Rev. J. D. Cain who was called back from a western trip for that purpose. He delivered a most eloquent tribute to the departed, and closed with the reading of an eulogy prepared by M. H. Eustace, who was the partner of the deceased.
The church was filled to the doors and fresh cut flowers were banked high on the bier, the tribute of sorrowing friends. The funeral cortege to the cemetery was one of the largest seen in Spearfish for a number of years.
The Spearfish Valley Pioneers Society attended in a body and members of the organization acted as honorary pall-bearers. Farragut Post, G.A.R., and the Confederate veterans also attended.
Special music was furnished by the Methodist choir.
Wife Lydia Ann Hornbeck 1851 1929
John Todd 1870 William Joseph Todd 1874 1945 Green D. Todd 1877 1933 Robert Lee Todd 1878 1959 Mae Lydia Todd 1880 1951
Name: William H. Todd Home in 1880: False Bottom, Lawrence, Dakota Territory Age: 41 Estimated birth year: abt 1839 Birthplace: Missouri Relation to head-of-household: Self (Head) Spouse's name: Lydia A. Todd Father's birthplace: Kentucky Mother's birthplace: North Carolina Neighbors: View others on page Occupation: Farmer Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Household Members: Name Age William H. Todd 41 Lydia A. Todd 29 Joseph Todd 5 (William Joseph Todd) Green D. Todd 3 Robert Todd 2 David A. Ruland 22
Todd child born. Todd, Mabel. Todd, William. Todd, Maud M. Potter, Archie Mrs. (May Lydia J. Todd, sister of William Joseph Todd) Message from Joe Todd at Spearfish states a child born to them yesterday (listed as Mabel Todd, born Aug. 31 to Maud "McFarland" and William Todd in S.D. birth records). Mr. Todd is a brother of Mrs. Archie Potter. Aug. 2, 1899
O.M. Potter, editor of the Golden Reward Review at Casper, Wyo., is in Lead visiting his brothers Archie and Frank of the Call. Potter visiting brothers. Potter, O. M. Potter, Archie. Potter, Frank. Aug. 2, 1899
1900 United States Federal Census Name: Archie Potter Home in 1900: Lead City, Lawrence, South Dakota Age: 23 Birth Date: Mar 1877 Birthplace: Nebraska Race: White Gender: Male Occupation: editor of newspaper Relationship to Head of House: Head Father's Birthplace: Nebraska Mother's Birthplace: Ireland Spouse's name: May Potter Name: May Potter Age: 19 Birth Date: Jul 1880 Birthplace: South Dakota Marriage Year: 1897 Race: White Gender: Female Relationship to Head of House: Wife Father's Birthplace: Missouri Mother's Birthplace: Missouri Mother: number of living children: 1 Mother: How many children: 2 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 3 Household Members: Name Age Archie Potter 23 May Potter 19 Dollie W Potter 11/12 Peter Lee 40
Name: Mabel Todd Age in 1910: 10 Estimated birth year: abt 1900 Birthplace: South Dakota Relation to Head of House: Granddaughter Father's name: Green D Todd (Green Doff Todd) Father's Birth Place: Missouri Mother's Birth Place: Missouri Home in 1910: Spearfish Ward 3, Lawrence, South Dakota Marital Status: Single Race: White Gender: Female Household Members: Name Age William H Todd 71 Lydia A Todd 58 Green D Todd 33 Mabel Todd 10
Todd Family Pedigree
John William Todd Birth 20 Feb 1810 in Harden County, Kentucky, United States Death 29 Dec 1894 Colorado
Wife 1 Nancy Chance Birth 3 Jun 1817 in Kentucky Death Sep 1860 in Platte, Missouri, United States
Children: (siblings highlighted in bold have been noted to have lived in South Dakota through Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles)
Ann Todd 1837 1863 William H Todd 1839 1911 Green D Todd 1841 1917 Sarh Todd 1844 1881 Samuel T Todd 1848 1849 Joseph Allen Todd 1851 1882 John J Todd 1854 1855 Jarrett Todd 1856 1897 James A. Todd 1851 -----
Wife 2 Patsy 1825
Martha Todd 1858 Possipice W. Todd 1861 George Todd 1866 G. A. Todd, George Todd also noted in Deadwood historical newspaper articles
Name: John W. Todd Home in 1880: False Bottom, Lawrence, Dakota Territory Age: 70 Estimated birth year: abt 1810 Birthplace: Kentucky Relation to head-of-household: Father Father's birthplace: North Carolina Mother's birthplace: Kentucky Neighbors: View others on page Occupation: At Home Marital Status: Widower Race: White Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age James A. Todd 29 Jennie E. Todd 26 Duff. A. Todd 3 Green D. Todd 39 John W. Todd 70, widower
1880 United States Federal Census Name: Jonathan Todd Home in 1880: Mcminnville, Yamhill, Oregon Age: 64 Estimated birth year: abt 1816 Birthplace: Kentucky Relation to head-of-household: Self (Head) Spouse's name: Patsy Todd Father's birthplace: Virginia Mother's birthplace: Virginia Neighbors: View others on page Occupation: Farmer Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Household Members: Name Age Jonathan Todd 64, born abt 1816 KY Patsy Todd 55, born abt 1825 OH Martha Todd 22, born abt 1858 MO Possipice W. Todd 19, born abt 1861 MO George Todd 14 , born abt 1866 MO
Dreadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Todd
Letter list August 2. 1899
Early recollections. In the early days... reccolection of trip to the Black Hills verified as mostly fact by Frank J. Washabaugh May 11, 1895
Letter list. 1884
Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: Todd Family Members
Black Hills news digest. Spearfish Register newspaper. Todd, Joe. Scotney, John. Ralston, E. July 5, 1900
Democrats select delegates. Democratic party. McLaughlin, William L. Wilson, John R. Kerwin, M. Tierney, John. Naddy, William. Moll, Samuel. Sullivan, J. E. Bradley, W. W. McDonough, Neil. Davis, C. E. Dotson, B. F. Ralph, E. D. Dorsett, D. A. Todd, W. H. Crawford, R. F. Hemler, Harry. Laffey, J. P. Merrick, A. W. Keating, John. Russell, M. R. Large, A. Zoeckler, William. Mullen, Barnard. Place, M. J. McClintock, John S. LeBeau, J. B. Barry, John F. Driskill, J. W. Walsh, Morris. Coleman, Tim. Carroll, Matthew. Newland, John. Lane, Michael. Bray, Andrew. Hillock, Ed. Zerega, Stephen J. Evans, Charles R. Walsh, John Jr. Gilroy, John. McMackin, W. J. Kerwin, Michael. Thompson, Thomas W. Lucy, Tony. Rehl, James. Goodman, Thomas. Florman, Charles. Dacy, James. Lane, Enos. Harrington, Jerry. Swain, H. B. Fisher, J. D. Foglesong, W. J. Russell, G. P. Ottman, C. July 1, 1900
Digest of Black Hills news. Conners, George. Eiswick, W. L. Spearfish Register newspaper. Todd, Joe. Todd, W. H. June 7, 1900
Democratic convention. Democratic party. McLaughlin, William A. Russell, G. P. Wilson, John R. Ralph, E. D. Bradley, W. W. Todd, W. H. Olmstead, Andrew. Carroll, Matthew. Dotson, Hiram. Burton, Myers. Thompson, Thomas W. Jones, Jacob. Moll, Samuel. Collins, E. R. Abt, Frank. May, H. E. Naddy, William. LeBeau, J. B. Bray, Andrew. Pinsonault, Paul. Walsh, Morris. Coleman, Timothy D. Swain, H. B. Kerwin, Michael. Lane, Samuel. McAleer, James. Place, M. J. McLaughlin, W. L. Katen, John. Laffey, John P. Davis, Charles E. Merrick, A. W. Large, A. Cook, W. S. Mansfield, John. Skelly, John. Heffron, Michael. Tierney, John. McClintock, John C. McDonough, Neil. May 27, 1900
Who will Abt name? Abt, Frank. Redlon, Thomas L. Dewey, Rinehart, Hudge. Todd, Joe. May, Henry. Green, James. May 1, 1900
Todd estate reported. Todd, Jennie E. March 5, 1897
Arrivals on the mineral belt. Spencer, J. C. Neeley, Charles. Barber, H. N. Todd, Joe. Todd, Duffy. Sparks, T. J. White, John M. May 3, 1894
Todd brothers to drive to Oregon. Todd, Joseph. Todd, Green D. Sept. 3, 1893
Mrs. Todd dies. Todd, J. A. Mrs. / Todd, Jennie E. Todd, Jennie E. Gerard, Martin. Gerard, Martin Mrs. May 2, 1893
Arrivals in Deadwood. Jones, Dave. Day, Roy. Day, Roy Mrs. Todd, W. W. Flaherty, Al. Follansbee, Rev. Lockwood, F. G. Martin, C. C. Greenough, John. Marshall, J. J. McCall, Alex. Loomis, T. H. Stafford, A. P. McGrath, W. W. Strong, N. Strong, N. Mrs. Trumball, A. J. Dana, Francis. Jones, J. F. March 12, 1892
Letter list December 28. Amamie, C. L. Anderson, William. Brothers, Daniel. Ballard, Hugh. Bonfield, T. E. Cunningham, Fred. Cooley, Johnny. Conlin, John. Clark, W. S. Dick, John. Dale, Robert P. Dickson, T. W. Eriksson, Englehart. Fisher, William. Graham, B. W. Flavin, E. Gunn, Lewis B. Houghtalin, Charles. Hauts, Jaakko. Hord, William. Joynt, Z. P. Karr, John T. Kelly, Timothy. Leder, Clemens. Litch, Charles. Littel, Charles. Nichols, Alfred. McClelland, Frank. Mulvey, John. Miller, John C. Mulhair, Pat. Martin, W. H. McCallister, W. Olson, C. Pike, Albert. Tolich, Antone. Polk, Frank. Pollard, W. P. Ross, Louis H. Sculer, C. H. Swenyer, Joseph. Todd, James. Williams, C. S. Cole, Mary E. Lein, Lene. McKay, Angie. Stinson, Prof. Mrs. Train, Cora. Dec. 28, 1890
Delinquent tax sale. Baggaley, John. Collins, L. H. Cappin, Gerald. Challenge Mining Company. Davis, Edward. Fargo, C. G. Gordon, Leonad. Hardin, A. M. James, Robert. Judd, Mart. McLaughlin, Patrick. Old Lexington Mining Company. Ora Cashe Mining Company. Powers, Michael. Reeves, James. Smith, P. H. Stout, Smith, J. N. Teeters, Erastus. Wall Street Mining Company. Zink and Gaylor Republican Mine. Baker, Frank. Cowgill, John. Gorum, J. M. Gorum, J. S. Jeffner, J. Lilly, Richard. Lilly, J. T. Lilly, Robert. McDonald, J. G. Marcoe, William. Stephen, Sol. St. Onge. Bernard, B. Bessette, J. Cosavent, William. Engh, Alex. Fuller, J. C. Gilnes, J. Mrs. Knight, A. J. LaBella, Joseph. Lutz, Abram. McClintock, J. S. Power, Daniel. Scott, Edwin. Soutier, A. Turgeon, Ferdinand. Todd, W. H. Thornwall, Charles. Todd, E. J. Vollin, Joseph. Verry, Fred. Woods, A. Western Dakota Loan and Trust Company. Brownsville. Dunbar, Alex. OBrien, P. J. Oct. 14, 1890
Overland register May 10. Todd, J. A. May 10, 1890
Overland register Dec. 13. Todd, J. A. Sloan, A. Wells, C. E. Wells, C. E. Mrs. Sharp, D. A. Wilson, W. A. Keffeler, E. E. Keffeler, J. Keffeler, L. Dec. 13, 1889
At the Wentworth. Philes, J. G. Bird, J. L. Todd, W. H. Winter, John C. Sussenhaw, E. D. Patriquin, Amos. McKnight, Louis. Clifton, F. L. Cosack, James. March 24, 1888
At the Wentworth. Todd, J. Philes, J. G. Asbury, G. Harris, Burt. Coonrod, S. P. McCathron, Peter. Fuller, Fred. Jan. 28, 1888
Spearfish Register on the Gem. Spearfish Register newspaper. Gem Theatre. Peterson, Claus. Nov. 16, 1887
Land office business June 6. Land office. Allen, James. Barnes, A. M. Grubbs, Mollie. Cox, C. F. Hart, Hiram. Henry, W. E. Holmes, J. A. Johnston, H. S. Mitchell, J. B. Murray, Dave. Northus, John. Power, Daniel. Ramer, George. Smith, William E. Sullivan, Pat. Todd, G. A. Todd, W. H. Uligan, John. Wilson, William. Walker, S. J. Zimmer, Con. McKenna, Pat. June 7, 1887
Todd in from Falsebottom. Todd, W. W. April 6, 1887
Land office business March 15. Land office. Railroads. Black Hills Railroad. McArthur, James. Parsons, C. R. Todd, William H. Brown, W. G. Wolcott, J. H. McQuaig, Duncan. Germond, W. U. Henton, John M. Luse, James P. Wilson, John R. Whiteside, John R. March 15, 1887
Delinquent tax sale. McCairnes. Candle, Alfred. Dudley, A. Ferding, Joseph. Hamm Brothers. Merritt, H. M. Viewfield. Owens, Del Mrs. Timmons, Joseph. Vance, James. Vance, Albert. Upper Elk Creek. Boylon, James. Case, John. Catterton, D. F. Charles, William. Dean, G. W. Green, Job. Harnes, Ella. Hall, Robert T. Holmes, Johnathan. Hendal, Joseph. Miller, R. E. Nash, James. Nash, George. Swanson, Peter. Skalinder, L. Vener, J. C. Winyall, D. H. Whittaker, H. L. Burtons. Burton, J. W. Buckingham, T. J. Bay, John. Benoit, O. Benoit, P. Bay, Ed. Bump, E. P. Bowers, H. F. Colteaux, L. Drysdale, R. Dunckel, M. Forest, I. Kerr, Charles. LaFlamme, Peter. LaFlamme, Nazaire. Lamonte, F. Moore, Samuel. Miller, S. B. Mochon, Albert. Nichols, S. Oscey, Louis. Poirier, rock. Pierce, Miron. Ricord, A. Stephens, John M. Valentine, B. W. Williams, James. Todds. Banner, Vannil. Engh, Alex. Glines, Mary J. Lindell, Carl. McFarland, W. J. Power, Daniel. Remer, Charles. Smith, Azro. Smith, George W. Soutier, Toney. Schosie. Todd, W. H. Todd, G. D. Foglesong, George D. Sept 5, 1885
Letter list. Ackerson, Victor. Berney, Joseph. Brown, John. Burch, George W. Bradley, George M. Bowers, John C. Hare, James. Holden, G. H. Morgan, Stephen F. Olmstead, J. C. Power, Daniel. Price, John D. Phillips, John D. Stokes, O. P. Hyatt, F. C. Miss. Lot, Dena. Murtay, May. Todd, Jennie. Carney, James. July 25, 1885
Letter list. Bowman, W. T. Bowman, H. J. Coyle, M. J. Derosier, Peter. Dordee, Jimmy. Jacobson, August. McKinney, Thomas L. Robertson, John. Coble, J. N. Dunn, Aaron. Deffebach, Levi. Ferguson, A. Lilly, D. B. Murphy, M. C. Todd, Green D. Armstrong, H. Miss. Cordiff, Julia. Thompson, Henry Mrs. Marble, Alice. Parker, Maggie. Carney, James. June 6, 1885
Todd and Engh at the Wentworth. Todd, W. H. Engh, Alexander. March 31, 1885
Todd and Higgins at the Wentworth. Todd, W. H. Higgins, Charles. Feb. 5, 1885
Letter list. Ashsord, S. B. Lindsey, C. H. Bashaly, George. Lafluer, B. Colvert, W. J. Mathew, Charles. Crookham, George N. Maloney, Martin. Charles, F. F. McHale, M. Dunn, Aaron. Nichols, John W. Dalzell, R. H. Oxley, John D. Forest, George. Reynolds. Hildreth, James. Johnson, Rock. Hamilton, A. J. Rose, Francis. Hutchison, David. Sanford, G. W. Hocking, William. Scott, J. C. Jones, Abe. Swearengen, L. V. Jackson, John M. Turner, Alonzo. Train, Charles. VanDorn, Arthur. Todd, John. Walker, James. Thorner, E. T. Wilson, C. G. Hall, C. C. Mrs. Milem, Charlotte. Hastings, Lilly. Porter, R. L. Mrs. Jones, Mary. Carney, James. Oct. 18, 1884
U.S. land office list of land entries and timber culture entries. Todd, J.A. United States Land Office. May 7, 1884
John R. Wilson, as attorney, has applied for patents on the Legal Tender, Erie, and Union mines, located in the Germania district. George Todd, W.H. Todd, and Daniel Power, of Falsebottom, have proved up on their homestead entries. William Schumeberger, of Butte county, has proved up on his pre-emption claim. Wilson, John R. Todd, George. Todd, W.H. Power, Daniel. Schumeberger, William. Legal Tender Mine. Erie Mine. Union Mine. March 20, 1884
Witness to prove continuous residence of McFarland Todd, W.H. Sep 01 1883
Panel of territorial petit jury Todd, W.H. Aug 08 1883
Precinct locations & judges of election Todd, J. Apr 10 1883
Witness as to Hamers continuous residence Todd, Jarrett Mar 01 1883, p.4 , col.1
Witness as to Hamers continuous residency Todd, Jarrett Feb 01 1883
Witness as to Hamers continuous residence Todd, Jarrett Jan 03 1883
Voting places established & judges appointed Todd, Joe Oct 10 1882
Leaves Deadwood, with wife Todd, J. Sep 07 1882
Selected as juror Todd, W.H. Aug 01 1881
Of Falsebottom, is quartered at the Wentworth Todd, G.D. Jul 20 1882
Hotel arrivals at Wentworth House Todd, J. Jul 18 1882
Hotel arrivals at Overland House Todd, J. Jul 18 1882
Hotel arrivals at the Wentworth House Todd, J. Jun 07 1882
Biggest farmer on Falsebottom, at Wentworth Todd, Green Apr 30 1882
Letter at post office Todd, W.H. Feb 27 1881
Early Days, Chapter XIII The Tommy Carr Expedition Todd, Joe Mar 19 1880
Davy Crockett of the Hills killed 3 bears at once Todd, Joe Sep 16 1879
In town from Falsebottom, reports good weather Todd, Joe Nov 29 1878
New Locations Todd, J.A. Jan 15 1878
Todd, Joe county precinct judge Todd, Joe Oct 26 1877
Todd, Joe is Central election judge Todd, Joe Oct 09 1877
Todd, J. of Missouri in Deadwood Todd, J. Sep 12 1877
Todd, G.A. of MO in Deadwood Todd, G.A. Apr 23 1877
Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles:Maud Belle McFarland Spouse:
William Joseph Todd Birth 8 Nov 1874 in Rockport, Atchison, Missouri, USA Death 14 June 1945 in Woodstock, McHenry, Illinois, USA
Miss Maud celebrates 14. McFarland, Maud. Breeding, Al Mrs. Miss Maud McFarland, daughter of Mrs. Al Breeding, surprised with party for 14th birthday. Oct. 1, 1896
1898 Marriage to William Joseph Todd Name: Joseph Todd Home in 1900: Lead City, Lawrence, South Dakota Age: 25 Birth Date: Nov 1874 Birthplace: Missouri Race: White Gender: Male Relationship to Head of House: Head Father's Birthplace: Kentucky Mother's Birthplace: Missouri Spouse's name: Maude Todd Marriage Year: 1898 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 2 Occupation: Household Members: Name Age Joseph Todd 25 Maude Todd 17 Mable Todd 10/12
1904 abt divorce from Joseph Todd
1904 Sep 17 Joseph Todd Marriage to Mabel Rosamond Gammon
1910 United States Federal Census Name: William J Todd Age in 1910: 36 Estimated birth year: abt 1874 Birthplace: Missouri Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Missouri Mother's Birth Place: Missouri Occupation: Newspaper publisher Spouse's name: Mabel R Todd Name: Mabel R Todd Age in 1910: 33 Estimated birth year: abt 1877 Birthplace: Illinois Relation to Head of House: Wife Father's Birth Place: Illinois Mother's Birth Place: Illinois Home in 1910: Spearfish Ward 2, Lawrence, South Dakota Marital Status: Married 6 years Race: White Gender: Male Household Members: Name Age William J Todd 36 Mabel R Todd 33
Mabel Todd 10 Age in 1910: 10 Estimated birth year: abt 1900 Birthplace: South Dakota Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: William J Todd Father's Birth Place: Missouri Mother's name: Mabel R Todd Mother's Birth Place: Missouri
Lydia Todd 3 Age in 1910: 3 Estimated birth year: abt 1907 Birthplace: South Dakota Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's name: William J Todd Father's Birth Place: Missouri Mother's name: Mabel R Todd Mother's Birth Place: Illinois
Lewis Todd 12 Age in 1910: 12 Estimated birth year: abt 1898 Birthplace: Missouri Relation to Head of House: Stepson Father's Birth Place: Missouri Mother's name: Mabel R Todd Mother's Birth Place: Illinois
Jessie Todd 10 Age in 1910: 10 Estimated birth year: abt 1900 Birthplace: Missouri Relation to Head of House: Stepdaughter Father's Birth Place: Missouri Mother's name: Mabel R Todd Mother's Birth Place: Illinois
Gladys Todd 8 Age in 1910: 8 Estimated birth year: abt 1902 Birthplace: Missouri Relation to Head of House: Stepdaughter Father's Birth Place: Missouri Mother's name: Mabel R Todd Mother's Birth Place: Illinois