His Irish and Dutch acts are funny in the extreme" "Few artists in the Irish line that can equal Billy" 1879 - 1880, 1892 1893
1879 Billy Mack brings down the house with Casey, the Piper
1879 Billy Mack caused roars of laughter as the colored servant
1879 Billy Mack entertainment conmmenced with a parlor concert
1879 Billy Mack, few artists in the Irish line that can equal Billy
1879 Billy Mack greatest feature will be his Irish eccentricities
1879 Billy Mack, his Irish and Dutch acts are funny in the extreme
1879 Billy Mack in Etheopian dances and songs, takes on many shapes
1879 Billy Mack in great plantation act, Jubilee Days, made a hit
1879 Billy Mack in Motto and Irish songs at the Gem Theatre
1879 Billy Mack is very funny as Our German Cousin
1879 Billy Mack puts on his new act of the Tramps
1879 Billy Mack and Vincent Combination Troupe arrived on Thanksgiving
1879 Billy Mack was the entree at the Gem Theatre last night
1879 Billy Mack will appear in new and sparkling specialities
1880 Billy Mack and Edith Valentine to have benefit
1880 Billy Mack in Chimney Corner put on by most popular of companies
1880 Oscar Willis, Billy Mack, Tommy Jefferson as the Hottentots are a tremendous success
1880 Billy Mack in his Ethopian songs and sketches was simply immense
1880 Billy Mack, Deadwoods favorite comedian, 1st time this season
1880 Billy Mack is a host of himself in the funny line
1880 Billy Mack, peoples favorite in his Hibernian eccentricities
1880 Billy Mack represents the Dutch and Irish department at Gem
1880 Billy Mack tired out faber pusher's experince in the country
1880 Billy Mack of Vincent and Mack offer benefit for relief of sick
1880 Billy Mack with wife, Edith Valentine, working at Miles City
1884 Billy Mack, the funny comedian, is at Pierre
1890 Billy Mack's wife former Gem belle commits suicide. "Edith Valentine committed suicide recently at Seattle by shooting herself thro' the head. She was formerly a belle of the variety artists at the Gem, in this city."