1876 Deadwood Genealogy → Deadwood Ancestors → 1876 Deadwood Genealogy Male Bull Whackers Say Profanity a Must, Female Bull Whackers Say Proof is in the Pudding 1886
Topic: 1876 Deadwood Genealogy Male Bull Whackers Say Profanity a Must, Female Bull Whackers Say Proof is in the Pudding 1886
Bull whackers and mule skinners say profanity a must Jan 16 1879 In regard to: Freight Lines
Suggest organization for the suppresion of profanity May 24 1879 In regard to: Deadwood
Vast amount of foreign and domestic profanity required Sep 03 1879 In regard to: Deadwood
Proof is in the Pudding and Profanity is Out
Profanity is not essential. July 4, 1886 Female bull-whacker a novelty of Main Street yesterday. She demonstated the fact that profanity is not essential to successful engineering of a string of cattle. In regard to: Freighting. In regard to: Women.