1908 - American periodicals ... of the Associated Clubs of Domestic Science was held in Chicago on the 1st. ... Grove; treasurer, Paul Pierce; secretary, Mrs. Jean Cowgill Comerford
"The first meeting of the Associated Clubs of Domestic Science was held in Chicago on the 1st. The movement is national and already has a membership in many States. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. W. W. Gaar, of Richmond, Ind.; vicepresident, Mrs. Ada B. Bogg; State vice-president, Mrs. Alonzo Daniels, Downer's Grove; treasurer, Paul Pierce; secretary, Mrs. Jean Cowgill Comerford. The president stated the function of the organization as follows: "The time has come when the people need more knowledge concerning domestic conditions. Domestic science is not alone the science of cookery and scrubbing. It is the science of the home. To have well regulated homes there must be an understanding not only of food, but of law and legislation, and conditions which concern the home. Much has been done along this line. We intend to do more. We mean to do it without aggression or conflict with any existing organization which lias for its purpose the betterment of humanity. Ultimately weshall have a vast membership, which will demand proper enforcement of laws that are vital to the home, and the enacting of others by our national and State legislative bodies."
1887 Graduate Spearfish Normal School and Deadwood Teacher, Jeane Cowgill married 1893 to Frederick Reynolds, an Australian actor, leaving the teaching profession to perform with her husband. Jeane Cowgill Reynolds divorced remarried in 1906 to Frank D. Comerford.
Studio portrait of Jean Cowgill, class of 1887, photograph takenby J. C. H. Grabill, Photographer, Deadwood, South Dakota, published by Black Hills State University. Leland D. Case Library,
Arrivals in Deadwood. Mrs. Jean Cowgill-Renolds; Capt. Gaston, Lts. Bigelow, Crabs and Meeny up from Ft. Meade; P.B. McCarthy, International hotel in Raid; D.J. Kennedy and Charley Floorman; Gen. Supt. T.E. Calvert of the Burlington; J.P. Laffey returned; George Jones, horse ranch near Macey; J.N. Hoyt, Whitewood. Cowgill-Reynolds, Jean. Gaston, J. A. Bigelow, Mortimer. Crabs, Lt. Meeny, Lt. McCarthy, P. B. Kennedy, D. J. Flormann, Charles. Calvert, T. E. 6Laffey, J. P. Jones, George. Hoyt, J. N. May 3, 1896
Renolds and wife arrive. Frederick Renolds, Australian actor and wife Jean Cowgill arrive to visit Spearfish relatives. Reynolds, Frederick. Cowgill, Jean. June 29, 1893
Miss Cowgill married. Chicago Times reports marriage of Frederick Reynolds, Australian actor, to Miss Jean Cowgill of Spearfish. Both are traveling and playing leading roles. Cowgill, Jean. Cowgill-Reynolds, Jean. Reynolds, Frederick. May 30, 1893
Organization of equal suffrage. Equal suffrage convention elects officers; Mrs. Clara B. Colby. Suffrage. Gaston, John A. Mrs. A****er, W. D. Paddock, Mattie L. Boyer, John. Burns, John H. Grant, H. J. Hammond, Belle W. Williams, James. Smith, S. R. Mrs. Stevens, Thomas H. Cowgill, Jean. Crazrer, W. N. Dunbar, Alex Mrs. Durober, Mrs. Crist, S. B. Mrs. Hargraves, Mrs. Hathaway, C. W. Mrs. Robinson, Alice. Colby, Clara B. Aug. 9, 1890
Robbie, 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Cowgill, died June 27 of diphtheria. This is the second death in the family in the last two weeks. Cowgill, Robbie. Cowgill, A. C. Cowgill, A. C. Mrs. Disease. June 28, 1890
Handsome gifts from students. Miss Cowgill kindly remembered by pupils of room No. 4, in being recipient of several handsome gifts. Cowgill, Jean. Liebmann, Morris. June 18, 1890
Students' hearts go out to teacher. Sympathy of pupils in Miss Cowgill's rooms was touchingly exhibited in many ways. Cowgill, Jean. June 12, 1890
Cowgill son dies. John, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Cowgill, died June 10 at Spearfish. Cowgill, John. Cowgill, A. C. Cowgill, A. C. Mrs. Cowgill, Jean. Burns, John H. June 11, 1890
Burns called by illness of niece. Judge Burns was called to Spearfish valley, by the illness of a niece, sister of Miss Jean Cowgill. Burns, John H. Cowgill, Jean. June 7, 1890
Additions to department programme. Miss Charity Martin has very kindly consented to sing at fire department benefit. Hamill, Alice. Barnes, Lillie. Maloney, Mary. Cowgill, Jean. Charlton, Harriet. Williams, Mrs. Martin, Charity. April 22, 1890
Programme for department benefit. Although unable to give entire programme of benefit to fire department one week from tonight, a few of the features. Fire department. Hamill, Alice. Cushman, Irene. Maloney, Mary. Charlton, Hattie. Cowgill, Jean. Williams, Mrs. April 18, 1890
First meeting of Black Hills Educational Association convened yesterday Cowgill, Jean April 5, 1890
Miss Helen fills in for Miss Cowgill. Miss Helen Church assumes management of Miss Cowgill's room and classes during the latter's temporary absence. Church, Helen. Cowgill, Jeane. March 13, 1890
To attend Pratt wedding. County Judge Burns and Miss J. Cowgill leave for Spearfish to attend marriage of Miss Nettie Pratt. Burns, John L. Cowgill, Jeane. Pratt, Nettie. March 13, 1890
Mrs. A.C. Cowgill of Spearfish, is in the city visiting her daughter, Miss Jeane Cowgill. Cowgill, A. C. Mrs. Cowgill, Jeane. March 8, 1890
Teachers in council. Fifth annual Lawrence county teachers institute opened Monday. Fisher, George S. Youmans, Bertha. Frazee, J. S. Snell, E. T. Neill, Sue J. Bower, Willis C. Snyder, George. Washburn, Flora. Roley, Kate. Slooman, Cornelia. Mitchell, Ellen E. Hazen, Lillian D. Clemens, May M. Thompson, Margaret H. Parsos, Cora. Diedrich, Ida S. Calbertson, Nora M. Pyles, Jay F. Kemter, Katie M. Williams, Martha. Fockens, Anna C. Richards, C. Mabel. McCloud, Lannie Mrs. Stannus, Mattie C. Gove, Ruth. Cooper, Mary E. Cowgill, Jean. Richards, Mabel. Gray, Meda. Searles, Deforah. Hill, N. F. Mrs. Smith, Isabel. Hammond, George. Dec. 31, 1889
St Edward's and Spearfish Normal ceremonies. Closing exercises at St. Edward's Academy this morning; Spearfish Normal commencement this evening. St. Edward's Academy. Pratt, Nettie M. Jones, Jenry M. Grubbs, Cora C. Gardner, Maude R. Kemper, Katie M. Chase, May. Whitney, R. G. Pryor, Sallie R. Cowgill, Jean. Pettigrew, E. T. Spearfish Normal. June 28, 1887
Spearfish guests at the Wentworth. Miss Zella Bousian, Margret Thompson and Jean Cowgill, of Spearfish, are guests of the Wentworth. Bousian, Zella. Thompson, Margret. Cowgill, Jean. Dec. 28, 1886