Passenger lists Smith's hack. Arrivals and departures via Smith's hack. Abbott, H. H. Hyers, Louise E. Hyers, Madah A. Moore, Charles. Ward, James. Davis, Joseph. Bedford, L. Brooks, J. Anderson, J. Romans, S. P. Mansfield, C. W. Beebe, J. H. White, G. H. DeVoe, J. H. O'Neil, S. E. Harding, L. G. Wilmot, B. Lounsberry, J. P. Huckley, M. E. Palmer, W. O. Palmer, W. O. Mrs. Jenks, S. M. Conly, J. P. Anderson, H. O. Roberts, Alexander J. Freeman, George W. Crow, Isaac R. May 23, 1890
Comedy company stranded at Rapid City. Journal reports Hyers' Colored Comedy company in hard luck and stranded in that city. Hyers' Comedy Company. June 29, 1887
At the Wentworth. Wentworth: James Craig, Barneston; Mrs. A. Fredericks, Minnesela; H. Jackson, Belott; Charles F. Adams, Hyer's comedy compamy; B.D. Gates, Chicago; W.F. Doolittle and W.K. Bowman, Sturgis; Hon. Tom Hooper, Sundance; Mrs. L.A. Moore, Mrs. Eugene Holcomb, Rapid; I.N. Miller, J.M. Cooper, Chas. Hardin, G.M. McKinney. Craig, James. Fredericks, A. Mrs. Jackson, H. Adams, Charles F. Gates, B. D. Doolittle, W. F. Bowman, W. K. Hooper, Tom. Moore, L. A. Mrs. Holcomb, Eugene Mrs. Miller, I. N. Cooper, J. M. Hardin, Charles. McKinney, G. M. Jefferson Mining Company. June 17, 1887
Sunday night amusement. Hyers Colored Comedy company will entertain at the Pearson Opera house on Sunday evening. We give the announcement by request but question the propriety of Sunday night entertainment. Hyers Comedy Company. June 11, 1887
Excellently rendered programme. Hyer's Comedy Company entertainment an excellently rendered programme of a miscellaneous character, full of good music and acting from beginning to end. Hyer's Comedy Company. Thomas, Miss Washington, Pickaninny Fred. Reynolds, May. June 8, 1887
Fine audience greets Hyer's company. A fine audience greeted the mirth provoking company at Pearson's Opera house last evening. Hyer's Comedy Company. Pearson's Opera House. June 7, 1887
Reviews speak highly of Hyer's company. Advance reviews of the Hyer's Colored Comedy Co., to appear at Deadwood. Hyer's Comedy Company. Hyer, Mrs. Revels, Gertrude. Carrol, Billy. Davis, Tom. Small, Charles. June 5, 1887
Colored comedy company at opera house. Hyer's Colored Comedy Company at Pearson's Opera House for 3 nights only -- 14 eminent artists. Hyer's Comedy Company. African American. Pearson's Opera House. June 5, 1887
Wm. A. Rogers, representing Hyers Sisters company in well known comedy, "Out of Bondage," is in the city prior to their performance May 22. These are the original Hyers Sisters. Rogers, William A. Hyers Sisters. May 9, 1890
Hyers sisters greeted by large audience. Well-heralded company of Madah and Louise Hyers greeted by large and fashionable audience. Hyers, Madah. Hyers, Louise. Ward James. Moore, Charles. Davis, Joseph. May 23, 1890