1876 Deadwood Genealogy → Deadwood Ancestors → Cariboo Gold Rush British Columbia, 1858 to 1881, some miners moved on to Deadwood, SD, searchable database 8,000 names
I am a historian and writer concerned with the Cariboo Gold Rush in British Columbia, covering the years 1858 to about 1881. One of my interests is trying to link Cariboo miners with other mineral strikes. Many of course came from California, but some left here and went south. For instance there are a bunch who went to Elko, Nevada. I found two in Tombstone and in Deadwood there is William R Keithley, know as Doc here and Judge there, and Hearst, who came to this area to invest in a mine.
I am wondering if anyone else on this forum has noticed similar links or knows of sources to search? I am a database of 8,000 names with 118 fields, and a database of all mining licenses from 1862-71 for this area so it is easy for me to check names at this end.