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Topic: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

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Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: other surname Gaston living in Deadwood 1876 - 1904


Gaston, Andrew and Andy

Letter list Oct. 24.  1886  
A double header -- Republican convention.  1888 


Gaston, Frank

ODonnell to fight Daly.  1893


Gaston, G.

Arrivals and departures.  1884 


Gaston, George

Leaves Deadwood via Pierre coach  1881 


Gaston, J. B.

Passenger lists Dec. 10.  1889 
Grand Central register July 9.  1889 


Gaston, J. E.

Passenger lists July 15.  1890 


Gaston, J. R.

At the Keystone.  1887 


Gaston, J. S.

Arrivals in Deadwood.  1896 
Visitors from Ft. Meade.  1892 


Gaston, John B.

At the Keystone.  1887 
Passenger lists Nov. 22.  1887 
Letter list Aug. 21.  1887


Gaston, John H.

Freight shipped per Cheyenne & Black Hills  1878 


Gaston, John P.

Packard marries Hayford.  1885 
Gaston authorized to sublet mail contract.  1885 


Gaston, Joseph

Rev. will not reach Central for a week or so  1881 
Rev. appointed in place of Mills  1881 


Gaston, M. J.

Franklins silver wedding.  1895 


Gaston, M. J. Mrs.

To be represented at worlds fair.  1891 


Gaston, S. A.

Delinquent sale notice.  1890 


Deadwood Genealogy Research Team

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Mount Moriah Cemetery, Deadwood, Lawrence, South Dakota

John A. Gaston, age 59 yr, died March 19, 1893, buried Sect 2, Lot 2

Marie J. Gaston, age 57 yr, died November 30, 1902, buried  Sect 2, Lot 2

M. O. Gaston, age 69 yr, died July 19, 1927, buried Sect 2, Lot 2

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Sub-committee on decoration for Fourth of July  1879 
Donated 1,000 flags for the Fourth celebration  1879 
Completed connections via telephone  1879 
Received the first coal grates ever in the Hills  1879 
Incoming Freight from Bismarck  1879 
Mining stock market is sustaining a bit of a boom  1879 
Mining Brokers, stocks bought & sold, ad  1879 
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1879 
Safe so heated up in fire, required expert to open  1879 
Losses in the big fire of September 27, $1,000.  1879 
Certificates of stock for Pierce Mine on sale  1879 
old over 6,000 shares of B.H. mining stock  1879 
Losses by the big Deadwood fire of September 1879  1879 
Losses in the big fire of September 27, $2,000.  1879 
Contributors to the fire fund adding up  1879 
Mining brokers selling tickets for Ft Pierre route  1879 
Committee satisfied with amount & quality of water  1879 
Committee to look into claims of Canal & Water Co.  1879 
To open a mining brokerage office in this city  1879 
Incoming Freight from Bismarck  1879   
Members of the petit jury for the present term  1879
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1879 
Mining brokers, stocks bought & sold on commission  1879 
Mining stock brokers, 143 Main St, Ddwd, ad  1879 
For Sale-Mining stock brokers  1879
Dr Bab**** is with Gaston  1879 
Telegraphed to Chicago for a $75. flag for Fourth  1879 
Presented gifts to Beaman for service, Fire Warden  1879 
Owner of the Missouri Homestake very jubitant  1879
Have a specimen of silver ore from Red Jacket Mine.  1879 
Lost over $4,000 from building & contents in fire.  1879 
Phillips & Riddle to share building when rebuilt.  1879 
5,000 shares of General Merritt stock for sale.  1879 
Shankland planning to take trip after selling out.  1879 
6   Phillips & Riddle putting in a stock of drugs.  1879 
Collections & disbursements for July 4 celebration.  1879 
Surface ground under store rocked out, panned $100.  1879 
Meeting held on building three story brick hotel.  1879 
Committee on decorations will meet at store.  1879 
Shankland at Custer on business of mining property.  1879 
How much is bail?  1879 
Drunk kicked camp kettles & articles about.  1879 
Owners of the Missouri Homestake Mine.  1879 
Received a large collection of fossils from Cheyenne.  1879 
Has dirt from Custer diggings on exhibit in store.  1879 
Bulleting the Black Hills stock at San Francisco.  1879 
The Custer City placer diggings.  1879 
Have a white owl on exhibit at their store, dead.  1879 
Ore in their store from Red Jacket not Red Cloud.  1879
Have a specimen of silver ore from Red Jacket Mine.  1879 
Incoming Freight from Bismarck.  1879 
Incoming Freight from Bismarck.  1879 
Contributors to the Fourth of July celebration.  1879
Gaston & OBrien & Company, Owners of the Unches Mine in Grizzly gulch 1879  
Winchester rifle on exhibition at Gaston & Shanklin.  1878 
That bullion can be purchased for a dollar or two.  1878 
Brown & Thum purchased bullion from bullion racket.  1878 
Samples of cement on exhibit in store.  1878 
Reservoir in well, in rear of Gaston & Shanklands.  1878 
Refer to them for reference.  1878 
Donations to pay for the fire engine en route.  1878 
Agree to close places of business at noon on Sunda.  1878    
Purchased the engine of the old Hammond mill  1878  
Have great expectations from their mine  1878   
Strass & Whitehead moved to their store for now  1878 
School Meeting  1878 
Real Estate & Mining Transfers  1878 
Gold dust $17. per ounce  1878 
Gold Dust Currency, almost all businesses signed  1878 
Give donation for 4th of July celebration  1878 
Gaston & Shankland need men to dig wells  1878 
Finest specimen of gold on exhibition  1878 
Fighting Fire  1878 
Collecting funds for digging wells for fires  1878 
Closing on Sunday, agree to close business at noon  1878 
Bogus Bullion  1878 
Another School Meeting  1878 
Sold supplies to miner leaving for Big Horn.  1878
Petition signed for opening thoroughfare of Main S  1878 
Official bond of new probate judge approved  1878
Of Gaston & Shanklin, interested in Alfaretta Mine.  1878
Gaston Mine, Diamond drill is doing very satisfactory work  1878   
Gaston & Shankland sign gold dust agreement.  1877 
One of leading attractions, a jet aquarium.  1877 
New & second hand goods of every description, ad.  1877 
Citizens to keep value of gold at $18 per ounce.  1877  
Gaston & Pratt buy area on Grizzly Gulch  1877   
Acres and J. A. Gaston own Smuggler lead.  1877
Gaston, John Thanksgiving Festival for OBrian  1877 
Gaston, J.A. of Laurence, KS in Deadwood  1877   
Gastons wife (Caroline) fatally burned (in Kansas).  1876

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

To make a diary for Christmas present  1881 
His return relieved friends anxiety  1881 
Joined others in tunnel when chinook hit  1881 
To leave by private conveyence for Custer mines  1881 
Snow fall will rob him of wetting down street  1881 
Went out to Flukens Redwater ranch  1881 
Thousand shares of Washington Consolidated on sale  1881 
Sent 1,000 shares of stock to New York co.  1881 
Received large hunk of quartz from Wilkinson mine  1881 
Mining brokers, ad  1881 
English Co. instructs them to purchase mine  1881 
Bills allowed  1881 
Mining brokers, ad  1881 
Telegram from broker in New York  1881 
Telegram from N.Y. regarding Cheyenne mining stock  1881 
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1881 
Bills allowed, April 1-May 21  1881 
Bills allowed  1881 
Are competent to make tolerably clear estimates  1881 
Donated money to July 4th celebration  1881 
Deadwwod merchants have a telephone  1881 
Bills allowed, vouchers purchased  1881   
Returned from Custer City, pleased with trip  1881 
Talks of visiting Alaskan mines  1881   
On Van Cise/McBrine wedding gift list  1881 
Shareholder in Carbonate Mining Co.  1881 
Recommended Tyler & Munday as commissioners  1881 
Took wrong turn right toward "slycoon"  1881 
Gives up Alaska racket, will go to Pennsylvannia  1881 
Complaining of the suffocating heat  1881 
Signed letter asking Corson to run for mayor  1881 
Petition to elect McHugh as mayorial candidate  1881 
On citizens central committee  1881 
On July 4 committee of arrangements  1881 
In mourning, his telephone wire is busted  1881 
Teller to receive ballots, board of trade  1881 
Requests board of trade statistic committee meet  1881 
Letter from Victoria, Alaska regarding mining  1881 
Has gone into the posey business  1881 
Has a telephone  1881 
Statistics committee, board of trade  1881 
On committee to arrange for July 4th celebration  1881 
uest at Moodys "ghost" party  1881 
Chairman, committee of statistics, board of trade  1881 
Russell vs. Gaston for recovery of Caledonia share  1881 
Letter from Shankland, death of Fly Speck Johnnie  1881 
Letter from Ordway, why he couldnt pass Moody bil  1881
Shanklands bottles of gold on display  1881 
Mining brokers, Deadwood, ad  1881 
Mining Brokers, ad  1881 
Black Hills stocks corrected daily  1881 
Bills allowed, vouchers purchased  1881 
Mining brokers, stocks bought & sold, ad  1881 
Offer to tender Ida Livingstone a farewell benefit  1880 
Stocks bought and sold on commission, ad  1880 
Specimens from Washington mine on exhibit  1880 
Stocks bought and sold on commission, ad  1880 
pecimen of coal from our fields on exhibit  1880 
Agents for coupon tickets from Deadwood to Chicago  1880 
Tickets for admission to fair may be obtained here  1880 
Full list of premiums to be awarded at fair  1880 
Donated premium from fair, $5, to Homestake Hose C  1880 
List of prizes offered at the first district fair  1880 
List of premiums that will be given during fair  1880 
Assaying rock from Washington Mine, Galena  1880 
Old wagon in front keeps hacks out of the gutter  1880 
Mining broker, stocks bought & sold on commission  1880  
Furious that someone stole his Times Newspaper  1880 
To insure good speakers for Garfield & Arthur club  1880 
Son-in-law is as radical democrat as he is republican  1880 
Rousing meeting of Garfield and Arthur Club  1880 
Invited Alexander to speak at Garfield & Arthur Cl  1880 
Asked Mrs Cornell to check on Mrs Wallace (ill)  1880 
Would follow the lead and contribute, but we lost  1880 
Received load of Hay Creek coal, as good as any  1880 
Meeting of the Garfield and Arthur Club  1880 
Forwarded Black Hills specimens to Gov. for fairs  1880 
Enthusiastic meeting of republican club  1880 
Dwd republicans organizing Garfield & Arthur club  1880 
Primaries so far give Bennett a large majority  1880 
List of delegates to county convention  1880 
Ladies of Methodist Episcopal Society extend thank  1880 
Says democrats cant read, must ask republicans  1880 
Lightning rod peddler got him, porcupine looking h  1880 
Purchased the Cora & the Comet Mines on Custer Hil  1880 
Ladies of Episcopal Society thank Gaston for stone  1880 
Since going through course of law has become judge  1880 
Known to be of stubborn material on a jury  1880 
But for Johns stubborness, jury would have verdict  1880
Has 2,000 shares of Great Eastern stock for sale  1880 
Stocks bought and sold on commission, ad  1880 
Specimen of silver ore worth $20,000 on exhibit  1880 
Mining brokers, stocks bought & sold on commission  1880 
Mining brokers, stocks bought & sold on commission  1880 
Fine specimen of ore on exhibit from Caledonia Min  1880 
Stocks bought and sold on commission, ad  1880 
Have a specimen from the Keystone Mine  1880 

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deacon Selbie has become disgusted with John Gastons weather predictions. He says John is a good summer prophet, but utterly unreliable in winter. He is getting up a petition to have Gastons sign  1883 
John Gaston was so unwell yesterday that he did not come down to his office.  1883 
Comittee, J.K.P. Miller, John Gaston and Harry Damon, appointed by the city council to assess the value of Miss Glass property, which is wanted for the extension of Deadwood street, met on Friday  1883 
Telephoned, barometer was falling, storm likely  1883 
Should be lynched if present weather continues  1883 
Notified, be ready, ascertain cause of coal fires  1883 
Making preparations for trip across big pond, Eng.  1883 
Has seen error of ways, gave up on weather predict  1883 
Compell him to sell barometer, will have settled w  1883 
Bills allowed, warrants drawn for same  1883 
Barometer still falling, plans to hang it in well  1883   
Meeting called to consider bonding not largely att  1883  
J.A. Gaston, mining and real estate broker, Deadwood, Dakota, buys and sells mines, mining stocks and real estate on commission. County warrants bought and sold.  1883 
J.A. Gaston, mining and real estate broker, Deadwood, Dakota, buys and sells mines, mining stocks and real estate on commission. County warrants bought and sold.  1883 
Citizens want Steele to run for mayor, sign petiti  1883 
County warrants bought & sold, ad  1883 
Commissioners proceedings, special session  1883 
Call for mass meeting of citizens of Lawrence Co.  1883 
Annual meeting of stockholders of Eureka Mining Co  1883 
Notice of Assessment  1883 
Bills were allowed, warrants drawn for same  1883 
Fourth of July committee made celebration a succes  1883   
Bills allowed by council, warrants drawn for same  1883 
Bills allowed by county commissioners  1883 
Filed 7% warrants & certificates in clerks office  1883
Wanted; District court jury & witness certificates  1883 
Meeting of stockholders of Eureka Mining Company  1883 
Buys & sells mines, mining stocks & real estate,ad  1883
Buy & sell stock on commission, brokers, ad  1883 
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1883 
Mining brokers, stocks bought & sold, ad  1883 
Mining brokers, stocks bought & sold on commission  1883 
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1883 
Specimen of tin ore from Cornwall, England on exhi  1883 
Accounts allowed, clerk to issue warrants  1883 
Thermometer registered 12 below at 7 p.m.  1883 
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1883 
Bills allowed & warrants drawn for the same  1883 
Collecting samples for mineral & agricultural disp  1883 
Meeting of stockholders of Castle Creek Hydraulic  1883
Kept employed selling Eureka Mining Co stock  1883 
Gave out 50 needle guns & ammunition, fight Indian  1883
Barometer began to rise, prognosticates fair weath  1883 
Wheeler-Mutch marriage took place at Gaston home  1883 
Prominent citizens are petitioning for change of w  1883 
Gaston & Ayres have handled weather to suit themse  1883 
Bulletin board advertisement, millsite & damsite  1883 
Board of directors elected for Eureka Mining Co.  1883 
Received information about our new judge, Church  1883 
New judge requested he rent house for family here  1883 
Loss of confidence in weathr prognostications  1883 
Bills allowed by commissioners, warrants drawn  1883 
Wooden wedding anniversary of Mr & Mrs Treber  1883 
Wheeler sent Gaston a fine specimen of mica  1883 
Started 1st fish pond in Hills, a hundred minnows  1883 
OBrien telegraphed he is on way back to Hills  1883 
Made weather with barometer that drowned out count  1883 
Bills allowed by county commissioners  1883 
Treated residents of Forest Hill to a young cyclon  1883 
Fourth dawned clear, celebration was splendid success.  1883 
Proceedings of board of county commissioners  1883 
Herrmann & Treber removed partition between stores  1883   
Wants to start a subscription for post office lamp  1882 
Taking in the mines near Central City  1882 
Castle Creek Hydraulic Co. holds annual election  1882 
Mr & Mrs Gaston went to Spearfish to do the fair  1882 
Suffering from slight indisposition, kept him home  1882 
Mr & Mrs Gaston will make trip to Europe in Feb.  1882 
Genial company sadly missed at bank corner  1882 
Confined to room with attack of congestion of bowe  1882 
Wants it understood, not a candidate for marshall  1882 
Will go to sociable with Robinson  1882 
Sadly mixed, a "mix up" of mining titles  1882 
He or Treber added appendix to Buchanans sign  1882 
Marshal Dix doesnt post tank measurements as Ror  1882 
Fine collection of petrifaction taken from Hot Spr  1882 
Witnessed attack by Hogan on Snider  1882 
Thinking strongly of giving up business as critic  1882 
Reciting to astonished judge our many attractions  1882 
Notified that Offenbacher was at Denver for expo  1882  
Mining brokers, stock bought & sold, ad  1882 
Stocks bought & sold on commision, brokers, ad  1882 
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1882 
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1882 
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1882 
Mining Brokers, stocks bought & sold, ad  1882 
Stocks bought & sold on commission, ad  1882 
Samples of grain & timothy displayed in front  1882  
Russell vs Gaston, judgment for defendant  1882 
Sent dispatch to Gov, 30 day reprieve for Leighton  1882 
Committee on decoration for July 4th celebration  1882 
Russell vs Gaston, verdict in favor of defendant  1882 
Russell vs Gaston, case in hearing  1882 
Meeting held to select commissioner for expo  1882 
Calender for the present term of district court  1882   
Marriage, to Marie Hoffman, at residence of groom  1882 
Paid 1st dollar to Garfield monument fund  1882 
Correspondence which explains itself  1882 
Member of "the committee of 51"  1882
Very animated geographical discussion took place  1882 
Herrmann & Treber sport new summer suits  1882 
Thought Trebers phone calls meant fire  1882
Mining Brokers, stocks bought & sold, ad  1882 
Mining brokers, stocks bought & sold, ad  1882 
Maj Woolleys home on William St for sale  1882 
Stocks bought & sold, ad  1882 
Grand & Petit jurors summoned for ensuing term  1882 
Daughter, Mrs OBrien, has been ill while in east  1882 
Concluded his 48th year of pilgrimage in this worl  1882 
Board of trade to try to assess damage from storm  1882 
Carried pedestrians across Main St  1882 
Trying to get up bachelors banquet  1882 
Heat compels him to fan with palm leaf, in Feb.  1882 
Labelling specimens of Black Hills minerals  1882 
Delegates send letter to Moody  1882 
Bought water right from Faught  1882 

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Medora trip verified.  1885 
Seventeen hour flight to Medora.  1885 
Lawrence County Commission meeting.  1885 
Mrs. Gaston returns.  1885 
Gaston planning surprise for his wife.  1885 
John Gaston first skater on new rink.  1885 
Martin reception.  1885 
Lawrence County Commission proceedings.  1885 
P.D. OBrien writes from New Orleans.  1885 
Gaston receives letter from daughter, OBrien, P. D. Mrs., at New Orleans.  1885 
The rink.  1885 
Lawrence County Commission proceedings.  1885 
The rolls.  1885 
Leppla and Cook married.  1885 
Miles City and Deadwood stage.  1885 
OBriens experiencing delightful visit.  1885 
Weather continually disagreeable.  1885 
Gastons farmer leaves him.  1885 
Gaston mining and real estate.  1885 
Miles City and Deadwood stageline.  1885 
City council.  1885 
Committee of safety subscribers.  1885 
The peoples movement.  1885 
Prairie fires sweeping North Dakota.  1885 
Lawrence County Commission meeting.  1885 
Magnificent nugget.  1885 
Mining and real estate broker.  1885 
Homestake shares sold to Custer party.  1885 
Miles City and Deadwood stage.  1885 
The fair.  1885 
Shares for sale.  1885 
County warrants bought and sold.  1885 
Tri-weekly stageline to Miles City.  1885 
Deadwood mourns.  1885 
Gaston mining and real estate.  1885 
Real estate transfers.  1885 
Notice of assessment.  1885 
Mining and real estate.  1885 
Passengers for Northern Pacific railway.  1885 
Mail contractor wishes to sub-contract.  1885 
Gaston ordered to act as railroad agent.  1885 
Lawrence County Commission proceedings.  1885 
Gaston appointed buckboard agent.  1885 
All Medora accounts settled.  1885 
Gaston receives pigeons as gift.  1885 
Settling up Medora Stage affairs.  1885 
Allen and VanDriesche arriving in Deadwood.  1885 
Gaston buys and sells.  1885 
Medora Stage practically defunct.  1885 
Operations suspended pending mail contract.  1885 
District court.  1885 
Gaston in Spearfish on business.  1885 
Those who withdrew.  1885 
Supt. Allen takes on duties.  1885 
District court.  1885 
District court.  1885 
Gaston and OBrien returns from De Mores.  1885 
Medora stage company reorganized.  1885 
New passenger and freight line.  1885 
Arrivals and departures.  1885 
Gaston returns from Medora.  1885 
Arrivals and departures.  1885 
Shankland stands in for Gaston.  1885 
Gaston leaves to meet Marquis.  1885 
Thirty new horses for Medora stage.  1885 
Medora Stage and Forwarding Company.  1885 
Lawrence County Commission.  1885 
Comfortable Concord coaches.  1885 
Medora coach dispatched on runners.  1885 
The rollers.  1885 
Gaston mining and real estate.  1885 
New skating club.  1885
District court.  1885 
Mining and real estate broker.  1885 
Gaston buys and sells mines.  1885 
Gaston mining and real estate broker.  1885 
A sacred club.  1885
Lawrence County Commission meeting.  1885
Gaston needs skating rink license.  1885 
Manning complains racket spooked his team.  1885 
Arrivals and departures.  1885 
Gaston goes to his ranch.  1885 
ORielly makes New Years calls in Deadwood.  1885 
Gaston and OBrien report great need of water.  1884 
Gaston to Redwater ranch.  1884 
Higbie, Gaston and OBrien examine recent purchase.  1884 
Fourth of July committees and activities.  1884 
Gaston offers reward for brand design.  1884 
Worlds exposition at New Orleans.  1884 
Plumed Knights meet.  1884 
Fire boys to hold New Years open house.  1884 
A stroking coolness.  1884 
New Orleans Exposition.  1884 
Letter from OBrien.  1884 
Cattell establishing Deadwood office.  1884 
Telegraph pole cost sought.  1884 
Medora stages to run Monday.  1884 
Bristol offers Deadwood to Miles City fare.  1884  
Gov. Pierce writes in regret.  1884 
Club to initiate new members.  1884 
Gaston and OBrien return from ranch.  1884 
Gaston gone to ranch.  1884 
Petrified weeds found.  1884 
Gaston fattening up.  1884 
Bristol announces Deadwood-Miles City route.  1884 
Gaston in receipt of letter from Sherman.  1884 
Gaston celebrates 50th birthday.  1884 
Saddle stolen from barn.  1884 
Higbie visited Elk creek and Giltner mine.  1884 
Homestake to display gold bullion at New Orleans.  1884 
Cheapest Route to Coeur DAlene Mines.  1884 
Committee chosen to begin planning Independence Day celebration.  1884 
John Gaston came out yesterday morning in a brand new suit of clothes, and when arrayed in them he looked like a Coeur dAlene miner who had struck it rich and come home to have a good time.  1884 
Times account of the meeting of the Sorosis, at John Gastons residence on Friday, was cut short, by the loss of one page of manuscript. It should have stated that the meeting was held in honor of  1884 
There was a big gathering of the ladies of Forest Hill, at the residence of John Gaston yesterday afternoon, and the male inhabitants of that part of the city gave them a wide berth, as they were f  1884 
Judge Halls court. His honor had but one case yesterday, William Wise, Jr., supposed to be a descendant of the great Virginia senator, who was convicted of petty larceny in the taking and disposin  1884 
John Gaston is never happy unless he can prognosticate a falling barometer, with the accompanying cyclone or blizzard. Last Sunday he made medicine, coaxed his barometer to crawl down and then pred  1884 
Stockholders of the Eureka Mining company met at Gastons office yesterday, 25,000 shares of stock being represented, and elected as directors for the ensuing year, the old board, William Selbie, J  1884  
General definition of storm track.  1884 
Gaston and OBrien have gone into ranching in earnest. They purchased a span of large, fine brood mares, wagon and harness, and sent them out to the farm.  
Notice of assessment.  1884 
Stockholders meeting.  1884  
Castle Creek Mining Company assessment notice.  1884 
Gaston enlarges stage office.  1884 
Medora State Company reorganized.  1884 
One thousand shares of Eureka stock sold at auction.  1884 
Gustin Belt delinquent sale notice.  1884 
Gustin Belt delinquent stock sale.  1884 
Medora Stage and Forwarding.  1884 
Gray Eagle shares for sale.  1884 
Stage line set to run.  1884 
Medora stage line opens Sept. 15.  1884 
Medora line opens in a few days.  1884 
Miles City and N.P. Railway.  1884 
Gaston appointed Medora stage line agent.  1884 
Shortest, quickest route to Coeur DAlene.  1884 
Final report of celebration committee.  1884 
Meeting to discuss New Orleans exhibit.  1884 
Black Hills products sought for exposition.  1884 
Real estate transfers.  1884 
Passengers from the Black Hills going to the Coeur dAlene mines can save from $8 to $25 each person via Miles City and the North Pacific railroad by calling upon John A. Gaston, passenger agent N.  1884 
Coeur dAlene Mines. 82 hours from Deadwood to Rathdrum. Shortest, quickest, and best. The cheapest route to the Coeur dAlene mines is via Miles City and N.P. Railway. Fare lower than any other ro  1884 
Passengers going to Couer dAlene mines can procure tickets via Miles City. Mr. Gaston, agent of Northern Pacific Railway.  1884 
Bought tickets to go from Miles City to Rathdrum on North Pacific Railroad from Mr. Gaston, ticket agent.  1884
Stockholders meeting.  1884 
Gaston buys and sells mines.  1884 
Delinquent sale notice.  1884 
Notice of assessment Eureka Mining Co.  1884 
Gaston mining and real estate broker.  1884 
Eureka Mining notice of assessment.  1884 
Minor matters.  1884 
J.A. Gaston, mining and real estate broker.  1884 
County warrants bought and sold by Mr. Gaston.  1884 
Mining and real estate broker, buys and sells mines, mining stocks and real estate.  1884
Mining news.  1884 
Ickes and Jones married.  1884 
There was a large party of friends gave Mr. and Mrs. Ismon a surprise last evening. While they were down town the party took possession of their residence and commenced making themselves at home. T  1884
Wednesday evening, when John Gaston was taosting his shins, preparatory to retiring, the door bell rang, and upon opening the door he found a delegation of friends, ladies and gentlemen, who came i  1884 
Gaston was notified yesterday by the ticket agent of the Northern Pacific railroad that Maxwell had purchased four jerkies in St. Paul and shipped them to Miles City to run dailies between that pla  1884 
Abe Bowland, Rapid City, telephoned John Gaston for transportation for himself and ten others to the Coeur dAlene mines.  1884 
Paul Rewman played a joke and called John Gaston and inquired about the price of transportation to Coeur dAlene for ten men and whether there was any danger of Indians on that road.  1884 
Mr. Maxwell arrived here from Miles City. He made the trip from Miles City to Spearfish in 36 hours. Hes arranging with Mr. Gaston of the North Pacific Railroad Company for transportation of Coeur  1884 
Passengers going to Coeur dAlene can procure tickets via the Northern Pacific Railway from Deadwood to Rathdrum, John Gaston, passenger agent. e.  1884 
Selected for jury duty, district court.  1884 
Mr. and Mrs. Gaston kindly remembered by Judge Haydon in way of handsome Christmas presents.  1884 
Mr. and Mrs. Gaston kindly remembered by Judge Haydon in way of Christmas gifts.  1884 

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Gaston and OBrien move to new building.  1888  
Lawrence County Commission meeting.  1888  
Probate court May 3.  1888 
Gaston enthusiastic over rural life.  1888 
Young takes possession of office.  1888 
Delinquent stock sale.  1888 
Webber in San Francisco.  1888 
Lawrence County Commission meeting.  1888 
Lawrence County Commission meeting.  1888 
Mineral world Jan. 20.  1888
Gastons ranch.  1888 
Mountain lion on Gastons ranch.  1888 
Gaston leaves for Redwater ranch.  1888 
Young leases Gastons office.  1888 
Halls court Feb. 15.  1888 
Mineral world Feb. 8.  1888 
Mineral world Jan. 25.  1888 
Mineral world Jan. 24.  1888 
Railroad news Jan. 24.  1888 
Harvest begins.  1888 
First prize at Deadwood fair.  1887  
A present for every Deadwood child.  1887 
Mineral world Dec. 18.  1887 
Passenger lists Dec. 2.  1887 
Gaston returns from Minneapolis.  1887 
A twist with a toothache.  1887 
Gastons visit Terhunes.  1887 
Deadwood mail stranded at Bismarck.  1887 
August term of district court.  1887 
Mineral world June 24.  1887 
Steady improvment of Mrs. OBrien.  1887 
Kiemer lot sold to McPherson.  1887 
Gaston purchases Centennial ranch.  1887 
Mineral world April 30.  1887 
The original exchange.  1887 
Our mines March 9.  1887 
Miles City and Deadwood Stage Line.  1887 
Pigeons are efficient messengers.  1887 
Quietly turned up its toes.  1887 
Word from Judge Corson.  1887 
Organization of stock exchange.  1887 
Belated Christmas gift.  1887 
Missing mares found.  1887 
Rollicking sleigh ride to Redwater.  1887 
OBrien sends gifts of pigeons.  1887 
Out to the ranch for a day or two.  1887
Raising property values in Deadwood.  1887 
Seven brood mares recovered.  1887
Delinquent sale notice.  1887
Progressive euchre.  1887 
Gaston recovers lost horses.  1887 
Mineral world Sept. 9.  1887 
Horse thieves in our midst.  1887 
Terhunes take in Lead mills.  1887 
Pigeons bring progress report.  1887 
Mineral world July 28.  1887 
Weather report July 10.  1887 
Ickes boy falls in fountain.  1887 
Mineral world July 7.  1887 
Delinquent sale notice.  1887 
One of two pigeons return.  1887 
Pigeons thought to have flown home.  1887 
Gastons return from ranch.  1887 
Gastons leave for Redwater ranch.  1887 
Then and now.  1887 
Skeleton wagon weights 120 pounds.  1887 
Our mines March 24.  1887 
Gastons pedigreed birds.  1887 
Gaston not feeling well.  1887   
Christmas events.  1886 
Our mines and mills Dec. 5.  1886 
Return from Redwater.  1886 
Gaston visiting at his ranch.  1886 
Pioneers of 76.  1886 
Pioneer meeting postponed.  1886 
Goldbergs clerk escapes serious injury.  1886 
Gaston makes a profit.  1886 
Our mines.  1886 
Gaston reports stock sale.  1886  
Only exclusive dealer in the Hills.  1886  
Horse bargain concluded.  1886 
Miss Knedall returns to Chicago.  1886 
Knight to examine thoroughbred.  1886 
OBrien brother dies.  1886 
Western Union established.  1886 
The original exchange.  1886 
The original exchange.  1886 
Delinquent sale notice.  1886 
Our mines Sept. 18.  1886 
Golden Eagle swapped for watermelon.  1886 
Our mines Sept. 13.  1886 
Gaston unique stock dealer.  1886 
The original exchange.  1886 
OBrien returns from the valley.  1886 
Gaston not in the best of health.  1886 
Gaston again confined to his house.  1886 
Miles City and Deadwood stage.  1886 
Gastons birthday.  1886 
Delinquent sale notice.  1886 
Our mines July 23.  1886 
Assessment notice.  1886 
Mining news July 17.  1886 
Gaston returns thoroughly cured.  1886 
Gaston and wife return today.  1886 
Plowman returns from Hot Springs.  1886 
Gaston and wife leave for home.  1886 
Delinquent sale notice.  1886 
Gastons sister dies.Telegram for John Gaston announces the death of his only sister.  1886 
Railroad news July 2.  1886 
The original exchange.  1886 
Miles City and Deadwood stageline.  1886 
Gastons leave for Hot Springs.  1886 
Gaston unable to visit his office.  1886 
Assessment notice.  1886 
Delinquent sale notice.  1886 
Gaston makes an appearance.  1886 
Gaston stock exchange.  1886 
Tri-weekly coaches.  1886 
Gaston back at the office.  1886 
Gaston continues confined.  1886 
Gaston confined with rheumatism.  1886 
Gaston confined to his house.  1886 
Gaston indulges in ranch trip.  1886 
Our mines May 15.  1886 
Our mines May 11.  1886 
OBrien returns from Redwater ranch.  1886 
Our mines May 7.  1886 
Our mines May 6.  1886 
Our mines May 4.  1886 
The original exchange.  1886 
Handsome team of roadsters.  1886 
Tri-weekly coaches.  1886 
Our mines April 30.  1886 
Treber for second ward councilman.  1886 
Gaston suffering effects of malaria.  1886 
Whist at the Gaston residence.  1886 
Gaston visits his ranch.  1886 
The brokers.  1886 
Tri-weekly coaches from Miles City.  1886 
The original exchange.  1886 
Our mines April 1.  1886 
Our mines.  1886 
Our mines.  1886 
Our mines.  1886 
Our mines.  1886 
Weather report March 14.  1886 
Delinquent sale notice.  1886 
The two Johns improving their offices.  1886 
Our mines.  1886 
Brilliant event.  1886 
Tri-weekly coaches.  1886 
The original exchange.  1886 
Our mines Feb. 21.  1886 
Mining notices.  1886 
Mining miscellany.  1886 
Our mines.  1886 
Our mines.  1886 
Still booming.  1886 
On the street.  1886 
Miles City and Deadwood stage.  1886 
Centennial prairie farm for $8,000.  1886 
Bargains in real estate.  1886 
Stockholders meet.  1886 
Dueling thermometers.  1886 
Miles City and Deadwood stage.  1886 
Gaston mining and real estate.  1886 
Gaston visiting at his ranch.  1886 
Pioneers of 76.  1886 
Pioneer meeting postponed.  1886 
Goldbergs clerk escapes serious injury.  1886 
Gaston makes a profit.  1886 
Our mines.  1886 
Gaston reports stock sale.  1886 

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland 

Delinquent sale notice.  1893 
Delinquent tax sale notice.  1893 
Notice to creditors.  1893 
Gaston son seriously injured.  1893 
Gaston interred at Mt. Moriah.  1893 
Gaston funeral today.  1893 
Pioneer picnic grounds inspected.  1892 
Arrivals at Deadwood.  1892 
The old timers -- pioneers.  1892 
Gaston confined.  1892 
Among the mines January 17.  1892
Belle Fourche next excursion.  1892 
Alaska or Black Hills?  1892 
Fun among police.  1892
Among the mines November 4.  1892 
Delinquent sale notice.  1892 
Delinquent notice.  1891 
Delinquent sale notice.  1891 
Tacoma and the Pacific coast.  1891   
Delinquent sale notice.  1891 
Grand reception and ball.  1891 
Assessment notice.  1891 
Custer site of first pioneer excursion.  1891 
Indian trader talks.  1891 
County court report May 5.  1891 
Parker reported very ill.  1891 
The pioneers.  1891 
Real estate transfers January 3.  1891 
Our business houses.  1891
Finance committee on the Fourth.  1891 
John Gastons brother I. A. Gaston visits. 1890
Quite a business in specimens.  1890 
Indian scare; ghost dancers.  1890 
Grand and petit jurors.  1890 
Black Hills resources -- railroad support.  1890   
Departures via Miles City stageline.  1890 
Mineral world December 4.  1890 
United States court report Sept. 3.  1890 
County commission July meeting.  1890 
That water way.  1890 
Mrs. Gastons cousin arrives.  1890 
Dr. Paddock leases residence.  1890 
Mineral world June 29.  1890 
City Council meeting June 5.  1890 
Assessment notice.  1890 
County commission April meeting.  1890 
Real estate transfers April 26.  1890 
Webber connected with Venezula company.  1890 
OBrien estate notice.  1890 
Real estate transfers April 17.  1890 
Gastons brother visits.  1890 
Gaston and Miller downtown.  1890 
Gaston experiences backset.  1890 
Gordon and Gaston on sick list.  1890
Delinquent tax sale.  1890 
Delinquent tax sale.  1890 
Gaston goes home with billous attack.  1890   
Post office petition.  1889 
Mineral world Dec. 1.  1889 
Mineral world Oct. 30.  1889 
Notice to creditors.  1889 
Mineral world July 17.  1889
Grand Central register Oct. 3.  1889
Mineral world June 2.  1889 
Mineral world June 1.  1889 
Established in 1876.  1889 
Delinquent sale notice.  1889 
Gaston recovers horses.  1889 
Mineral world Oct. 29.  1889 

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland  

Sons of John A. Gaston and Marie Hoffman Gaston: Gaston, Marcus O. & Gaston, Omye

Gaston, Marcus O.

Gaston, M. O.

Leaves Deadwood  1883 
In Deadwood  1879 
Leaves Deadwood  1879 
In Deadwood  1879 

Gaston, Marcus O.

Gaston son seriously injured.  1893 
Arrivals at Deadwood.  1892

Gaston, Omye

Son of J.A., Gaston, Omye, returns after absence of three years 1883

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland 

Daughter of John A. Gaston and Marie Hoffman Gaston:  O'Brien, P. D. Mrs.

Gaston son seriously injured.  1893 
Arrivals in Deadwood.  1892 
Mrs. OBrien to be gone the summer.  1892 
Mrs. OBrien entertains at home.  1892 
Passenger lists Dec. 29.  1889 
Letter list Dec. 29.  1889 
Mrs. OBrien visiting.  1889 
Passenger lists April 19.  1888 
Mrs. OBrien returns with adopted nephew.  1888 
At the Wentworth.  1887 
Mrs. OBrien goes east to join husband.  1887 
Passenger lists Sept. 20.  1887 
Mineral world Aug. 24.  1887 
Passenger lists July 14.  1887 
OBrien and wife return from New York.  1887 
OBrien and wife detained.  1887 
Steady improvment of Mrs. OBrien.  1887 
Mrs. OBrien writes from New York.  1887 
Out to the ranch for a day or two.  1887 
Mrs. OBrien joins husband.  1886 
Passenger lists Nov. 13.  1886 
Mrs. OBrien joins husband.  1886 
Decidedly swell.  1886 
At the springs.  1886 
Hot Springs is hot spot.  1886 
Deadwood ladies at Hot Springs.  1886 
Mrs. OBrien receives valuable painting.  1886 
Cache disappears.  1886 
Trebers and OBriens visit Hot Springs.  1886 
Passenger lists July 6.  1886 
OBrien and wife arrive home.  1886 
Passenger lists July 4.  1886 
Passenger lists June 4.  1886 
OBriens leave for New York.  1886 
Brilliant event.  1886 
OBriens out to the ranch.  1886 
Fire department thanks.  1886 
Arrivals and departures.  1885 
OBrien and wife return from pleasure trip.  1885 
OBriens experiencing delightful visit.  1885 
Arrivals and departures.  1885 
Pleasure trip.  1885 
OBriens visit ranch.  1885 
From Rapid by private conveyance.  1885 
Arrivals and departures.  1885 
OBriens arrive from tour.  1885 
Arrivals and departures.  1885 
Gaston receives letter from daughter at New Orleans.  1885 
The carnival.  1885 
OBriens leave for the east.  1884 
Rollerskating prize to most graceful lady.  1884 
Miss Amanda Bonner, of De Moines, Iowa, an aunt of Mrs. John Elliott, came up from Sturgis, yesterday, and is a guest of Mrs. P.D. OBrien.  1884 
Mrs. John Gaston and Mrs. P.D. OBrien went over to Galena yesterday for a sleigh ride.  1884 
Having turn of the ague everyday in Penn., returni  1882 
Visiting friends at Ashland, Illinois  1882 
Went out to Flukens Redwater ranch  1881 
Wedding of Nellie Moody & Dr Dickinson at mansion  1880 
Mrs. W.F. Brooks of Galena visiting  1878 

Posts: 795
RE: John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland 

Wife 2: Maria and/or Marie J. Hoffman

Hoffman, Marie marriage to John A. Gaston, at residence of groom 
Oct 25 1882

Possible same Maria and/or Marie Hoffman

Name: Maria Hoffman
Home in 1880: Keokuk, Lee, Iowa
Age: 34
Estimated birth year: abt 1846
Birthplace: England
Father's birthplace: England
Mother's birthplace: England
Occupation: Dress Maker
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Gender: Female
Household Members: Name Age
Bennett F. Hopkins 29
Elizabeth J. Hopkins 24
Maria Hoffman 34
May A. Sherwood 50 
Name: Marie J Gaston
Home in 1900: Deadwood, Lawrence, South Dakota
Age: 51
Birth Date: Sep 1848
Birthplace: England
Race: White
Gender: Female
Immigration Year: 1849
Relationship to Head of House: Head
Father's Birthplace: England
Mother's Birthplace: England
Mother: number of living children: 0
Mother: How many children: 1
Marital Status: Widowed
Occupation: View on Image
Neighbors: View others on page 
Household Members: Name Age
Marie J Gaston 51

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: Wife Marie Hoffman Gaston

Trying to get up bachelors banquet 
Gaston, John 
Feb 16 1882

Only lady invited to Gastons birthday gathering 
Hoffman, Miss 
Jul 27 1882

Those invited to Gastons bachelor birthday bash 
Ulmer, G.
Treber, John
Shankland, C.W.
Scott, G.W.
Plowman, A.J.
Martin, Eben W.
Ickes, John C.
Herrmann, John
Goldberg, J.
Decker, Jean
Ayres, George V.      
Jul 27 1882

Hoffman, Marie marriage to John A. Gaston, at residence of groom 
Oct 25 1882

Gaston, J. A. Mrs.

To attend meeting of lady managers.  1891 
Letter regarding fair commissioners.  1891 
Smiling good nature of Gastons made everyone welc  1883 

Gaston, John Mrs.

Inaugural party.  1897 
Statue on display.  1892 
Riodan sculpture completed.  1892 
Delightful gatherings.  1892 
Delinquent notice.  1891 
Pigeons bring progress report.  1887 
Gastons return from ranch.  1887 
Gastons leave for Redwater ranch.  1887 
Too much for pony attachment.  1886 
Fire department thanks.  1886 
Mrs. Gaston returns.  1885 
Gaston planning surprise for his wife.  1885 
Mrs. Gaston returns.  1885 
1Mrs. Gaston returns.  1884 
Gaston and Morse visiting Mrs. Brooks.  1884 
1A party of eighteen consisting of E.W. Martin and wife, W.B. Hammond and wife, Frank Abbott and wife, A. Fox and wife, J. Shoudy and wife, P.D. OBrien and wife, John Treber and wife, Mrs. John Gas  1884 
Mrs. John Gaston and Mrs. P.D. OBrien went over to Galena yesterday for a sleigh ride.  1884 
Ladies keeping open house on New Years Day  1882 

Gaston, Maria J.

It is Mayor McDonald.  1902 

Gaston, Marie

Library officers elected.  1902 

Gaston, Marie J.

Mrs. Gastons funeral.  1902 
School board elects officers.  1897 
Official directory.  1896 
Mrs. Gaston provides bond.  1896 
Mrs. Gaston for treasurer.  1896 
Library report accepted.  1896 
Mrs. Gaston agent of canning company.  1893 
8Notice to creditors.  1893 
President of lady managers arrives.  1892 
Fair officers elected.  1892 
Ladies and educational exhibit.  1892 
Worlds fair proclamation.  1892 
Riordan to sculpt Indian maiden.  1892 
Suffrage organization.  1890 
Lunch given by Mrs. Gaston.  1884 
Fourth dawned clear, celebration was splendid success.  1883 
Congregational sociable this evening at residence.  1883 

Posts: 795
John A. Gaston mining and real estate broker, Gaston & O'brien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland

Posted On: October 23, 2010 10:16:41 PM

 Last Name: gaston
 : John
 : Marie
 : England
 :investment broker
 :Mount Moriah
  Posted On: October 23, 2010 10:11:56 PM

 Last Name: Gaston
 : Marie
 : England
 : John Gaston
 : England
 :Mount Moriah

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: John Gaston, John A. Gaston, J. A. Gaston, Gaston and OBrien, Gaston and Seitz, Gaston & Shankland 

Wife 1: Caroline

Fatal burning of the wife (Caroline) of John A. Gaston at Lawrence, Kansas. His son also severely injured.
Dec. 30, 1876

Name: J A Gaston
Census Date: 1859
Residence County: Leavenworth
Residence State: Kansas
Locality: Stranger
Line: 1
Roll: ks1859_1
Household Member(s): Name Age
J A Gaston

Leavenworth, Kansas Voter Registration, 1859
about J A Gaston
Name: J A Gaston
Occupation: blacksmith
Street: Choctaw
Ward: Second
Block: 47 

U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918
about J A Gaston
Name: J A Gaston
Tax Year: 1865
NARA Series: M756
NARA Roll: 33
Name: J A Gaston
Age in 1860: 24
Birth Year: abt 1836
Birthplace: Ohio
Home in 1860: Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kansas Territory
Gender: Male
Post Office: Leavenworth
Household Members: Name Age
J A Gaston 24
Caroline Gaston 22
Alfretta Gaston 4
Omaha Gaston 2

Name: J A Gaston
Census Date: 22 Jun 1865
Residence County: Leavenworth
Residence State: Kansas
Locality: Leavenworth Ward 2
Birth Location: O
Family Number: 240
Marital Status: Married
Gender: Male
Estimated birth year: abt 1837
Line: 12
Roll: ks1865_5
Household Member(s): Name Age
J A Gaston 28
Mrs.  ,Gaston 26, born abt 1839, Birth Location: Pennsylvania 
Alvaretta Gaston 9
Omaha Gaston 7
Mary Pasgat 25

Name: J A Gaston
Census Date: 1 Mar 1875
Residence County: Neosho
Residence State: Kansas
Locality: Chanute
Birth Location: Ohio
Family Number: 7
Gender: Male
Estimated birth year: abt 1835
Race: White
Line: 24
Roll: ks1875_15
Household Member(s): Name Age
J A Gaston 40 
Name: J. A. Gaston
Home in 1880: Deadwood, Lawrence, Dakota Territory
Age: 46
Estimated birth year: abt 1834
Birthplace: Ohio
Father's birthplace: New Jersey
Mother's birthplace: Pennsylvania
Occupation: Mining Broker
Marital Status: Widower
Race: White
Gender: Male P. D. (Obrine)O'Brien 32
Allie (Obrine)O'Brien 23
J. A. Gaston 46

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