Contact Deadwood Public Library to search their historical newspaper collection maintained on microfilm. Fees may be charged for these services. The library also has a historical photo collection.
The Deadwood Public Library 435 Williams St Deadwood, South Dakota, 57732
Telephone 605-578-2821
The Adams Museum has an extensive historical photo collection that may be reproduced for a fee.
Adams Museum 54 Sherman St. , Deadwood, SD 57732 Telephone: 605.578.1714
RE: Thomas Whittaker Grocery & partner with Ed Imes in Roller Skating Rink at Kiemer Hall, Deadwood, 1884 - 1885
Thank you so much for all of this information. It is really incredible. Could you tell me where I can get access to the newspaper articles. Do I have to be in Deadwood personally or is it on line? What historical newspaper are you referring too? Do you know if there were any pictures of Thomas Whittaker anywhere? Thank you again for responding so promptly to my inquiry. You are amazing.
Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: various spellings of surname Whittaker
Whittaker, Thomas
1 Bankrupt sale. 1902 2 County commissioner meeting. 1901 3 Delinquent property tax list. 1901 4 Delinquent property tax list. 1901 5 Delinquent property tax list. 1901 6 Delinquent property tax list. 1901 7 Delinquent property tax list. 1901 8 Deadwood council met last evening. 1900 9 Hackmen take out licenses. 1900 10 Filed for record. 1900 11 Jury calendar May 15-. 1900 12 Court calendar Dec. 8-16. 1897 13 Court calendar commencing Nov. 29. 1897 14 City council meeting February 3. 1897 15 The public park movement. 1896 16 Among the mines June 12. 1896 17 Council meeting June 1. 1896 18 Clearing the depot tract. 1896 19 Lots of business for lawyers. 1896 20 The matter fixed up. 1896 16 Among the mines June 12. 1896 17 Council meeting June 1. 1896 18 Clearing the depot tract. 1896 19 Lots of business for lawyers. 1896 20 The matter fixed up. 1896 21 A fair just price on property. 1896 22 Depot case in court. 1896 23 Ciruit court calendar. 1896 24 Circuit court report December 11. 1895 25 Circuit court report November 7. 1895 26 County court report November 5. 1895 27 Circuit court report November 3. 1895 28 Among the mines May 1. 1895 29 Circuit court report March 31. 1895 30 Circuit court report Nov. 13. 1894 31 Deadwood council meeting Aug. y. 1894 32 Delinquent tax sale notice. 1893 33 Delinquent tax sale notice. 1893 34 Delinquent tax sale notice. 1893 35 Delinquent tax sale notice. 1893 36 Mabbs to move frame building. 1893 37 Edmonds accepts. 1892 38 Circuit court report April 7. 1892 39 Circuit court report March 23. 1892 40 Circuit court report March 2. 1892 41 Circuit court calendar March 1-2. 1892 42 County court report February 28. 1892 43 The year condensed -- 1891. 1892 44 City council report December 22. 1891 45 Deadwood Enterprise elects officers. 1891 46 Delinquent sale notice. 1891 47 City Council meeting September 21. 1891 48 McIntyre transfers property. 1891 49 Among the mines September 11. 1891 50 Among the mines September 8. 1891 51 Circuit court report September 4. 1891 52 Papers served on McGonigle. 1891 53 Finance committee for the Fourth. 1891 54 Whittaker up for violating game law. 1891 55 Refractory districts in 1890. 1891 56 City council meeting December 23. 1890 57 Circuit court report December 17. 1890 58 Circuit court report December 11. 1890 59 Circuit court report November 25. 1890 60 Circuit court report November 23. 1890 61 Mineral world November 19. 1890 62 Circuit court report November 15. 1890 63 Circuit court report November 8. 1890 64 Delinquent tax sale. 1890 65 Real estate transfers July 8. 1890 66 City council meeting July 7. 1890 67 Circuit court report April 24. 1890 68 Real estate transfers April 13. 1890 69 Real estate transfers April 8. 1890 70 Circuit court report April 6. 1890 71 Black Hills resources -- mines and mills. 1890 72 Mineral world Dec. 8. 1889 73 Post office petition. 1889 74 Business-like running of the Fourth. 1889 75 Mineral world August 22. 1888 76 Woman and furniture evicted. 1888 77 Doe faces the music. 1888 78 Halls court report July 14. 1888 79 Whittaker amuses Badlanders. 1888 80 Martin vs. Uncle Sam dismissed. 1888 81 Delinquent city tax sale S-Z. 1887 82 Court report Aug. 28. 1887 83 Civil cases set for April trial. 1887 84 Lively tilt in Monroes court. 1887 85 District court report Jan. 23. 1887 86 District court Jan. 11. 1887 87 To gain possession. 1886 88 Whittaker laying sidewalk. 1886 89 United States and territorial court. 1886 90 Common council meeting. 1885 91 Delinquent tax sale. 1885 92 Board of equalization meeting. 1885 93 Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1885 94 Whittaker not enthusiastic over railroad towns. 1885 95 Deadwood city council meeting. 1885 96 Common Council. 1885 97 Lawrence County Commission proceedings. 1885 98 City council grants building permits. 1885 99 Lawrence County Commission. 1885 100 Whitaker vs. Kiemer. 1885 101 Justice court. 1885 102 Whitaker and Imes institute proceedings. 1885 103 Dissolution of partnership. 1885 104 Dissolution of partnership. 1885 105 Lively times at the rinks. 1885 106 Kiemer takes action to reclaim his hall. 1885 107 Has taken on flesh since moving to Rapid valley 1883 108 Arrested on charge of grand larceny, before Hall 1883 109 Acquitted, evidence failed to substantiate charge 1883 110 Bills allowed by commissioners, warrants drawn 1883 111 Whitaker vs Rholeder & Smith, case continued 1883 112 Delinquent tax sale, property sold for non-payment 1883 113 Whitaker vs. Wood, jury discharged 1881 114 Incoming freight 1881 115 Incoming freight 1881 116 Bills allowed 1881 117 Agrees to close business on Sundays 1881 118 Whitaker vs. Dougherty, continued to 15th 1881 119 Complained of poundmasters actions to city counci 1881 120 Bills allowed, July 1-July 26 1881 121 10 of his hogs escaped, found refuge at city pound 1881 122 Bills allowed April 1-May 21 1881 123 Incoming freight 1881 124 Incoming freight 1881 125 Bills allowed, work on jail 1881 126 Administrator of Charnio estate sues Brouillitte 1881 127 Vs. Cheme, judgment for plaintiff $378.66 1881 128 Case of Whittaker vs Mankato Furniture stricken 1880 129 Case postponed till tomorrow, obstructing highway 1880 130 Arrest for obstructing highway, built privy in st. 1880 131 Republican Club organized in South Deadwood 1880 132 Arrested for desiring more land than his own 1880 133 Panel of the U.S. petit jurors, Lawrence County 1880 134 Cases to be tried at August term of district court 1880 135 Cases on court docket which are ready for trial 1880 136 Cases on court docket which are ready for trial 1880 137 Owner in the carbonate coal fields on Hay Creek 1880 138 District court cases yet to be tried 1880 139 Incoming Freight from Bismarck 1880 140 Contribution made to our fire fund 1879 141 Incoming Freight from Bismarck 1879 142 Incoming Freight from Bismarck 1879 143 Incoming Freight from Bismarck 1879 144 Incoming Freight from Bismarck 1879 145 Incoming Freight from Bismarck 1879 146 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners 1878 147 Pat McHugh & John Ottebier, summons to court 1878 148 Lawrence County bills audited & warrants ordered 1878 149 Incoming Freight from Bismarck 1878 150 Incoming Freight 1878 151 Gold Dust Currency, almost all businesses signed 1878 152 Freight Bound Hillwards from Sidney 1878 153 Court Calendar, marked for jury trail 1878 154 Whittaker, Thomas of Omaha, erecting hay-scales 1877 155 Whitaker, Thomas owns grocery store on Sherman St. 1877 156 Whitaker, Thomas & Bodeuhaus own grocery store 1877
1 Real estate transfers. 1885 2 Incoming Freight from Bismarck 1879 3 Incoming Freight from Bismarck 1879 4 Contributors to the Fourth of July celebration. 1879
Whitaker, T.
1 Departures to Pierre and Sidney.1884
1 Our mines May 14. 1886 2 The rinks. 1885 3 The rolls. 1885 4 Rink war. 1885 5 Kiemer judgment doesnt keep Whitaker out. 1885 6 Made claim on property that was race track 1882 7 Early removed last vistage of Whitakers outhouse 1880 8 Whitaker ordered to pay Smith $163. 1880 9 Seed wheat for sale, ad 1880 10 Water main on Sherman burst & flooded cellar 1879 11 Building on corner of Sherman & Deadwood Streets 1879 12 Losses by the big Deadwood fire of September 1879 1879 13 Incoming freight from Ft Pierre line 1878
1 Fire promptly subdued. 1886 2 Early removed last vistage of Whitakers outhouse 1880 3 Removed last vistage of Whitakers outhouse 1880 4 Main on Sherman burst & flooded Whitakers cellar 1879
Whitaker & Imes
1 Rink licensing proving profitable. 1885 2 The rolls. 1885 3 The rollers. 1885 4 For skaters only. 1885 5 Rink under construction. Jan. 14, 1885
Imes, L. Edwin, partner of Thomas Whittaker
1 Whealen gets letter from Imes. 1886 2 The rolls. 1885 3 Lively times at the rinks. 1885 4 New and old rink. 1885 5 Rink war. 1885 6 Scotts wedding gifts. 1885 7 The carnival. 1885 8 Kiemer takes action to reclaim his hall. 1885 9 Masquerade on skates. 1884 10 Public hall and rink. 1884 11 Roller skating rink to open Monday. 1884 12 Ickes and Jones married. 1884 13 Roller rinks are the rage. 1884 14 Social club organized. 1884 15 Scott leaves for Cheyenne River. 1884 16 Centennial party. 1884 17 Social hop. 1884 18 Imes photographs superior. 1884
Roller rink under construction. Rollerskating. Kiemer Hall. Sept. 26, 1884
Roller skating rink to open Monday. Imes, Ed. Rollerskating. Nov. 30, 1884
Kiemer hall. Kiemer, H. H. Dunn, William L. OBrien, P. D. Hall, George H. Whitaker. Imes, Ed. Rollerskating. Jan. 17, 1885
Dissolution of partnership. Whittaker, Thomas. Imes, L. Edwin. Kiemer Hall. Rollerskating. Jan. 29, 1885
Dissolution of partnership. Imes, L. Edwin. Whittaker, Thomas. Feb. 1, 1885
Whitaker and Imes institute proceedings. Whittaker, Thomas. Imes, L. Edwin. Kiemer, H. H. Rollerskating. Feb. 5, 1885
Rink licensing proving profitable. Deadwood City Council. Deadwood Opera House. Whitaker and Imes. Kiemer, H. H. Gem Theatre. April 3, 1885
Name: Thomas Whittaker Home in 1880: Deadwood, Lawrence, Dakota Territory Age: 30 Estimated birth year: abt 1850 Birthplace: England Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head) Spouse's name: Abby Father's birthplace: England Mother's birthplace: England Occupation: Grocer Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male Household Members: Name Age Thomas Whittaker 30 Abby Whittaker 27 Garnet Whittaker 5 Raymont Whittaker 2
DaughterGarnet Whittaker and husband W. E. Nichol
Garnet Whitaker
1 List of tardys & absences in primary grade 1879 2 List of scholars attending public school, age 9 1879
Garnet Whittaker
1 Newlyweds received at Nebraska. 1896 2 Arrivals on the mineral belt. 1892 3 Passenger lists Smiths hack. 1890 4 Indian police stop carriage circus. 1888
Newlyweds received at Nebraska. Nichol, W. E. Whittaker, Garnet. Oct. 1, 1896
Arrivals in Deadwood. Nichol, Garnet W. Dec. 5, 1896
: Thomas William Whittaker 1876-1925 : Wife: Abbie Carrie Burling 1853-1938 Children: Garnet Whittaker Raymon June Whittaker William Sidney Whittaker : Thomas W. Whittaker born in England c1850 seen as a grocer in 1880 in Deadwood and a real estate salesman for the city in 1900, 1910, 1920 census : Died in Los Angeles on 25 Jan 1931. Burried in Hollywood, Forest Lawn : Grocer in 1880 Real Estate for the city in 1900, 1910, 1920 : Schools his children might have attended? Where he sold Real Estate? Where he might have lived? Anything???