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Topic: Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O.O.F

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Posts: 795
RE: Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O

Peter Decker may be recorded to be owner of the Decker Mine with P. Wiser

Decker, Peter of Lead City, Decker Lode & P. Wiser  1877

Article Title     Decker lode at Lead City, Peter Decker & P. Wiser 
Subject     Decker Mine 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Pioneer Feb 17 1877, p.4 , col.3 


1   Wiser, Star & Bullock own Portland lode  1877 
2   Wiser, Judge returns to Yankton  1877 
3   Wiser, Gerard & Jacobson own Milwaukee lode  1877 
4   Wiser, Gerard & Co. own Hecla lode  1877 
5   Wiser, Deputy Sheriff looks for investigate Chines  1877 
6   Wiser, Deputy Sheriff at Militia Company meeting  1877 
7   Wiser finds odd ore at Hicla Mine  1877 
8   Wiser & Stat own Josephine lode  1877 
9   Wiser & Co. own Little Julia lode  1877 
10   Wiser & Co. own Little Julia & Pilgrim mines  1877 
11   Sheriff arrested Gudlinfenger for grand larceny  1877 
12   Meeting for organizing a militia co. of cavalry  1877 

Wiser, Peter

1   Wiser, Peter specimens of petrifies fish & moss  1877 
2   Wiser, Peter Deputy Sheriff arrested James Masson  1877 
3   Wiser, Peter & Peter Decker, Decker Lode, Lead  1877 
4   Arrested Robinson & Anthony, disturbing the peace  1877 

Wiser, Peter L. G.

Article Title     Real Estate & Mining Transfers 
Subject     Wiser, Peter L.G. 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Pioneer Feb 20 1878, p.4 , col.3 


Posts: 795
RE: Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O

Peter Decker, a saloon keeper while under the employment of Rosenbaum and/or as a business partner with Rosenbaum, would have been very aware of the daily events taking place at a well known Bunko operation by Doc Baggs called the Melodean which was operating out of Rosenbaum building at the time.

These historical newspaper articles would give you great insight into what your great grandfather may have experienced during his time in Deadwood.

Article Title     Early Days, Chapter IX 
Subject     Melodeon 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times Mar 12 1880, p.1 , col.4 

Article Title     Sideboard Saloon moved to old Melodian building 
Subject     Melodeon 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times Apr 21 1880, p.4 , col.2 

Article Title     Reid performs at Melodeon 
Subject     Reid, Pete 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times Apr 18 1877, p.4 , col.2 

Article Title     Newman performs at Melodeon 
Subject     Newman, 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times Apr 18 1877, p.4 , col.2 

Article Title     The old Melodeon has been closed up by authorities 
Subject     Melodeon 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Champion Aug 27 1877, p.2 , col.5 

Article Title     Den on Lee St used as headquarters for Doc Baggs 
Subject     Melodeon 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Champion Aug 27 1877, p.3 , col.6 

Article Title     Kimble, George performs at Melodeon 
Subject     Kimble, George 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times Apr 18 1877, p.4 , col.2 

Article Title     Tenderfeet are getting scarce, its closed, Good! 
Subject     Melodeon 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Champion Jul 08 1877, p.4 , col.4 

Article Title     Gandolph, Joe performs at Melodeon 
Subject     Gandolfo, Joseph E. 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times Apr 18 1877, p.4 , col.2

Article Title     Delmonico Hotel 3 doors North of Melodeon 
Subject     Delmonico Hotel 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times May 21 1877, p.1 , col.1 

Article Title     Holman, Eugene performs at Melodeon 
Subject     Holman, Eugene 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times Apr 18 1877, p.4 , col.2 

Article Title     Williams, J.J. claim in rear of Nuttells Melodeon 
Subject     Williams, J.J. 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times Jun 22 1877, p.4 , col.2 

Article Title     His building on Main formerly called the Melodeon 
Subject     Rosenbaum, 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Champion Aug 27 1877, p.3 , col.6

Article Title     Black Hills Brewery one door south of Melodeon 
Subject     Black Hills Brewer 
Source     Journal: Black Hills Daily Times May 19 1877, p.1 , col.4  

Outlaws, Robbers and Bunko Steerers, Deadwood's Melodeon Den for Bunko Steerers and Top and Bottom Artists, Ruled by Doc Baggs and His Girl Carrie Howard

For insight to the type of entertainment that would have been provided at these establishments, you might want to look at

Deadwood Bella Union Theatre

where you will find tenor Pete Reid, banjoist Eugene Holman

Deadwood Games of Chance - Poker, Faro, Keno, Spanish Monte, Stud, Nutshell 1800's



Posts: 795
Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O.O.F

Possible relation? Jean P. Decker father also born Luxembourg

Jean P. Decker, 1860 -1920, Iowa to Montana

Deadwood Newspaperman moved to Montana by 1891.

Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana Directory 1891 - 1892

Jean P. Decker, reporter Anaconda Standard 

See google books Billings by James M. Reich

See family story of Jean P. Decker & wife Josephine and photo of Decker's Curio Shop in Billings.

Name: Peter Decker
Birth Year: abt 1833
Age in 1870: 37
Birthplace: Luxembourg
Home in 1870: Diamond, Meagher, Montana Territory

Name: Jean P Decker
Home in 1900: Miles City, Custer, Montana
Age: 39
Birth Date: Sep 1860
Birthplace: Iowa
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relationship to Head of House: Lodger
Father's Birthplace: Luxembourg
Mother's Birthplace: Iowa
Marital Status: Single
Residence : Miles City, Custer, Montana
Occupation: Journalist

Name: Jean P Decker 
Age in 1910: 49
Estimated birth year: abt 1861
Birthplace: Iowa
Relation to Head of House: Roomer
Father's Birth Place: Germany, Luxembourg 
Mother's Birth Place: Iowa
Home in 1910: Big Timber Ward 1, Sweet Grass, Montana
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Occupation: Newspaper editor


-- Edited by webmaster on Saturday 3rd of April 2010 05:15:09 PM

Posts: 795
RE: Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles

John Weber

1   Keystone register December 2.  1890 
2   Overland register November 9.  1890 
3   Letter list June 20.  1886 

Posts: 795
RE: Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O

Weber families living in Deadwood in the very early years 1877 -1881 at the time of your great grandfather Peter Decker's residence.

James F.  Weber
Explosion sends piece of ore into Weber's head
Father DeSmet Mine mining accident
Febb 12 1881


Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles available for these Weber families

 Weber, A
 Weber, Anson
 Weber, Anton
 Weber, Anton Jr
 Weber, Antone
 Weber, Antone Jr
 Weber, Antone, Mrs
 Weber, Casey & Co
 Weber, Dave
 Weber, David
 Weber, Elsie
 Weber, F
 Weber, Frank
 Weber, Fred
 Weber, Fritz
 Weber House
 Weber, J
 Weber, J. A
 Weber, J.F
 Weber, Jacob
 Weber, James F
 Weber, John
 Weber, L
 Weber, L.F
 Weber, Lew
 Weber, Lizzie, Mrs
 Weber, Louis F
 Weber, Louis T
 Weber, Lucian J
 Weber, M
 Weber, M. Mrs
 Weber, Min
 Weber, Mrs
 Weber, Nellie
 Weber, P
 Weber, P. J
 Weber, Ralph
 Weber, Stell
 Weber, Stella
 Weber, Susie, Miss
 Weber, Vaughn Miss
 Weber, W
 Weber, W. H
 Weber, Weber, Louis F
 Weber, William
 Weber, Y

1   Fourth of July casualties.  1900 
2   Remove old fire traps.  1900 
3   Presentation of diplomas.  1900 
4   Commencement exercises.  1900 
5   Deadwood letter list May 10.  1896 
6   Deadwood letter list May 3.  1896 
7   Among the mines March 25.  1896 
8   Five serenading parties.  1895 
9   Among the mines June 16.  1894 
10   Deadwood letter list June 12.  1894 
11   Keystone register December 2.  1890 
12   Overland register November 9.  1890 
13   Keystone register November 4.  1890 
14   Circuit court report July 9.  1890 
15   County court report June 25.  1890 
16   Date set for probate of will.  1890 
17   Passenger lists March 25.  1890 
18   Delinquent sale notice.  1888 
19   At the Wentworth.  1888 
20   Old woodsawyer visits from his ranch.  1887 
15   County court report June 25.  1890 
16   Date set for probate of will.  1890 
17   Passenger lists March 25.  1890 
18   Delinquent sale notice.  1888 
19   At the Wentworth.  1888 
20   Old woodsawyer visits from his ranch.  1887 
21   At the Wentworth.  1887 
22   Passenger lists July 13.  1886 
23   Letter list June 20.  1886 
24   Shaft bids.  1886 
25   Our mines April 7.  1886 
26   Chadron -- the great boom.  1885 
27   Lawrence County Commission proceedings.  1885 
28   Superintendent Weber, of the DeSmet mine, W.H. Hornbeck, of the Homestake, Professor Riotte, of New York city, and Civil Engineer Wilsey, of Rapid City, went over to Galena yesterday.  1884 
29   Citizens want Steele to run for mayor, sign petiti  1883 
30   In Deadwood  1883 
31   Delinquent tax sale, property sold for non-payment  1883 
32   Freight bound hillwards from Pierre  1882 
33   Doc dressed Webers cut hand  1882 
34   Fell on broken bottle while carrying wood,cut hand  1882 
35   Sang at the M.E. church social at Central  1882 
36   Mrs Weber & Miss Stannus, of Central, in Deadwood  1882 
37   Mrs Weber & Miss Stannus, of Central, in Deadwood  1882 
38   Leaves Deadwood  1882 
39   Visited friends in Lead with Miss Nellie  1882 
40   List of claims for Deadwood area  1882 
41   Officer for St Pauls Methodist Sunday School  1881 
42   Real estate transfer  1881 
43   Present at Lead I.O.O.F. grand ball  1881 
44   Explosion in DeSmet mine causes death of Weber  1881 
45   Explosion sends piece of ore into Webers head  1881 
46   Services for Jas. Weber at Methodist/Episcopal chu  1881 
47   Letter at post office  1881 
48   Of Rockford, at Overland Hotel Jan. 3  1881 
49   Gave speech at L.L. Alexanders testimonial  1881 
50   Rev. to officiate funeral of Weber  1881 
51   Guests registered at the Wentworth House  1880 
52   Cases to be tried at August term of district court  1880 
53   Cases to be tried at August term of district court  1880 
54   Cases on court docket which are ready for trial  1880 
55   Visiting Lead from Rochford, reports camp quiet  1880 
56   Registered at the Wentworth House  1880 
57   Guests registered at the Wentworth House  1880 
58   Visiting daughter, Mrs G.H. Gore, leaves Monday  1880 
59   Son met with an accident, kicked in head by horse  1880 
60   Leaves Deadwood  1880 
61   Reports everything lively down around Rochford  1880 
62   Of Rochford, visiting friends in Lead  1880 
63   Takes contract with DeSmet Mill to crush ore  1880 
64   Guests registered at the Wentworth House  1880 
65   Historical sketch of M.E. Church at Central City  1880 
66   Incoming Freight from Bismarck  1879 
67   Narrow escape from fire, spark from Burns mill  1879 
68   Weber House at Lead caught fire from Burns mill  1879 
69   Spark nearly burned down the Weber House  1879 
70   Toole, Casey & Weber suit against Shelton Edwards  1878 
71   Sheriffs Sale  1878 
72   Legal-Sheriffs Sale  1878 
73   Legal-Mortgage Sale  1878 
74   Casey, Weber & Tooles 20 stamp mill at Central  1878 
75   Incoming Freight from Bismarck  1878 
76   Incoming Freight from Bismarck  1878 
77   Mortgage Sale  1878 
78   Real Estate & Mining Transfers  1878 
79   Mortgage Sale  1878 
80   Mortgage Sale  1878 
81   Legal-Mortgage Sale  1878 
82   In Deadwood  1878 
83   Incoming Freight from Bismarck  1878 
84   Incoming Freight from Bismarck  1878 
85   Weber, Casey & Co. mill, Rose ore average $12 ton  1878 
86   Quartz Mills, completed & in operation  1878 
87   Forcible possession taken for mortgage on property  1878 
88   Toole, Casey & Weber suit against Shelton Edwards  1878 
89   Lead City Items  1878 
90   Casey, Weber & Tooles 20 stamp mill at Central  1878 
91   Bonded the Good Hope Mine for $10,000.  1878 
92   Toole, Casey & Weber suit against Shelton Edwards  1878 
93   Casey, Weber & Tooles 20 stamp mill at Central  1878 
94   Toole, Casey & Weber suit against Shelton Edwards  1878 
95   No. 17 & 18 below owned by Andrews & Weber  1877 


Posts: 795
RE: Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O

Contact Deadwood Public Library for search and newspaper microfilm reproduction. Fees may be charged for these services.

The Deadwood Public Library
435 Williams St
Deadwood, South Dakota, 57732

Telephone 605-578-2821 


Weber, Karla
RE: Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O

How would I get copies of these (these are items from newspapers I take it)?  There is a lot of new information for me here!

Posts: 795
RE: Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O

Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles:

P. Decker:

1   Spearfish fire follow-up.  1886 
2   Commission issues licenses.  1884 
3   One of the good men of Spearfish, in town  1883 
4   Grand ball under auspices of I.O.O.F., Kiemer Hall  1883 
5   Visiting Deadwood.  1883 
6   Of Spearfish, purchased liquors & cigars for saloo  1882 
7   In town for Odd Fellows installation  1882 
8   Grand herald of Oddfellows  1882 
9   Eureka Lodge, No 13, I.O.O.F. meets Wednesday  1880 
10   Doings of the Deadwood Hook & Ladder Company, No 1  1880 
11   Full list of premiums to be awarded at fair  1880 
12   List of premiums that will be given during fair  1880 
13   Masonic & Odd Fellows Association meeting held  1878 
14   Decker, P. of Neb. in Deadwood  1877

Pete Decker:

1   Came over from Spearfish to attend court.  1883 
2   Whole-souled Spearfish man was in town  1882 
3   Former Dwd man opens saloon in Spearfish  1881 
4   Money received paid over to Hooks treasurer  1881 
5   Is now at Spearfish, will open saloon  1881 
6   Hooks thank treasurer for faithful performance  1881 
7   Proprietor of City brewery to lower beer prices  1881 
8   Keeps Rosenkrantz beer on hand, 5 cents a glass  1881 
9   "Bed Rock" has been reached, 5 cent beer, ad  1881 
10   Elected tresurer of Hook & Ladder Co.  1881 
11   Deadwood old timer is now Spearfish resident  1881 
12   Has commodious beer hall in Spearf  1881 
13   Bond as treasurer of Hooks approved  1881 
14   Committee to open negotiations with Central Fire D  1880 
15   Has set aside a reading room for Hank Wright  1880 
16   Kept busy by 9 Italians, all wanting lager beer  1880 

Decker, Peter:

1   Delinquent tax sale notice.  1893 
2   County court report December 11.  1891 
3   County court report May 23.  1890 
4   County court report Feb. 9.  1890 
5   Delinquent tax sale.  1890 
6   County court report June 27.  1890 
7   County court report Feb. 8.  1890 
8   Court appointed Decker administrator.  1887 
9   Decker dies after lingering illness.  1887 
10   Decker quite ill with pneumonia.  1887 
11   Decker appointed executor.  1887 
12   Judge and Decker in from Spearfish.  1886 
13   New buildings since Spearfish fire.  1886 
14   Spearfish in ashes.  1886 
15   Administration of Sonnerfeldt estate.  1885 
16   Lawrence County Commission meeting.  1885 
17   Black Hills Sportmens Club first hunt  1883 
18   Paid respects to metropolis yesterday, of Sprfh  1883 
19   Decker came over from Spearfish yesterday  1883 
20   Spending several days in the city, of Spearfish  1883
21   Sworn in as juror in coroners inquest  1883 
22   Decker came in from Spearfish last evening  1883 
23   Arrived in town yesterday evening, of Spearfish  1883 
24   One of most whole-souled & genial gentleman in Hil  1882 
25   Gone to ranch on Crow Creek to rusticate a few day  1880 
26   Primaries so far give Bennett a large majority  1880 
27   Hook and Ladder Co. elect officers  1880 
28   List of delegates to county convention  1880 
29   To be in charge of Rosenkranz and Co.s new saloon, City brewery, in Central City and Deadwood, ad 
Rosenkranz & Werner Apr 09 1880 
30   All Hook and Ladder members requested to meet  1880 
31   Drunk smashed in the window of Pete Deckers Saloon  1880 
32   Information on A.F. & A.M., & I.O.O.F. lodges  1879 
33   Petition for Boulder Ditch water  1879 
34   Selling tickets for grand ball of Masons  1878 
35   Gold Dust Currency, almost all businesses signed  1878 
36   Eureka Lodge No 13  1878 
37   A.F. & A.M., & I.O.O.F. meeting times  1878 
38   Decker, Peter delegate to Peoples Convention  1877 
39   Decker, Peter delegate for Peoples Convention  1877 
40   Decker, Peter Lead City, Decker Lode & P. Wiser  1877

Deadwood, Lawrence Co., SD - 1878 Business Directory

Rosenbaum & Decker, Miner's Brewery:

Owned by Rosenbaum & Decker, ad 
Miners Brewery 
Oct 27 1877

Rosenbaum & Decker, Miners Brewry next to Post Off 
Rosenbaum & Decker 
Jun 17 1877

Jensen, Bliss & Co. renting building for storage  1878 
Miners Brewery, Rosebaum & Decker, Sherman St.  1877 
Owned by Rosenbaum & Decker, ad  1877


Decker dies after lingering illness. 
Decker, Peter. 
Decker, Jean. 
Black Hills Daily Times, April 26, 1887


Jean Decker, relative, noted in Peter Decker death death notice in newspaper.

Jean Decker:

1   Decker sends copy of newspaper.  1890 
2   A more promising location not found.  1890 
3   New clerk resembles Decker.  1890 
4   Wright meets up with Decker.  1888 
5   Black Hillers in Chadron.  1888 
6   Decker writes from Seattle.  1888 
7   Interesting letter from Decker.  1888 
8   Decker and Davis arrive at Seattle.  1888 
9   Blackburn and Wall at Omaha.  1888 
10   Decker appointed executor.  1887 
11   Decker dies after lingering illness.  1887 
12   Decker in from Spearfish.  1887 
13   Decker quite ill with pneumonia.  1887 
14   Three Richmonds in mayoral field.  1887 
15   Two weeks vacation.  1887 
16   Fun on runners.  1887 
17   Decker to leave for Omaha visit.  1887 
18   Decker reports on Rowland.  1887 
19   Wager reports on Omaha and Fremont.  1887 
20   Lecture on the moon.  1887
21   St. Charles at Butte, Mont.  1887 
22   Nye returns from Cheyenne and Omaha.  1887 
23   Decker leaves for Omaha.  1887 
24   Passenger lists Oct. 16.  1887 
25   Passenger lists Oct. 16.  1887 
26   Decker under the weather.  1887 
27   Decker returns from Omaha.  1887 
28   Delinquent sale notice.  1886 
29   Sad fatality.  1886 
30   Decker sister dies.  1886 
31   Alleged bird dog.  1886 
32   Our mines Sept. 15.  1886 
33   Christie arrives at Buffalo.  1886 
34   Passenger lists August 4.  1886 
35   Passenger lists August 3.  1886 
36   Decker to Rapid and back.  1886 
37   Decker considering offer.  1886 
38   Decker to work for Farley.  1886 
39   Warren heard from.  1886 
40   Deckers girl arrives.  1886
41   St. Charles intends to return.  1886 
42   Manning has charge of Indian school.  1886 
43   St. Charles contemplates Hills trip.  1886 
44   Fire meeting.  1886 
45   Major Champlin writes Decker.  1886 
46   Warren employed at Chicago.  1886 
47   Decker suffers from influenza.  1886 
48   Irwin to Decker.  1885 
49   Jenkins and Decker old schoolmates.  1885 
50   Warren writes letter to Decker.  1885 
51   Coe and Wilson promoted.  1885 
52   Decker to work for Pioneer.  1885 
53   Cynosure of all eyes -- so says Dix.  1885 
54   New route.  1885 
55   Pierre resolution presented.  1885 
56   Church picnic.  1885 
57   Decker returns from Pierre.  1885 
58   Arrivals and departures.  1885 
59   Decker in from Pierre.  1885 
60   Decker reports roads in horrible condition.  1885
61   Arrival and departure.  1885 
62   Running team announced.  1885 
63   Decker and Searight at the Wentworth.  1885 
64   Decker at his old quarters.  1885 
65   Pierre coach.  1885 
66   Carpenter and Decker at the Wentworth.  1885 
67   Registered at the Wentworth.  1885 
68   Decker named deputy sheriff.  1885 
69   Decker quartered at the Wentworth.  1885 
70   Davis and Decker post applications for patent.  1885 
71   Jean Decker to predict weather.  1885 
72   Decker returns from Pierre.  1884 
73   Jean Decker letters.  1884 
74   Decker receives letter about killing of White Thunder.  1884 
75   Decker returns from east.  1884 
76   Arrivals and departures.  1884 
77   Fish shipment dies.  1884 
78   Decker receives frozen fish.  1884 
79   Pierre coach.  1884 
80   Decker made mayor of Smithville.  1884
81   Republican convention.  1884 
82   Semi-monthly yellow boys.  1884 
83   Two late dude arrivals.  1884 
84   Decker trip.  1884 
85   Decker reports having met McKinney.  1884 
86   Telegraph line soon in working order.  1884 
87   Arrivals and departures.  1884 
88   Davis and Decker return from Pierre.  1884 
89   Decker and Lawrenson collect donations for Payton.  1884 
90   Decker says immigatration strong.  1884 
91   Arrivals at the Wentworth House.  1884 
92   Jean Decker, a member of the shotgun brigade, came in on the Pierre coach yesterday morning. He reports the Indians having burned off all the grass between Pierre and the Cheyenne river, and that i  1884 
93   Shotgun brigade on the Pierre road.  1884 
94   Arrivals at the Wentworth House.  1884 
95   Arrivals and departures for Pierre and Sidney.  1883 
96   Weidenfelt telegrams good news, got engaged  1883 
97   Fire Dept nominated municipal ticket for election  1883 
98   When there was no stage to take him, left on own  1883 
99   Pleasant, genial, constant faithful friend & write  1883 
100   Knights of Pythias had blowout at Lead  1883
101   Catching it on all sides, hardened old sinner  1883 
102   Talked with Carney at Huron on 12th instant  1883 
103   In Deadwood  1883 
104   Names of petit jury of U.S. court for term  1883 
105   Leaving Times Newspaper for job in the postoffice  1883 
106   Received letter from St Charles, in San Francisco  1883 
107   Harding daughter dies.  1883 
108   Secret Societies, officers & meeting times  1882 
109   Nominated for marshal, declined the honor  1882 
110   Testifies at Locke murder trial  1882 
111   Notice of special meeting of Homestake Hose  1882 
112   Firemens executive committee  1882 
113   Fire Depts meet & make nominations for city office  1882 
114   Elected foreman, Homestake Hose  1882 
115   Attended Homestake banquet  1882 
116   Accused of being arrested for contempt of court  1882 
117   Will take in sun dance, steal pony & marry squaw  1882 
118   Secret Societies, organizations & meetings  1882 
119   Resigned as foreman of Homestake Hose Co.  1882 
120   Left for Pine Ridge, to labor as a missionary  1882
121   Added to committee on amusements for July 4th  1882 
122   Those invited to Gastons bachelor birthday bash  1882 
123   Fleas on reservation take to white man like dogs  1882 
124   Notice to return Homestake property  1882 
125   Denies Phillips offered him marshalship  1882 
126   Attendance at library meeting was large & enthusia  1882 
127   Answered phone, found it was a woman, took off hat  1882 
128   City council met last night pursuant to adjournmen  1882 
129   To be installed as K of P officer  1882 
130   K of P officer for ensuing term  1882 
131   Installed as K of P officer  1882 
132   Deserves credit for improving "Times" news  1882 
133   Arrivals at the Merchants Hotel  1882 
134   Received letter from Boone May  1881 
135   Takes charge of the local department of The Press  1879 
136   Formerly with the Times, now working for News  1879  


Peter Decker of NE, Saloon Keeper & Proprietor of City Brewery, resident of Spearfish, member Eureka LodgeNo 13, I.O.O.F

Posted On: March 25, 2010 06:41:34 PM

 : My great-grandfather, Peter Decker, was living in Deadwood during the 1880 census, with his 6 year old son, Albert. He indicated that he was a widower. Under occupation he listed "liquor dealer."

 : His wife, Elizabeth (Weber)died some time in 1877 when Albert, my grandfather, was about 2. Peter and Elizabeth were married in Galena, IL some time prior to 1875. She was born there about 1853.
 : Peter lists Luxembourg as his place of birth on the census form. I am not sure when he came to the US. Family history has it that he fought for the Union during the Civil War.
 : He listed his age in 1880 as 49, so he was born about 1831.
 : I have no record of him after the 1880 census. He gave his son Albert to his wife's brother, John Weber, and Albert was raised in Minneapolis. When he was older, Albert changed his last name to Weber and most of the record of his father was erased from the family history.
 : I also found Peter Decker in the 1870 census living in Diamond City, Meagher, Montana, with his occupation listed as "keeping saloon."
 : My family, Weber, comes from Ostringen, Baden, Germany.

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