We have many Maloney and Dawson families living in Deadwood from 1876 - 1894, the range of Historical Newspaper Articles on microfilm.
Do you know the occupation of any of the Maloney or Dawson family members when they may have lived in Deadwood 1876 - 1894.
Have you been able to locate any census records for any of your Dawson or Maloney family members which would indicate other family member names, dates when they might have been born and where.
Are any members of your Dawson family or Maloney family buried at Mount Moriah in Deadwood.
We need more information about your family to begin a search.
I have pictures of the Maloney family from Deadwood. One of them is of a building which I believe was in Deadwood or Lead, that had the name Maloney on the top piece with a year of 1896? I am looking to connect with anyone who knows anything about my exisiting family members. My mother, Cynthia Dawson was the daughter of Norman Maloney Dawson. she has visited Deadwood a couple of times. Please respond to Laura Hess Klose.