1876 Deadwood Genealogy → Deadwood Ancestors → Deffebach Brothers, 7000 Sheep & 230 head Cattle, John Deffebach killed by Indians, brother Daniel Deffenbach and marriage to wife Annie Burton, brother Erasmus Deffenbach and Medora Stage Line & Overland House of Spearfish, brother Edward and Levi Deffen
Topic: Deffebach Brothers, 7000 Sheep & 230 head Cattle, John Deffebach killed by Indians, brother Daniel Deffenbach and marriage to wife Annie Burton, brother Erasmus Deffenbach and Medora Stage Line & Overland House of Spearfish, brother Edward and Levi Deffen
Deffebach Brothers, 7000 Sheep & 230 head Cattle, John Deffebach killed by Indians, brother Daniel Deffenbach and marriage to wife Annie Burton, brother Erasmus Deffenbach and Medora Stage Line & Overland House of Spearfish, brother Edward and Lev
Medora stagecoach put into local service. 1886 Operations suspended pending mail contract. 1885 Obrien appointed travel agent. 1885 Bridges replaced on Medora route. 1885 Along the road. 1885 Medora coach detained by storms. 1885 Supt. Allen takes on duties. 1885 Medora stage company reorganized. 1885 New passenger and freight line. 1885 Shankland stands in for Gaston. 1885 Settling up Medora Stage affairs. 1885 Sam Terry at the Wentworth. 1885 Medora Stage contract notice. 1885 Medora stage represented at the Wentworth. 1885 Work of dastards. 1885 Thirty new horses for Medora stage. 1885 Medora Stage and Forwarding Company. 1885 Hawyard and Roder at the Wentworth. 1885 Nashville established on Medora stage road. 1885 Supt. Smith at the Wentworth. 1885 Hawley at the Wentworth. 1885 Simpson in Lead. 1885 Simpson reports on Medora route. 1885 Fisher severs connection. 1885 Comfortable Concord coaches. 1885 Medora coach dispatched on runners. 1885 Medora roads in good condition. 1885 Northern route. 1885 Palmer and Mitchell called to stage office. 1885 Medora employees run in by sheriff. 1885 Medora Stage practically defunct. 1885 All Medora accounts settled. 1885 Telegram received from Marquis de Mores. 1884 Personal mentions. 1884 Receive and forward freight. 1884
Gifford Parker, a friend of the Marquis DeMore, goes out this morning on the Sidney coach to New York city. On his return he will come via Medora, the other end of the Deadwood freight and stage li 1884
Marquis de Mores recently visited the east, and while in New York the Sun applied the interview pump to the gentleman, and the Sun says: "The marquis had observed that the divide, on the top of the 1884
Possible freight and stage route between Deadwood and Medora considered. 1884 Bramble assured of Medora stage route. 1884 Luse reports coaches making excellent time. 1884 Passengers take notice. 1884 Gaston enlarges stage office. 1884 Medora State Company reorganized. 1884 Simpson and Fisher arrive in 32 hours. 1884 Sleeper arrives from Medora. 1884 Packard leaves for line run. 1884 Packard reports successful operation. 1884 Packard arrives at Spearfish. 1884 Medora coach. 1884 Letter from OBrien. 1884 Medora coach to Spearfish. 1884 Packard and Deffenbach leave for the north. 1884 Medora stage line arrives in Deadwood. 1884 Deffenbach arrives with stage equipment. 1884 Stage line set to run. 1884 Deffenbach denies report. 1884 Medora Stage Line. 1884 Telegraph pole cost sought. 1884 Medora stages to run Monday. 1884 Medora Stage gets corporate name. 1884 Medora stage line opens Sept. 15. 1884 Packard and Fisher head out to join Medora Stage Line. 1884 Medora line opens in a few days. 1884 Stage line near completion. 1884 Gaston appointed Medora stage line agent. 1884 Packard and Fisher report progress on Medora line. 1884 Medora stage line progressing. 1884 Medora stage line. 1884 Charlton contracts stage stations. 1884 Plans for opening of Medora stage line. 1884
Deffebach Brothers, 7000 Sheep & 230 head Cattle, John Deffebach killed by Indians, brother Daniel Deffenbach and marriage to wife Annie Burton, brother Erasmus Deffenbach and Medora Stage Line & Overland House of Spearfish, brother Edward and Levi Deffen
Deffebach Brothers, 7000 Sheep & 230 head Cattle, John Deffebach killed by Indians, brother Daniel Deffenbach and marriage to wife Annie Burton, brother Erasmus Deffenbach and Medora Stage Line & Overland House of Spearfish, brother Edward and Levi Deffen
Arrivals in Deadwood. 1896 Mrs. Deffenbach visiting parents. 1892 Deffenbach arrives with stage equipment. 1884 Stage line set to run. 1884 Medora Stage gets corporate name. 1884 Deffenbach denies report. 1884 Colman called on Deffenbach estate. 1884 Packard and Deffenbach leave for the north. 1884 Medora stage line arrives in Deadwood. 1884 Deffenbachs arrives at Medora. 1884 Changed hands, now conducted by Rasse Deffenbach 1883 Deffenbach & Traver matched their Paroles, $100 ea 1882 Parshall defeats Deffenbach in Councilmans race 1882 Regular sociable of Methodist Church at Deffenbach 1882 Regular sociable of Methodist Church at Deffenbach 1882 Parshall defeats Deffenbach in Councilmans race 1882 Deffenbach & Traver matched their Paroles, $100 ea 1882 Annie Burton marries D. Deffenbach 1881 Beatty vs Deffenbach, motion for new trial 1881 Marriage to Dan Deffenbach 1881 Deffenbachs arrives at Medora. 1884 Changed hands, now conducted by Rasse Deffenbach 1883 Deffenbach & Traver matched their Paroles, $100 ea 1882 Parshall defeats Deffenbach in Councilmans race 1882 Regular sociable of Methodist Church at Deffenbach 1882 Regular sociable of Methodist Church at Deffenbach 1882 Parshall defeats Deffenbach in Councilmans race 1882 Deffenbach & Traver matched their Paroles, $100 ea 1882 Annie Burton marries D. Deffenbach 1881 Beatty vs Deffenbach, motion for new trial 1881 Marriage to Dan Deffenbach 1881 Beatty versus Deffenbach, motion for new trial 1881 Social at Mrs. Deffenbachs was largely attended 1881 Indians are probably the murderers of Deffenbach 1880 He is not the Deffenbach bringing sheep to Black Hills. 1880 Detective feels he has found Deffenbach horses 1880 Suing Deffenbach & Dundon for $5,000, cow gored he 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body & horses 1880 Returned, bringing in herd Deffenbach was after 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body and horses 1880 Returned, bringing in herd Deffenbach was after 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body and horses 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body and horses 1880 Deffenbach is the last victim of bloody Sioux 1880 Party to bring in Deffenbachs body 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body and horses 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body and horses 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body & horses 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body and horses 1880 The murder of John Deffenbach 1880 Murder of John Deffenbach 1880 Murder of John Deffenbach 1880 Probably they are the murderers of Deffenbach 1880 Deffenbachs murderer may have been the Blackfeet 1880 Murder of John Deffenbach 1880 Reward of $1,000 for arrest of murderer of Deffenbach. 1880 Murder of John Deffenbach 1880 Officiated at the funeral of John Deffenbach 1880 Milliner, daughter married to Erasmus Deffenbach 1879 Marriage, to Erasmus Deffenbach, at brides home 1879 Deffenbach, John dispatches waiting at telegraph office. 1877
Mt Moriah Cemetery
Deffebach, Child, d. 1890/11/16, bur. Sec 3, Lot 52, Child, John Deffebach's Child * Deffebach, John, d. 1880/05/07, age: 38y, bur. Sec 3, Lot 28 & 30 *
Deffebach Brothers, 7000 Sheep & 230 head Cattle, John Deffebach killed by Indians, brother Daniel Deffenbach and marriage to wife Annie Burton, brother Erasmus Deffenbach and Medora Stage Line & Overland House of Spearfish, brother Edward and Levi Deffen
Mrs. M. J. Smith, Mother-in-law, Erasmus Deffenbach
Deadwood letter list July 13. 1890 Delinquent tax sale. 1885 Will sell millinery goods at cost, ad 1881 Still selling milinery goods at cost, ad 1881 Miss Dishnor to open her store over millinary 1880 Selling millinery goods at cost until stock gone 1880 Elegant stock of fall & winter millinery goods, ad 1880 Grand opening, summer millinery, hair & fancy good 1880 Milliner, daughter married to Erasmus Deffenbach 1879 Losses by the big Deadwood fire of September 1879 1879 See her for latest New York styles of millinery,ad 1879 Latest New York styles in hats, in theatre blk, ad 1879 Gone to N. Y. to purchase millinery & dress goods 1879 Losses in the big fire of September 27, $600. 1879 Losses in the big fire of September 27, $1,000. 1879 Milliner on lower Main St moved up 2 or 3 doors 1879 To move stock of millinery goods into new store 1879
Deffebach Brothers, 7000 Sheep & 230 head Cattle, John Deffebach killed by Indians, brother Daniel Deffenbach and marriage to wife Annie Burton, brother Erasmus Deffenbach and Medora Stage Line & Overland House of Spearfish, brother Edward and Levi Deffen
Yesterday Rasse Deffebach received through the mail a letter notifying him to leave Spearfish, and adding that his hotel, the Overland house, would be burned if he neglected to go. Deffebach was on the coroners jury which brought in the verdict in the Tuttle case. He is well known in the community as a good and law abiding citizen. The party or parties who mailed this notice would do well to act on their own advice and leave this country, as it is only a matter of time till they are discovered, and receive at the hands of an outraged people the punishment due them. P.S.--Rasse Deffebach has not left.
Deffebach, Rasse. Tuttle, Harry. Overland House. Spearfish. March 1, 1884
Deffebach Brothers, 7000 Sheep & 230 head Cattle, John Deffebach killed by Indians, brother Daniel Deffenbach and marriage to wife Annie Burton, brother Erasmus Deffenbach and Medora Stage Line & Overland House of Spearfish, brother Edward and Levi Deffen
Are driving 7,000 sheep into the Black Hills Deffebach Brothers January 28 1880 ================================
John Deffebach
Never intends to remarry. 1895 Arrivals in Deadwood. 1893 Register of deeds report February 26. 1893 Levi visiting a couple of days. 1892 Black Hills telephone system. 1892 Deffebachs to locate at Rapid. 1891 Deffebach takes over Rapid exchange. 1891 Numerous burglaries causing alarm. 1890 Real estate transfers May 23. 1890 Circuit court report May 15. 1890 Second Wood trial well under way. 1890 City council meeting May 6. 1890 Real estate transfers May 4. 1890 County commission May meeting. 1890 John Deffebach and Mamie Howsley to marry. 1888 John Deffebach and Mary B. Houser married. 1888 Colman called on Deffenbach estate. 1884 Rhodes son arrested under new preservation law 1882 Young people gathered for surprise party 1882 Real Estate & Mining Transfers Deceased, notice to creditors 1881 Burns ventured into area where many have died 1880 Remains brought in, now packed in ice 1880 Party to bring in Deffenbachs body 1880 Party that went after horses found Indians had them. 1880 On the trail of the ponies stolen when he was killed. 1880 Men returned without finding any more ponies 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body and horses 1880 Funeral today, age about 40, leaves wife & 5 children. 1880 Body being brought back into town today 1880 Reward of $1,000 for arrest of murderer of Deffenbach. 1880 Murderer may have been the Blackfeet Indians 1880 Wife of John extends thanks for many kindnesses, E. J. Deffenbach, May 19 1880 Murder of John Deffenbach April 28 1880 Indians are probably the murderers of Deffenbach 1880 District court cases yet to be tried 1880 In Deadwood 1880 $10 reward for lost canary bird 1878 Deffeback, John in Deadwood 1877 Deffanback, John of Nevada in Deadwood. 1877 Deffebach, John Denver in Deadwood 1877 Defenbaugh, John of North Platte in Deadwood. 1877 Deffenbach, John dispatches waiting at telegraph office. 1877 Defenbaugh, John brought 230 head of Cattle 1877
Daniel Deffenbach
Marriage to Dan Deffenbach Burton, Annie Jan 05 1881
Marriage, to Miss Burton, at her fathers home Deffebach, Daniel. January 05 1881
Lawrence County Commission meeting. 1885 Visiting from the valleys. 1885 Letter list. 1885 Letter list at Deadwood. 1885 Colman called on Deffenbach estate. 1884 Sheriffs Sale 1883 Notice of Sheriffs Sale 1883 Delinquent tax sale, property sold for non-payment 1883 Notice of Sheriffs Sale 1883 Confined to bed in precarious condition 1882 On the trail of ponies stolen when John was killed 1880 Leaves Deadwood 1880 Black Hills Live Stock Ass. meeting at Rapid City 1880 Group that went after Deffenbachs body and horses 1880
Erasmus Deffenbach
Arrivals in Deadwood. 1896 Levi visiting a couple of days. 1892 Parker claims horse. 1888 Deffebach visits from the north. 1888 Passenger lists April 28. 1888 Deffebach in charge of horse camp. 1886 Deffebach returns from Germany. 1885 Deffebach manages Medora rink. 1885 Deffebachs remove to Dickinson. 1885 Medora stage line. 1884 Deffenbachs arrives at Medora 1884 Brewer and Deffebach employed at ranch. 1884 Medora stage line progressing. 1884 Colman called on Deffenbach estate. 1884 Packard and Deffenbach leave for the north. 1884 Medora stage line arrives in Deadwood. 1884 Deffenbach arrives with stage equipment. 1884 Stage line set to run. 1884 Medora Stage Line. 1884 Medora Stage gets corporate name. 1884 Stage line near completion. 1884 Witnesses and jurymen of Harry Tuttle case. 1884 Petitioning in behalf of lady whose husband died 1883 Sheriffs Sale 1883 Proprietor of Overland Hotel, Spearfish, ad 1883 Most prominent among those who risked life for oth 1883 Notice of Sheriffs Sale 1883 Leased Overland House, Spearfish 1883 One of cleverest men in Hills, bought Overland House. 1883 Was in town yesterday, of Overland House, Spearfish. 1883 Notice of Sheriffs Sale 1883 Hawke vs Deffebach, concluded & case submitted 1883 Birth, 10 lb boy, setting em up right lively 1883 Judge Church will give his opinion in the case 1883 Decision of Judge Church in Deadwood Townsite case. 1883 Proposes to remove district court to Spearfish 1883 Overland Hotel, thoroughly repaired & renovated,ad 1883 Came over from Spearfish to attend court. 1883 Overland Hotel, Spearfish, repaired & renovated,ad 1883 Delinquent tax sale, property sold for non-payment 1883 Back from Miles City, went for Russell murder trial. 1883 Made a fool of by "Boss Smith" faction 1882 Arrived in town yesterday from the round-up 1882 Deffebach vs. Geary 1882 Looking as though he had been through the mill 1881 On streets after 10 day illness 1881 Committee to examine stock brands & marks 1881 Full list of premiums awarded by first annual fair 1880 List of prizes offered at the first district fair 1880 Primaries so far give Bennett a large majority 1880 Sent wagon for brother Ed who broke his leg 1880 Jury found in favor of defendant & against Beatty 1880 Beatty suing him, run down and gored by his cow 1880 Sent Hollingsbeck & Gillan on trail of stolen ponies. 1880 Has in past broken or displaced most of his bones 1880 Getting along with his fractured leg & broken head 1880 List of premiums that will be given during fair 1880 Testified to reputation of Mrs Simmons, it is bad 1880 He is not the Deffenbach bringing sheep to Black Hills. 1880 Elected vice-president of Stockmens Association 1880 Entered horse named Colorado Joe in Sturgis Races 1880 Owner of Black Rattler, winner of races at fair 1880 Entered horse in pacing race at fair grounds 1880 Entered gray gelding, Colorado Joe, in pacing race 1880 Full list of premiums to be awarded at fair 1880 Serious accident, fell over bank with his horse 1880 Went bond for the Butterfield Brothers 1879 Has let a contract to Forrest & Higiree 1879 Has 450 fat butchers cattle en route to his ranch 1879 The expert hunter got none while novice lucked out 1879 Marriage, to Katie D. Smith, at brides home Dec 17 1879 The surities for Mrs Boughton. 1879 Gentlemen on the grand jury panel 1879
Edward Deffenbach
At the Keystone. 1887 The decision. 1885 District court. 1885 Fruitless mission. 1885 Deffebach to continue journey. 1885 Sheriffs Sale 1883 Notice of Sheriffs Sale 1883 Delinquent tax sale, property sold for non-payment 1883 Notice of Sheriffs Sale 1883 Juror in McCarthy case 1882 Happy party of young folks gathered at residence 1882 Petit juror 1882 Empanneled for U.S. jury 1881 Broke his leg on the Running Water 1880
Levi Deffenbach
Levi visiting a couple of days. 1892 Letter list. 1885 Fruitless mission. 1885 Deffebach in from roundup. 1885 Deffebach returns from Germany. 1885 Deffebach to continue journey. 1885 Colman called on Deffenbach estate. 1884 Arrivals and departures. 1884 Deffenbach denies report. 1884 Arbuckle and McElroy marry. 1884 Deffebach to leave for Germany. 1884 Juror on Crow Dog case 1882